Lose it

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  In love, we often doubt what we believe most.

              -Francois de La Rochefoucauld

  This here Yuri is St. Basil's Cathedral,
it's the highlight of Moscow's red center and much prettier in person if I may say. The Cathedral is famous for its architectural monuments and it's quite know for its dome shaped bulb. It's als-Ah Yuri you can't be tired already! We still need to see Gorky park!"

  Victor poked my side playfully, his so called "Site seeing" has been a total disaster.

So far I've been lost twice, was almost separate from Victor on our romantic train ride, once ,and I've mistook him for several different strangers. I chuckled thinking of the elderly man I hugged from behind earlier.

"Yuri...Your dozing off again! I need your complete attention Katsuki!"I shivered. Was he seriously pouting? I smiled and started laughing wholeheartedly.

"Don't do that Vitya~" I giggled out.

He rose a light eyebrow gazing into my chocolate colored eyes. The world seem to stop for a moment when he gave me the most breath taking smile.

"And why not my love?"He questioned.

"Because it has the same affect on me as when I do this to you." I licked my lips teasingly slow and tiled my head upwards, exposing my neck slightly before letting it rest on my shoulder.

I was smart enough to comb my hair back today seeing as Victor continuously insisted. I figured I didn't look half bad with my glasses on and hair styled differently.

I could hear is breath hitch and eyes darken slightly. He groaned, pouting slightly annoyed .Victor was going to lose it and I had him right where I wanted him.

"Should we continue sight seeing Victor?" Smiling, I knew I won this round.

  Victor shook his head and reached out to pull me into a hug. His warmth made me nearly snuggle into his chest,not willing to let go .The people didn't seem to mind much ,they seemed to be preoccupied taking pictures of the view. All except for a few girls grinning madly towards us.

"You play dirty Yuri, next time the little piggy won't get so lucky. Your cocky because we are out in public aren't you." He stated matter-of-fact. My cheeks flushed rapidly .

"I guess it can't be helped !Your getting bolder." He pulled away but kept his large hand intertwined with my small one. As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly making my cheeks a darker red.

It was five in the afternoon ,I'm sure we've covered half of Russia in eight hours. I signed ,this was fun. It's always fun with Victor, every second of my life didn't go unnoticed since I've meet him. Yet I still have this nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach. It was a familiar feeling to me and it wasn't one I was proud of.

"Hey are you feeling okay? We can go back anytime you like if your not feeling well." He's always concerned about you...your pestering him..

"H-huh? Oh yeah no I'm fine !I'm just a little hungry." I gave him my best convincing smile. He swung our hands playful pulling me towards a near by center with different restaurants.

What the hell was that?

"You sure your okay Yuri ? You look a little pale..." Victor asked again.

Shaking my head I licked my lips, once again confirming I was fine." If you say so love." He bought it.

It was a 10 minute walk to the food center with Victor pointing out various other attractions. I felt bad about nodding him out the whole way there. I only had one thing on my mind and it was driving me insane.

I haven't had voices in my head since before Victor became my coach, back when I had my depression. It never left...

When was that two years ago?! Why now?! Of all times when I'm truly happy! Why now? It was probably just this once, right?

I was so sidetracked with my  thoughts I didn't noticed I was walking of the edge of the curb alone .The main street sitting right besides the sidewalk we were walking in.

Hold on a second...weren't we going to go eat?


"Эй следить!"

"Переместить выйти из пути!"

"Сэр, что вы делаете?!"

"Уважаемый господин, что он

собирается получить удар..!"

I gasped when I felt and arm forcefully pull me back towards the side walk. I fell against their chest ,panting harshly. Two warm hands cupped my cheeks shaking me slightly. My vision was blurry and my eyes were scanning everything uncontrollably. Focusing on the figure in front of me I squint my eyes a little harder.

"Yuri! Answer me!" He yelled. Oh it was Victor.

"I'm sorry ,d-did you called me?" Still slightly dazed, I looked up to see bystanders staring at the scene, muttering to one another.

Victor gave me an unamused laugh. He looked dead straight into my chocolate orbs.

"When did you let go?I turned around and you were gone! I went crazy looking for you and then I see a bunch of people screaming running towards you almost getting hit by a car! Yuri don't ever do that to me again, do you have any idea how dangerous it is for foreigner's to be alone?!"

I felt a pang in my heart seeing his eyes gather small tears. I was confused. Hit by a car? Was that what the sound was ,it didn't sound like cars honking.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention ..."I whispered. The people around us long gone. It was just the guilt and embarrassment lingering now. So much for sight seeing.

Victor signed and raised me up.
"Come on let's go home, I'll order take out okay?." I nodded without meeting his eyes. This time ,his hand securely wrapped around my waist as we made our way back home.


AN: Early update! This story gets better and better doesn't it? Thank you so much for your votes and comments I love you all very much <3

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