Oxy x half wolf Reader

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Requested by: LilBeastCreations

You were running down a dark ally way your tail dragging behind you as five other boys chased you. Of course you tried fighting them but five against one isn't an even match even if your a half wolf hybrid. If it was only two then maybe three the most but five, now that's unfair.
"Get her before she gets away!" One of them yelled
"I see her, I see her!" Another called out, they were catching up which meant I'm getting a little more slower I need to lose them but how? I see a dead end up ahead no no no what do I do. I stopped to catch my breath, I tried thinking of a way out when-
"Come here puppy puppy~" they were making grabbing motions with their hands, I stayed frozen my tailed curled between my legs. I tried taking a step back but tripped back on something and I fell, the men were laughing the first guy was holding a leash. I started to growl to at least make myself a little intimidating but it did nothing, they only laughed some grin I couldn't stop it, I couldn't stop crying. My whimpering only got louder as I hid my face in my arms, as I could hear them get closer. But I could also hear running and other footsteps sounded like three-
no four, four people running towards us. I wasn't looking but I heard fighting, people were falling to the ground, others were running away, and some were laughing and giggling.
After a few minutes everything went silent aside from heavy breathing, I heard footsteps again and they were coming towards me I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a guy with pulled back orange hair, he was looking down at me just staring as if I was gonna do something he looked intimidating but I wasn't scared.
My tail started slapping the ground as it wagged happily as if seeing him made me happy, even though I've never seen him before in my life.
"Hehe she has ears and a tail like a puppy" I heard a high pitch voice I looked over to see another guy with blue hair, he didn't look big or as intimidating as the orange hair guy. But seemed like he can hold his own in a fight,
"She looks weird." I looked over to the other side to see a girl with this time pink hair.
"Give her some space Oxy" Said another guy with brunette hair. The guy moved out of the way for me to see all of them more clearly.
"My names Duez the girl is Maggie and the blue hair over there is Onnie, what's yours?" Duez asked Im guessing the leader,
"(Y-Y/N)" I stuttered.
"Are you hurt?" He asked with concern as he looked me over to make sure that there were no injuries.
"No I'm good thank you" I said as my ears lowered.
He chuckled "You're welcome, your very unique what are you?" He asked as he sat down across from me it seemed like the rest of them had the same idea as they sat down to staring at me. Though Oxy decided to sit down next to me which I couldn't be happier.
"I'm a wolf half human hybrid my mom is human but my dad is a full wolf."
"Huh interesting"
"So do you have the same aspect of a wolf?" Maggie asked it seemed like she was opening up to me.
"Well yes and no there are some things that I can do as a wolf but there are some traits that are limited because I'm human."
We talked for awhile and became good friends but I found myself attached to Oxy. I'd always cuddle with him and we would talk when there was a full moon out, I'd growl whenever someone would touch him or talk to him. I was never loved as a kid my mom was always working and my dad was always away they'd barely ever show me love, but Oxy and the others did, I'm not sure why but I'm getting more of a temper whenever he'd leave to go play with Onnie and Duez I'd get angry and snap at him.
Maybe it's because I like him.

Hope you guys liked it, I got all the requests done thank you all very much for your requests.
Love you all
Words: 754

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