Chapter 2: Generations

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Carla: Wendy !! Do something, quickly !!

Wendy: It's no us !! I can't move !!

Nebal: Me take your power... Eat Wind Dragon...

Wendy: It's not Wind !! I'm a Sky Dragon !!

Nebal: Round and round... Round and round... Look.. You can no breath. Time to eat !

Nebal: Gh... This one... Spin up not work... Thiw one... Can move...

Wendy: Pwah ! Now it's my turn ! i'll show you my full power- Wah ! M- My full power...

"Even more annoyances keep on piling up..."

Kiria: Ah, you must be the famous "Sixfold Dragon" of Fairy tail, huh ? You sure look tasty.

Laxus: Huh ? Don't get in my way.

Jellal: If you're after Erza, then that makes you my enemy as well.

Erza: Why is she here... ? 'Does she intend to eat Aldoron ?! Then that means the others are here too. Fairy tail and Diabolos... Two guilds are targeting the orbs... This certainly poses a problem... The orb ?!'

Erza: 'Looks like it's just the right size to carry... While everyone else is standing off... I'll secure it !!'

"... Look, I don't know what you want here, but you clearly went down at the wrong stop."

Kiria: Step away. Someone like you must be enjoyed as the main dish !


"Blade ?! Is she a Dragon Slayer too ?!"

Erza: She's from Diabolos, a guild full of Dragon slayers ! They call themselves Dragon eaters, the fifth generation of Dragon slayers !

Kiria: There's nothing I cannot cut !!

"... Oh, so she meant it literally when she said I looked tasty... Thank goodness... Erza, I know this might be a bit much to ask, but between Jellal, Laxus and now her, I don't think I could hold everyone off. So take the orb and put it away from here."

Erza: That was the plan anyway ! U- Urg... What ? This is... !

Jellal: Bind Snake. I've stolen your body's freedom.

Kiria: Haha, that's perfect. Keep my pet all tied up in the corner, i'll collect her after I'm done with you all.

Jellal: ... What ?

"... ... ..."

Kiria: Oh, don't give me this look, you won't live long enough to see it happen. Even if I guess it already happened... Ooooh, I get it, you were the one she kept sobbing about and calling for help ! That was such a pathetic sight to behold !

"... ... Jellal ? Do we agree on this ?"

Jellal: Absolutely.

Laxus: ... ... Nope, i'm not standing in front of these two when they're like that. Have fun dealing with them, missy.

Kiria: Dealing with wh-

Jellal: Be judged by the Seven stars...

"Sixfold elemental dragon..."



Void: Hm. I think that came from the direction she went to, didn't it ?

Skullion: She must be going overboard again... Kiria's really effective in her work, but sometimes I'd wish she could keep her cool. Or else it'll just smack her back in the face-


Void: ... Well, I think you can stop talking in "if", and start going with "when". And the answers' right now.

Madmole: ... What happened ?

Kiria: Angry... Husband... Urg...

Madmole: ... That does not help.

Void: No, I think it does, actually...

"... Phew. Now, that this is done, back to the plan- Where did they go ?!"

Laxus: Jellal carried Erza away, spouting something about "Dye her white"

"... ... ..."

Jellal: So let us go, together !

Erza: Go where ?!

Jellal: Or something along those lines. Come... You and I shall be dyed white !

Erza: Stop it !! Jellal ! Let go !! That's right, your objective should be to destroy the orbs, right ?!

Jellal: ... Now that you mention it, that is my objective... But right now, dying you white is far more important. Be loved by te seven stars !! Hahahaha !!

Erza: 'Dammit... ! My body can't move... He's too far gone...'

"... ... WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE ANYTHING ?! I swear I'll backhand him all the way to Magnolia if I have to !"

Laxus: If you so much as leave this place, I'll immediately destroy the orb. Play your cards, and make sure you don't regret anything.

"... ... So it's either you or him, huh ? But as a matter of fact, I believe we have a score to settle from all the way back, don't we ?"

Laxus: Why do you think i'm keeping you here ? No Natsu or Gajeel to back you up this time either, only you and me, and the orb for the winner.

"Now you're starting to speak my language. But I don't really have any time to lose with you here, so... I'll just try and finish this quick. HERE I COME, LAXUS !!"

Laxus: I've been waiting for this for years now ! HAVE AT IT !!


Natsu: I... I'm saved...

???: You have not been saved... Can you hear my voice ? Can you see my form ? In that case, you may become my next meal.

Wraith: I am the Ghost Dragon, Wraith. Thank you so much for finding me.

Natsu: ... What's with this guy ?! The Ghost dragon ?! You're a Dragon slayer ?

Wraith: If I said Diabolos... Would you understand ?

Natsu: Hm ? I feel like i've heard that before...

Wraith: Ah, well, it doesn't matter. You will be eaten by me. But first, I just want to tell you that I'm grateful you found me.

Natsu: Huh ? Sorry but I got no time to deal with you. I have to beat Gajeel, Laxus, Mira, and Jellal... Now I remember !! The dragon eaters !! Diabolos is that Dragon Slayers-only guild right ?!

Natsu: White Flames ?!

Wraith: They are human souls... They are the souls of the dead, and they are crying...

Natsu: SO QUIT THROWING THEM AT ME !! I have to get everyone back to normal as soon as possible. So don't get in my way !!

Natsu: Huh ?! Son of a...


Natsu: GAAH !! Why you... Why is it my attacks don't work but yours do ?! No fair !!

Happy: Natsuuuuu !!

Natsu: Happy ! Stay back !! This guy is dangerous !!

Happy: ... ... Who ?

Natsu: This guy right in front of us !

Happy: Huh ? But there is no one there...

Natsu: What are you saying, Happy ?! He's right here !

Happy: N- Natsu, quit freaking me out... There's no one else there but you... Right ?!

Natsu: Huh ?!

Wraith: There are very few people who can see and hear me. That's why I'm grateful that you found me. Because I am a ghost.

Void: Well, I guess you got introduced first-hand at what Fairy Tail can do when they really are pissed off.

Kiria: Urrrrg... That little... I don't care if he's a God like Aldron, i'm gonna devour him here and now !!

Void: Ahhh... See, that's where i'm afraid we'd have a problem. I don't mind you guys decking it out with each others, and I couldn't care less if you destroy those orbs, honestly. However... Try to kill him or any of his friends, and the only thing you'll be eating are dandelion roots. Do I make myself clear ?

Skullion: Why would you even care about them, you're not part of Fairy tail anyway.

Void: Hmm... I'll spare you the technicalities on that matter. So you guys just stay right where you are and enjoy the scenery. And if you don't, well... I'll be the Bane of your existence.

Kiria: Gh... Don't make me laugh ! Now get out of my way before I-


Kiria: *Wheezing out*

Void: See ? That's what happens when you don't listen. You end up spineless, literally... Ah, now that I think about it, none of you would get the joke from that situation...

Skullion: ... Who even are you ? If you aren't affiliated with neither Fairy Tail nor the White Mage or Aldron, what business do you have here ?

Void: Hm... Throughout the years, I've been known by many names. Though a good number of them were just screamed at me as insults. But there's one I take on time and time again when need arises. Since you refer to yourselves with the title of "Dragonslayer", then...

Void: ... Shinigami. You may refer to me as the Judge of Souls and God of Death. If you'd rather not, just call me Void, or Joestar.

Madmole: ... ... ...

Skullion: Don't. Our goal is to destroy the orbs and devour Aldron, nothing more. We'll leave it at that. We have other matter to attend to for now.


Void: ... Like ashes in the wind... Literally. At least he is smart enough not to fight pointless battles, I'll give him that. The Dragon eaters, Diabolos... Gotta keep a close eyes on them and these so-called Dragon Gods from now on... they did mention two more as well, if memory serves me right, let's keep that in mind too.

Natsu: By a "ghost", you mean... You're already dead ?!

Wraith: That's right.

Void: *A-choo* !!

Happy: N- Natsu, who are you talking to... ? What are you doing, Natsu... ?

Natsu: I'm putting you right next to the ghost. You really can't see him, Happy ?

Happy: I can't see anything !! And i'm scared !! if there really is a ghost, I'll be cursed !!

Natsu: Am I really the only one who can see you ?

Wraith: I seem to be visible to Dragon Slayers. That's why I joined Diabolos.

Natsu: If you're a ghost, then how are you hungry ?

Wraith: It isn't hunger. I want to eat Dragons to gain power.

Happy: Natsu really is talking with somebody...

Natsu: I don't know if I'm saying this right, but... Go rest in peace.

Wraith: That is not possible. Not until I find the man who stole my life. Until that moment, I... have to get stronger.

Natsu: GHAAAAAA !!

Happy: Natsuuuu !! What's bthat ? White Flames came out of nowhere !!

Wraith: These are not flames, but souls... But, it's not like you can hear my voice. These souls... Are crying.

Happy: Natsuuuu !! No way...

Wraith: Your soul is mine. As is your power.

Laxus: Lightning Dragon...

"Thunder Dragon..."



Laxus: Heh. Going for a mirror match, do you really want to prove you're better than me that much ?

"Oh, come on, I went out of my way to offer you a real challenge, and a chance to crush me at my strongest, don't go and tell me you'd prefer if I went easy on you. But that you'd let yourself go so easily, did you start slacking off while I was gone, Laxus ?"

Laxus: You'll understand soon enough... But if you really make it that difficult, I suppose dyeing you white won't be an option, and i'll have to turn you to ashes instead- !


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