Chapter 1: White-out

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"... Well, if anything, i'm glad nothing changed ever since I left, he's still that hot-headed knucklehead."

Lucy: Natsu !! Won't you wait !! It's not something you can do by yourself !!


Happy: Yes !!


Carla: he's gonna fight friends, so what is that excitement ?

"Guess you don't know Natsu all that well, huh ? For him, decking friends in the face is way more fun than fighting enemies... Sadly, I think we're against both in this case..."

Erza: Let's go too !! Our other comrades are heading to the four other cities !! We can't let them be used for the plans of the White Mage !!

"... I'm a little out of the loop here, what the hell was Jellal doing at the Guild ?"

Erza: I have no idea either... But this is not a concern at the moment. Seriously, such a troublemaker...

Touka: Is that alright, Fairy Tail members ? You have two objectives. First, in order to defeat Aldron, you have to destroy the remaining four orbs. And second, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Ochita, Wendy... And the two cats. Execute those who go against the White Doctrine.

Void: The white Doctrine, heh ? I must say, little girl, you really seem like you're biting more than you can chew. Kids should not play with such things.

Touka: W- Who goes there ?!

Void: Oh, just your friendly neighbourhood teacher... And Prison guard... And devourer of most things that cross my path.

Touka: ... ... I don't know who you are, and you don't seem to be part of Fairy Tail. However, if you start going against the White Doctrine, I will have no choice but to erase you.

Void: Oh, i'm just shaking on my boots right now.

Gray: Hey Juvia, the idea is to defeat our friends one at a time, right ? Then why are you following me ?

Juvia: Because.. It has been so long since Juvia has been alone with Gray-sama~...

Gray: I'm sorry, but this is no time to joke around.

Juvia: Juvia knows ! Juvia... Can't use magic... Right now.

Gray: What ?!

Juvia: Even when my hypnosis wears off, my magic power is likely still controlled by the White Mage. Everybody's magic power probably won't be returned unless it's split of the enchantment from the White Mage.

Gray: So that means there's no hope we can increase our strength each time we free somebody.

Juvia: Gray-sama~... Juvia cannot use her magic, can you please protect her... ?

Gray: ... Don't leave my side.

Juvia: One more time ! Please say that again one more time, Gray-sama~ !!

Bickslow: Hehehe, as usual, flirting around. I'm getting jealous, baby. It's been a while, Gray, don't you remember ? Battle of Fairy Tail, where I beat you to a pulp.

Gray: In an unfair fight. Will you play fair and square this time ?

Bickslow; Well... I don't know.

Gray: FREED !!

Evergreen: Yes ! Fairy Bomb Gremlin !!

Gray: Juvia, hide somewhere !

Freed: ... You who go against the White Doctrine. We, the Thunder Legion, will judge you.

Gray: What are you saying ? You're supposed to be Laxus' cult, aren't you ?

Mirajane: Lucy, found you~. You're alone ?

Elfman: Manly !!

Lucy: Of all people, Mira ?!

Mirajane: Fufu~.

Lucy: O- Open, spirit gate !! Gate of the Lion ! Loki !!

Loki: It seems like you got into a lot of trouble: But, I'll be frank, I'm not sure if we can win against Mira...

Lucy: Y- yeah... Virgo, I summon you too !!

Virgo: Long time no see, princess. But even with the three of us, I'm not sure if we can win against Mirajane-sama.

Lucy: Yeah...

Loki: It's a bad situation.

Lucy: But, we do not have another choice ! Let's go !!

Natsu: Hahaha !! You still lack training, Macao, Wakaba !!

Romeo: Natsu-nii...


Natsu: Romeo, you too !

Gajeel: Heh. I'll kill you, Salamander.

Natsu: It's been a while since we've had a serious fight.

"So in short, five cities, five churches, and five orbs we need to protect ?"

Erza: That's the gist of it, yes.

"But isn't the quest about defeating the Dragon Gods anyway ? We'd need these orbs at some point."

Erza: Right now, it's more about removing everyone in the Guild from the White Mage's control. If she manages to defeat Aldron, she will gain its power.

"yes, very bad..."

Jet: Erza ! Ochita !!

Droy: Be prepared- !!


"Did we just run over something ?"

Erza: For real, you're controlled and that weak ?! You're lacking training.

"... But I have a feeling someone there would be much more of a problem."

Jellal: Erza, Ochita. Don't get in my way.

"I take it that's the orb... How polite of you to wait for us without destroying it. But why our guild..."

Jellal: I followed the White Mage, and ended up here. And then I learned how great the White doctrine is.

Erza: Good grief. I guess that can't be helped. Come at us. We'll make you break out of it, even if we have to pound it into your skull.

Jellal: No. You come at me !!

Erza: Wh- Wh- Wh- Why are you undressing ?!

Jellal: because i'm in front of you.

"... ... ... Jellal, I'm gonna be very polite here and ask what in the name of all that's holy you're trying to pull on my wife, right in front of me ?!"

Jellal: ... W- W- W- Wife ?!

"You were invited to the wedding, for God's sake !! Did the brainwash make you go back to back to your amnesic self ?!"

Jellal: Terribly sorry, really.

Erza: H- he's definitely gone mad ! We have to defeat him as fast as possible !

"... I have a feeling that brainwash somehow makes them more honest with their feelings, and way more self-confident... That would explain Droy and Jet earlier..."

Gajeel: Am I... Gonna lose... Against him, again...

Natsu: And there's still Laxus, Jellal and Mire after. But I'm almost out of magic. Damn, fall down already, Gajeel !

Gajeel: I don't wanna lose... I don't wanna lose... Against you... H- Huh ?

Levy: If you plan on hurting Gajeel any more, then... I will be your opponent, Natsu !

Natsu: Levy ?!

Gajeel: You !! I told you not to come here !! There's no way you could win against Salamander !!

Levy: It's not about winning or losing, it's about fighting for you !!

Natsu: Anyway, everyone is going to get blown away eventually !! Here I go, Levy !!

Gajeel: Stop it !!

Levy: Solid script: Bullet !!

Natsu: That won't work ! Your body is wide open, Levy !!

Gajeel: STOP IT !!

Lucy: So the rumor about a baby... It was true ?

Wendy: Congratulations !

Levy: Hahaha, thank you, it's kinda embarrassing.

Happy: Levy, is it true that you'll lay an egg ?!

Natsu: Whose kid ?! Mine ?

Levy: It's not an egg, and there's no way it could be yours !!

Levy: ... Still, I can't believe it. I'm going to become a mother. And there's a lot of things I'm worries about, but... I feel like I could do anything for this child. I will protect them no matter what happens. I may have a small body, but my love is big !

Erza: B... B- Baby...

Natsu: ... ... ...

Levy: Now ! Solid Script: Carriage !!

Natsu: WHAAA !! Urp...

Happy: Waaait, Natsuuuu !!

Levy: Are you alright, Gajeel ?

Gajeel: You did something reckless... I... Lost to him again...

Levy: And that is fine. Because to me Gajeel is the best.

Gajeel: I see...

Carla: the light seemed to come from this church.

Wendy: Wait, Carla, that smell...

Wendy: W- Warren-san !! Max-san ! Nab-san ! Everyone !! What's that sticky thing...

Carla: Wendy, don't touch that.

???: You came... Again... A new... prey...

???: New prey... New prey...

Carla: What is that thing... ?

Wendy: Did you do this to all our guildmates ?!

???: Hm ? This one... Smells like Dragon... Smells !!

Wendy: This is... ?! Spider thread ?!

???: Me... Sticky Dragon, Nebal. Me Diabolos Wizard.

Wendy: A fifth-Generation Dragon Slayer ? A Dragon Eater ?!

Nebal: Me came to eat Aldron. That why me break five orbs. Me break these ones who came for orbs, too. But they all get wrapped up somehow. Somehow wrapped up. But... You different... You smell like Dragon... Eat. Me... Eat you.

Carla: Wendy, do something about this !!

Wendy: I can't !! I can't move !!

???: Nothing beats a meal while looking at that Dragon.

*Kiria, Blade Dragon*

???: He is unaware we will be eating him next.

*Skullion Raider, Corpse Dragon*

???: Such a cute sleeping face.

*Madmole, Armor Dragon*

Kiria: Wait a second, we're on his left hand right now, right ? Does that mean we can just eat that ground ?

Madmole: Let's give it a try.

Skullion: Stop. It is said the Wood Dragon God Aldron can read minds. We don't know what could happen if we move carelessly before his power is sealed. that's why we need to destroy the five orbs to seal his power.

Void: Again with these orbs ? My goodness, everyone in this country has the same mind, do they ? Fairy Tail, the White Mage, you guys...

Skullion: ... You've been standing here for a while. Who are you ?

Kiria: An enemy ?!

Void: Ah, no don't mind me, really. I'm simply passing by. Speaking of, I just finished talking with that White Mage.

Madmole: ... You don't seem part of that strange cult.

Void: Oh no, no no no no, absolutely not. Cults, lords, Gods, I could not care less about these. i'm just here for the fun of it. And I think my fun would come if the orbs are destroyed, so I don't think I'd interfere with anyone.

Kiria: Still, what are the odds ? I never would have thought there'd be people other than us who would try to destroy the orbs.

Skullion: Even if we leave them be, the orbs may all get destroyed...

Void: Why do you think I'm just kicking back and relaxing ?

Madmole: I'm quite worried for Nebal and Wraith.

Skullion: No.. Those people trying to destroy the orbs... While I appreciate their help with our objectives, they might become troublesome afterwards... We have to get rid of them.

Void: If you're talking about Fairy Tail, that might prove to be more difficult than you imagine.

Kiria: Heh. In that case, I'll just have to get a bit violent. I just caught a whiff of my pet.

Void: ... That can't end well...

Jellal: I will prove my feelings to Erza !!

"You're talking about my wife, you psycho ! I'll smack the white out of you !!"

Erza: ... It's not going anywhere... if only there was a way to distract him... I know !


Erza: Look at me ! i'm a cat ! Meow~ !!

Jellal: Uh !!

Erza: 'I understand how your hypnosis works quite well. You seem like you're getting high and all... But I know, you aren't immune to girls !! I just have to create a window !'

Erza: I also have a tail, meow !

Jellal: Hnnng !!


Erza: Or do you like bunnies, Meow~ ?


Erza: A swimsuit ! Gothic Lolita !


Erza: Or maybe you'd prefer my seduction armor~ ? 'Come on, he's distracted now, just...'



Erza: ... Why are you both gawking ?!

Laxus: Am I interrupting something, Jellal ?

Jellal: Laxus.

"... ... ... ... ..."

Erza: E- Eyes on the danger !

"... ... Ah, right ! How dare you gawk at her like she's all yours, huh ?!"

Erza: Not that danger !! The danger that just arrived !!

Laxus: You're not forgetting our objective, right, Jellal ?

Jellal: I know. Right now, i'm in the midst of proving my feelings to Erza. This is a game to win her heart- Abububububububububu !!

"Stop trying to do that !!"

Laxus: Don't tell me you've completely forgotten. We must destroy all five orbs... All in the name of the White doctrine. Anyone who interferes must be killed.

Jellal: No, these two are out of the question. If you kill him, there is no way I would be able to win Erza's heart. I must at least have Erza, or something like that.

Erza: What are you saying ?!

"I'd like to know as well !!"

Jellal: Even if you are an ally of the White doctrine, I will not allow you to hurt them.

Laxus: Hm, now that I think about it, don't we all have some unfinished business from before ? What a great way to settle it.

"Oh, you better; I'm gonna send you both back to Magnolia in 5 containers."

Erza: 'What kind of direction is all of that going ?! But still, his might be my chance. If I can find an opening...

Kiria: I knew you were here !! Hey ! Long time no see.

Jellal: Another enemy of Erza ?!

Laxus: Who the hell are you ?

"I dunno, but for some reason, I already hate her..."

Kiria: Ooh ! It reeks of dragons here, I just hit jackpot !


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