(Kick 25)

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Kick Twenty Five: Visits to the graveyard
Previously on FPG:

The world seemed bright again. Lucy seemed to think so at least, Mira right along with her. Time is a things that comes and goes, that goes slower but races faster. But, both of them knew, with each other, their world would always be bright.


Alright, before we get started, I have a new book out, called: My maid and our contract. You should go check it out, I'm proud of how the first chapter came out.

And, I also finished watching Black Butler, and I highly recommend it.
Black Butler 1&2
Book of Circus
Book of Murder

WARNING: long chapter ahead

In the Heartfilia manor, you could boxes stacked upon boxes, and people running around to fit things into moving trucks. You could also see a man in a brown tux, and a lady in a pink dress. The woman smiled slightly, her daughter was graduating. Layla sighed happily, watching as boxes upon boxes were lifted and loaded. Jude knudged Layla lightly, pointing a finger to a limo coming up the drive. Layla nodded, "I asked them to come here."

"Why?" Jude asked.

"To take graduation photographs, and because Natsu has some important news for Lucy." Layla frowned.

"What happened?" Jude asked, growing a little concerned.

"I'm not in a place to share the news." Layla shook her head, turning back to the servants at work.

"Good morning Layla." Grandeeney said, stepping from their white limo.

"Morning Grandeeney." Layla walked up to the limo, hugging Grandeeney gently.

Natsu stepped out of the car, Wendy and Zeref following suit of their middle-aged brother. Natsu turned to his two siblings, "Stay here."

The two siblings stood there, watching sadly as the middle-aged Dragneel entered the Heartfilia manor.

Natsu sighed, walking up the steps toward Lucy's room. He hated this feeling. It wasn't something he ever planned on and it was certainly something he didn't want happening either. Once he reached the top of the steps, he noticed pictures among pictures lining the walls. All of them were of Lucy, some had him in it as well.

He reached her room, standing still for a moment. His eyes grew glossy with water as his hand approached her door. He cleared his throat gently, knocking on the door as he called out her name, "Luce."

Lucy grew curious as to the knock on her door, she opened the door, "Natsu."

Lucy smiled, opening the door wider for Natsu to come in. Once he entered, Lucy shut her bedroom door, walking to her vanity to continue curling her hair. Once she looked in the mirror, she saw Natsu's grim expression, making her turn around to him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"C'mere Luce. You'll need to be sitting for this one."

Lucy nodded slowly, her legs moving toward her bed as she sat down.

Natsu put his hands on his face. His hands slowly came off as his tears came down. "Lucy, I got a letter." He started.

"I'm being draffted to the military." He hoarsed out as more tears fell.

Lucy sat in horror. "N-natsu...t-this can't be..."

Natsu turned toward her, pulling her into a firm tight hug. "Lucy, I can't get out of it."

His shirt was soaked in salt water, all of wich belonged to Lucy's eyes. "I-I don't want you to go. I don't want you to get hurt." Lucy sobbed.

"I know Lucy, I know. I promise I won't get hurt." He responded, "I just want you to know Lucy, I love you so much."

Lucy gripped his shirt, crying more than she had ever cried in her whole life. He was going somewhere without her, how was she suppossed to live, or be comfortable without him?

"H-how long will you be g-gone?"

"Five years," Natsu answered, his voice husky and hoarse.

"When d you l-l-?"

"Next week." Natsu gripped her tigher, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

Lucy looked up to him, tears spilling down her cheeks. Natsu brought his hand to her cheek, wiping them off, "My god Lucy, even when you cry you're as beautiful as the universe it self."

Lucy put her hand on his cheek, wiping his tears for the last time, "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too. I promise to write, but more importantly, I promise to come back."

Both stood up, walking hand in hand. Both of them dressed in navy blue graduation gowns and maroon caps. They walked down the stairs, and reached the door. "Promise me something."

Natsu stopped, giving his full attention to his blonde. "Promise me this won't be the last time you touch that door handle."

"I promise."

With that, both walked out, taking graduation photographs for their parents. Now was the time Natsu announced it. Only his siblings and Lucy knew about his letter. Meaning, this is the first time Natsu's parents will be hearing of this.

"I've been drafted to the military. I will be there for five years, and I leave next week."

Wendy, Zeref, and Lucy stood there, heads bowed down as they heard the news for the second time. Lucy's eyes welt up again, some water spilling over onto her cheek.

"Natsu!" Grandeeney cried.

"We can't be late. The ceremony is about to start." Natsu horsed out, walking to the limo hand in hand with his girlfriend.

Once the limo made it, Natsu and Lucy walked to their spots, sitting in chairs waiting for their diplomas.

"Natsu Dragneel" Everyone applauded. Natsu walked up to the podium, smiling slightly.

"I want to thank everyone here for an amazing four years. Although this year and freshman year were the most dramatic, we all had fun. We supported each other, leaned on each other, and congratulated each other on our achievements. Although all of us aren't as good of friends as some others, we shed the same tears together, we congratulated each other together, and we are in the same class together. I don't know how I would have done it without you all. Our journey has not ended, it's only beginning. I want to thank Lucy Heartfilia the most. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be standing here with you all right now. But, I also want to say goodbye and good luck. I'm being drafted next week, and if I don't make it out alive, I want you all to be there for Lucy."

Natsu stepped down from the podium, wiping a tear from his eye. He sat back down, waiting for Laxus to go up next.

"Laxus Dreyar"

"Thank you all for an amazing year here at Fairy Tail. Good luck."

Mira sweat dropped, "That was blunt, then again what to I expect."

"Agreed." Erza sighed.

 "Jellal Fernandez"

"Erza's the greatest and I love her~" Erza blushed, glaring at Jellal who just smiled right back.

"Gray Fullbuster"

Gray stepped up onto the podium, grinning like an idiot should be. What? He is one, it's a fact.

"Alright, I may not be the greatest guy,  the brightest guy, or the nicest guy, but I want to thank you all. But, we're not getting into the mushy I love you's. Okay? I'm here because of my best friend, Juvia Lockser--"


"Shut up flame brain"

Lucy sighed, shaking her head, 'Even during graduation they fight'.

"Anyways, as I was saying. Juvia, you are the most beautiful, intelligent, gorgeous thing in the world. I love you with my very being. Even though I'm not worthy of such amazingness, I want to ask you a question." Gray walked off the podium, bringing the microphone with him.

Everyone's eyes watched as the raven headed man got down on one knee in front of Juvia. "Juvia Lockser, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Fullbuster?"

Juvia's jaw dropped, eyeing the ring held out to her. Once she came back to reality, she shrieked and jumped into his arms, singing 'yes' over and over. "I love you."

"I love you too!"

Lucy smiled at the two lovingly, too think Gray had it in him. "Wow, he actually grew a pair and asked her."

"Lucy Heartfilia"

Lucy perked up, clearing her throat.

Lucy walked up to the podium. "Thank you. You amazing bunch have helped me grow so much. Sure, we had our ups, downs, and all that weird stuff, but I love you all. Now, being valedictorian isn't all that special, but it has always been to me. After all, that was the first genuine conversation between Natsu and I that started our relationship. All of my friends have made me who I am. I love them so much. I also want to thank you all for the support given to me when Mira and I returned after our kidnapping. Thank you all for being here. I wish you all good fortune. Oh, and before I get off this stand, I want you all to know, Natsu will not be dying under any circumstances, because if he did, my world would end, because he is my world."

Applauds and Hollering went on after Lucy stepped down, receiving her diploma in her hands. She smiled at the rolled up piece of paper. 'This contains my future'.

"Juvia Fullbuster'

"GRAY-SAMA!" Juvia yelled, taking her diploma and sitting back down.

"Oh my lord." Gray sighed chuckling quietly.

"Levy McGarden"

Levy looked to the man, asking for the microphone sheepishly, what, it's hard being short.

"Thank you all for being here with me. I hope you all have a fun journey laying in front of you. Make sure to check out Lucy's books."

Lucy bushed lightly. 'I love her so much.'

"Gajeel Redfox"

"I LOVE MAH SHORTIE!" Gajeel yelled, not moving from his seat, "THROW ME MY DIPLOMA!"

Everyone roared in laughter as his diploma glided into his hand, him sitting back down. "Gihi."

"Erza Scarlet"


 Erza sat down, pleased with her performance, while everyone else slowly clapped, worried for their lives.

"And finally, MiraJane Strauss"

Mira smiled, crying, "Hello minna, I just want to thank Lucy, Levy, Erza, and Juvia for being there for me when I needed it. I wish Natsu the best of luck on his voyage to the military. But, I want to thank Laxus and Lucy the most. Both have made a large impact on my life. Lucy has been there for me through everything, and I know, it's typical 'best friend' 101. But I'm serious, if this girl hadn't been there, I would've lost my shit. She has put up with me since we met, and I want to thank her deeply for that."

And so, graduation ended, everyone leaving to go home except for them. The group of friends standing in a circle crying joyous tears. "I love you all." Levy smiled.

"Who's going to Harvard?" Lucy asked out of the blue.

"I am!" Mira and Juvia shouted in unison.

"We're going to Yale." Levy grinned.

"We're gonna beat your asses!" Mira and Lucy grinned.

"Where are you boys going?" Natsu asked, "You know where I'm going."

"I've been drafted too." Gray announced, "That's why I proposed now."

"Same here." Gajeel smiled.

"WHAT!?" Juvia and Lucy yelled.


"I guess it's time to go eat, but first..."

All of them piled into Mira's car, the car being silent as they drove to their destination. They finally reached it. Everyone piled out of the car, Lucy and Mira holding flowers.

"Here lies: Lisanna Strauss"

"Here lies: Dan Straight"

"I'm sorry it had to end this way," The group heldhands, circling around the two graves sitting next to each other.

They sang, all together. They sang happy songs and sad songs. But all was okay, because this helped them move on.

However, little did the three males know, one would be coming home in a casket.

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