(Kick 26)

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Kick Twenty Six: I'll see you in five years
Previously on FPG:

They sang, all together. They sang happy songs and sad songs. But all was okay, because this helped them move on.

However, little did the three males know, one would be coming home in a casket.

Alright, I know lots of you are ding doddly upset with me rn. But, it'll be okay soon. You'll see what I mean once we put on of the three in the casket. Trust me, it'll surprise all of y'all. :) So, with that being said, I love you all <3

It was time. A week had flown by do fast, the girls couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray's hair was completely shaved off, leaving no trace of hair whatsoever. Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel's family as well as the girls families gathered around, exchanging prayers, hugs, and the best of wishes.

Lucy's eyes watered slightly, Juvia and Levy's as well. They couldn't bare to let them go. Levy clutched Gajeel's shirt in her small fists, tears streaming down her face. If she had known earlier, maybe things between the two would be different? Let me explain, all the boys (except for Gray of course) broke up with the girls, seeing as if they died, the girls would mourn.

"How could you just get up and do something like this Gajeel?! It's not fair!" Levy yelled, pounding her fists against his chest. Gajeel stared solemnly at her. He did this because he knew of the chances of him coming back.

Lucy stood there, water flowing from her eyes. She didn't hug Natsu. She didn't even bare to look at him. What the hell was he thinking. He just broke up with her in the middle of all the people at the train station. Lucy was humiliated, hurt, angry, but most of all...sad.

Lucy folded her arms, her eyes closed. She had to hold her self now. Or would she?

"Magnolia Military! Board the train!" A man yelled on a megaphone.

Natsu turned his back to Lucy, carrying his camouflaged bag, his boots hitting the floor heavily. Lucy shook her head, opening her eyes to a sight she never wanted to see. Natsu was getting on that train. She ran, faster than she'd ever ran before.

"Ooof" Was made from Natsu's mouth. He turned to look at Lucy, picking her up so she rested on his waist.

"Why would you do this to me?" She muffled out, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

"Because, I can't keep you tied down for five years baby." Natsu hugged her tight, "I love you too much. Go find someone who will devote all their time to you, love you more than I do, even though I don't think it's possible, and have a beautiful family with them."

Lucy shook her head, "I can't do that. Because you are the only one I love."

Natsu chuckled lightly, some sadness evident in his laughter, "Lucy, you deserve so much better. And to think I was lucky enough to be able to hold you in my arms, kiss you, love you. I have to be the luckiest man on earth, but it's time for me to go. It's time for you to move on."

Well, to say that hurt was an understatement, Lucy threw her tiny little fist into his back, "I can't Natsu!" She wheezed.

"Goodbye Lucy. I love you, and I can't wait to see your family when I get back."

Lucy cried more, to think he could say something like that and walk on a train. He had to have been the strongest man on earth. "I WILL WAIT FOR YOU!"  Lucy screamed, crying as she fell to her knees.

Juvia and Levy walked over to Lucy, making a small group hug. They cried, tears pouring from their eyes as they thought about how long it would take them for five years to pass.

"Lucy dear, come here." A voice called, making Lucy look up. Grandeeney.

Lucy hugged her friends tightly, then let go to hug Grandeeney. "Why would he do this to me? Why Grandeeney?"

"Because dear, he loves you very much, and wants to see you happy." Grandeeney whispered, hugging her.

"Magnolia Military is leaving now!" A man hollered, making lucy turn on her heel, tears still flowing down her cheeks as she watched the train speed off.




All three girls cried, screaming. Saying goodbye hurts the most.

Tight warm arms enveloped Juvia, making her look up to see her mother. "Come here Juvi."

Juvia cried, grabbing onto her mother's body tightly, "I miss him so much."

"I know dear, I know."

Lucy and Levy looked to each other sadly, knowing each of them experienced the same damn thing a few minutes ago. They walked up to each other, smiling lightly.



They hugged each other, "We'll get through this. Together."

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