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"Actions always prove why words mean nothing."
                              -Quotes & Thoughts

  The room was dead silent other then the small constant tic the clock made. I had my eyes glued to the sheets, not really sure what I should say in this situation. It's not really a big deal right? I'll say I had a nightmare about being chased.

The lies just keep coming...

Surprisingly Yurio, yes Yurio the loudest person we know, was quietly staring at me. Pretty sure he was trying to pierce his glare through my skull but quiet nonetheless.

Another minute passed and the tension was seriously beginning to bug me.

I cleared my throat and spoke up,"How long have I been asleep, we made plans to go to the rink right?"I
beamed cheerfully.

If I get lucky, they'll ignore what just happened and break this awkward silence. If I don't then...

Victor pushed himself off the wall an walked to stand besides Yurio. They shared a look of, well they shared an odd look .At this point I felt my palms getting sweaty.

"Yuri, why did you yell out 'No stop'?

"I don't know what your talking about Victor." As if lying and hiding things from Victor everyday wasn't enough, I decided it's best to assume I didn't know anything.

"Look pig, we were here! You were screaming and even kicking to the point where I had to hold you down! So shut up and tell the truth!" I dug my nails in my palm nervously. What were they saying?

"Oh that...I had a bad dream. You guys are really over reacting."I shook my head ,gazing down. Pull it together Yuri common, deep breath everything is fine.

I smiled shrugging my shoulders and pulled the sheets back to make my way out of bed. Take it slow, ta...wait a minute...

I reached out to touch my thighs gingerly. This was not here before. Yurio stiffened besides me. Something else happened while I was asleep, that's why they're so quite.

"You said you didn't know what I was talking about Yuri. You want to tell me what's going on?"He clenched his jaw. Would he suspect something if I don't meet his eyes?

"Like I said it was a bad dream that's all, I don't even remember sayin-"

"Stop lying go to me Yuri! You think I haven't noticed your lack of sleep these past weeks? How you haven't put much effort into your program? How you barely even let me touch you now..."

Yurio eyes enlarged considerably. I can tell he wanted to say something but didn't want to overstep his boundaries.

Instead he stood up and left the room. It irked me when he slammed the door on his way out. Much to my disappointed, he didn't bother uttering another word.

I was shaking tremendously and my head was pounding. There were various scratch marks on either sides of my thighs.

I dare say they were freshly made by me. Was it because of the dream? Tears gathered in my eyes, I don't know what's going on with me .I'm still unsure of everything .

"Talk to me Yuri...please just tell me what's wrong. I promise I'll fix it...I don't want to come home to see my love, my world, my everything hurting himself in his sleep.''

I can't...he wouldn't understand. I'm not sure he'll even look at me the same.

Those marks on my inner thighs were not stretch marks.

What a joke, I doubt he'll care enough to do something. You're already far to broken to be fixed.

I shook my head, no your wrong....he's been noticing things.

This was more serious that I thought. I've never hurt myself during sleep, how can I act violently without acknowledging my actions?

No words escaped my lips.

"Say something, anything!" It frightened me when Victor yelled. I've never seen him like this. I stood up,and wobbly made way towards the bathroom.

I felt weak, very weak, this conversation was draining the life out of me. Victor followed suit, I knew he was angry, confused, and frustrated but that didn't stop him from being concerned.

I pulled out the first aid kit from the top cabinet, cringing at the use of my thighs. Victor took the box and helped me sit on the toilet in process.  He knelt in front of me and gently spread a cream on each wound.

I closed my thighs in fear of him seeing anything unnecessary.

Why was it so hard to tell him I'm afraid he won't be able to balance me and his own work to the point that he'll grow tired and leave me?

You already know his skating and fame are much more important.

"Stop.."I mumbled.

Victor looked up bewildered, he was in the middle of placing a band aid on a scratch. My hands covered his own tenderly," I'll do it from here, tell Yurio I'm sorry for what happened. I'll change then we can head down to the rink together okay?"

"No Yuri you are in no condition to be skating." Like I didn't know that.

"Please. Just listen to me, I'm fine now." For a second I was positive he would stand up and calmly walk out to the restroom. I did not expect him to abruptly grab both of my hands in a grip and kiss them delicately.

"You were, saying my name..." I gawked at him. I was missing a big picture here and no one was filling in the gap. "Was the dream about me Yuri? Did I cause this?" He whispered.

"No! Victor this is not because of you."

He signed,"I just don't want you getting hurt." This was exactly why I couldn't tell him anything, I don't want to be the wall in between his skating and him again.

"I promise you it was just a little nightmare ,nothing more nothing less. We should probably be at the ice rink already. Sorry for the inconvenience."
I squeezed his hand and made my way out to the closest.


I halted at the door frame, without glancing back."We shouldn't keep Yuri waiting."

I missed the frown on Victors face when I was out of sight. Closing the door to our walk in closet I leaned backwards and slid down the door. I pulled my knees against my chest finally letting out implicit sobs.





A/N: Next chapter will be Victor's POV so you guys can finally get a glimpse of what he's thinking. (;Also more of Yurio from now on!

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