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The next day, I had to drag myself out of bed to get up at 5:30. I didn't get dressed yet, because I still had to do Dad's morning workout, but I took my jersey downstairs to change into.

Why did he ask that last night? Why? Did he realize I had a crush on him? I didn't tell anyone, so I don't know how he would find out. Unless.... Oh god, I bet it was obvious. I was probably being really obvious. Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god.

I had to pretend like nothing was bothering me when I got downstairs.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" I heard Dad call through the house as I shoveled some cereal into my mouth. Did I really give it away?

Just then, I remembered I hadn't done my streaks, so I got into Snapchat and took a picture of my Wheaties. After I had sent it around, I realized I had a Snapchat from Jack- that I recieved 6 hours ago. I tapped on it, feeling a lot more nervous than I looked.

"You there?"

I tapped again.


"Please don't ignore me :(".

"Ok I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable but it wasn't meant as an insult. I just meant that I was wondering because you've never had a girlfriend and haven't ever seemed interested in them in that way".

I tapped one more time. It was his streaks.

I sighed and double-tapped to snap back, but at that moment, my phone was yanked out of my hand.

"Eat now, phone later," Dad said, putting my phone in his pocket and filling up a water bottle. "Downstairs in five."

I quickly finished up my breakfast, then threw my bowl in the sink, heading downstairs.

Every morning, Dad times me to see how many of different exercises I can do in a minute. This morning, it was lifting two twenty pound weights- one in each hand, jumping jacks, sit-ups, squats, and punching a punching bag. It wasn't that bad this morning- he usually makes me do much more.

At 6:10, I went upstairs, took a quick shower, and changed into my jersey. By 6:30, I was downstairs again and on my phone. What do I tell him? After a little while of thinking, I decided that I had to leave him on read. I'm not going to out myself.

A little while later, I left for school. I wanted to review our project before we turned it in, so I got to the Spanish room at 7:05. School starts at 7:15, so I had a bit of time.

When I got into the Spanish room, I went to the rainbow folders that held our projects and work. Opening up the red one, I grabbed our project and made sure we had all the requirements.

A few minutes later, I felt someone gently tap my shoulder. I turned around and blushed when I saw Jack. Why did I have to run into him? Why?

"Hey," he said to me softly. "What's up?"

I shrugged and turned back to the project, but that was the last thing I was thinking of.

"Dude, can we talk?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, turning back around. My heart was pounding so hard and fast that I'm surprised he didn't hear.

"Did you get my snaps?"

I nodded.

"I really wasn't trying to make you upset."

"I know."

"So...are you?"

And in that moment, I had point two seconds to make a decision. I could come out, and risk my friendships and sports carrier AND get rejeceted by my crush, or I could stay in the closet where it's warm and safe.


"Oh." Jack looked...disappointed? Upset? Surprised? I couldn't tell. His face brightened up in a second, however. "Hey, tonight after we win, Amanda's parents aren't gonna be home. She invited the cheer squad and football team to a party at her place. I was supposed to pass on the message to you, so...?"

I almost said yes. I really did. I could prove that I was straight and as crazy as the rest of the school. But something stopped me- I don't know what, but something stopped me. Jack was the party animal- not me.

"I'm gonna have to pass on this one," I said.

"Oh." Jack was visibly upset this time. "You sure?"

"Yeah." I put our project back into the folder and started heading for the door.

"Hey, Ol?"

I turned back. "What?"

"Are...are you mad at me?"

I laughed a little and shook my head. "I could never be mad at you, buddy."

He smiled a little, but still looked unassured. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in close for a hug.

"You're fine, Jack. I promise."

He squeezed me tightly, and our hug lasted kinda long. Not like I'm complaining, though.

When we finally pulled apart, the bell signaling first period rang. I smiled at him, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I saw his cute little dimples appear. I turned to leave.

"Ollie? Think about that party, okay?"

I turned back, raised my eyebrows, but walked away without saying anything.

Later, as I headed down the hall, I remembered I had forgotten my Chemisty textbook in my locker. Luckily, my locker was just outside of the Chemisty lab, so I stopped for it.

Once I had put in my combination, I quickly grabbed the book out of my locker and went into the lab just as the bell was ringing. Since we had a test that day, we were allowed to study for five minutes before the test. I hadn't looked over the material once, so I figured it was a good idea to bring it.

Our 83 year old teacher, Mr. Gettel, went up to the front of the class. He told us to study for a few minutes, then he would pass out tests. I took advantage of the moment and opened up my book immeadiately.

A note fell out of the pages.

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