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"Time heals nothing unless you move along with it."


I squeaked tipping the glass of orange juice off the table in a panic. I stood up quickly causing the chair behind me to fall with a loud thud. My glasses that were once resting on my face peacefully, now laid cracked on the floor.

I groaned, is this really anyway to start a day? Victor couldn't suppress his laughter, he rubbed his eyes to stop the tears from falling. Or rather he held onto the table to prevent himself from falling.

I glared. He didn't even mind the glass  the floor.

Of course I have to clean it up because you know, I just love being suddenly being woken up by a shrieking person. Literally a chair away.

Rubbing my eyes I stepped away from from my little accident.

"Y-yuri how are your glasses?"Victor coughed out. His pale cheeks were dusted covered with a light blush. If I weren't so shaken up so early in the morning ,I might of just commented on it.

"I don't know Victor ask the man who nearly made me destroy half the kitchen." I tilted my head to the side smiling. He fell into another fit of giggles. A normal person could tell apart an angered smile and a cheerful one.

This man was not normal I thought.

"Okay okay, I'm calm. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't stir. Your food was going to get cold and you were asleep. Tell me, how would you have woken me up Yu-ri~?" I snorted, a pack of ice cubes would do the trick.

I grabbed some gloves and a bag from the closet ,then the mop and bleach. Not that I was so sure myself, my glasses were on the floor.

I sent Victor a teasing smirk before frowning at his expression."What?"

He bit his lip ,"I didn't think it was that bad but...Yuri that's a shovel."

My eyes narrowed.

"Why on earth do yo-Hey what do you mean that bad!?Maccachin there's glass on the floor don't lick tha- Victor stop encouraging him." I can feel a head ache coming on. Sleep has been my enemy this entire week.

Not a blink of sleep after the first four hours. The same strange dream every night. The odds really are against me this time if I can't remember what it was about. I just know it was the same one.

I signed and shut my eyes. Tired couldn't even describe me, but I have to keep pushing if I'm going to be competing pretty soon. There's my unfinished program, my bad sleeping habit,constantly lying to Victor, and my secrets.

I'm a pretty busy person. Oh! Let's not forget our forgotten calls from Yurio.

Victor stood up and made his way towards me. He leaned down and kiss my neck whispering ,"Get some sleep I'll clean up here. When you wake up we'll head down to the rink again okay?"

I nodded, if only you knew.

He took the supplies from me and led me to our room. I was mumbling to him, something about my glasses? My body gave in once I landed on the bed.

A few hours wouldn't do any harm right?

"Ya lyublyu tebya, spi sladko."
(I love you, sleep tight)


"My hand slipped away from his tangled hair down to his neck. Ever so softly savoring the smooth skin. I looked deep into beauty taking everything in for the last time. I stroked his cheek lightly feeling silent tears slide down my cheek. No one told me leaving would be this unbearable. Forcing a smile on my face, carefully I slipped away from his warm gasp. 

It's so tempting to just fall back into his arms. But I knew the truth, all along I should of just listened to my head.

"You were the best thing that's ever happened to me Victor....dasvidaniya"

I pulled on my coat and slipped off my ring placing it on the night stand. Wrapping a scarf around my neck ,I packed a small luggage as quickly as I could. This is what moving on was yet I was still deciding against not staying. But where's the point in that?

On my way out, I stopped and stared at a blue frame mocking me. Two smiles, two lovers, and one heart. I reached out to grab it but pulled my hand back slowly.

"Take it."

I jumped and eyes widened. He was awake. A lump made its self comfortable on my throat. I could feel my heart begin to beat rapidly.

Turning around, suit case in hand, I prepared myself for the worst.

"I was just leaving..." I swallowed hard, not daring to look him in the eye.

"You were just leaving... "He tilted his head upwards in a thinking manner,"Okay, when was I going to hear about this hm? In a few hours when I wake up in a panic looking for you?"

"No, look I left the ring on the night st-"

"So I saw."

The tension between us was growing quick. My knuckles grew white from gripping the handle so hard. I was scared, any second now I might fall weak against his arms. I can't allow that. Without a response, I turned around.

"Yuri I'm talking to you!" Please just let me leave. Victor's hand gripped my shoulder but as soon as it did I shrugged it off .

"I'm not done Yuri! Stop walking away from me! Stop running away from your problems your not gaining anything from it! This is why you've never had anyo-" Victor stopped.

My back was turned to him. His words tore the hole in my heart even wider.

"I'm sorry Victor, but I just can't take this any more." I turned the knob and walkout. I'll miss Maccachin's company.
I waited patiently for the elevator to reach my story when a pair of hands pushed me against the doors painfully. I cried out confused. I dropped my luggage struggling against them.

What's going on?!

"You will not leave me." I gasped, Victor...


"NO STOP!" I cried out.

"HEY PORK CUTLET BOWL Wake up already...." I sat up quickly. What the hell, I put a hand against my heart. It was dangerously fast.

My breathing became irregular,I leaned back against the headboard trying to calm myself down. I know now. I know now what's been keeping me awake this entire time.

This dream, I remember what it was. Every morning waking up to heart aches and a tear stained face. It makes perfect sense.

"Are you okay?" I flinched, Yurio was here. When did he get here? Then it drowned on me. He witnessed everything. I stared at him, still in short breath. He looked angry, but concerned. "Yuri..."I glanced up to the corner of the room.

Victor as well.




A/N:This was my longest chapter yet wow. For those who are confused at the beginning of chapter 1 Yuri was having the same dream, this dream is a continuation of that .💞 Hope guys liked!

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