Chapter 3: Slaying

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Nebal: This one... Moves... Though she all wrapped up... You... What Dragon are you ?

Wendy: I am the Sky Dragon, a Sky Dragonslayer.

Nebal: No... You cocoon dragon. Coocoo. Get wrapped one more time.

Wendy: I'm Wendy !! The same move won't work again !

Nebal: Coocoo rolled ?! Coocoo interesting... That why me not eat you now. Me do real goal.

Carla: The orb !

Nebal: Round and round...

Void: ... That can't be good... I think I should get back here in case something else happens...


"What the hell's with this shaking ?!"

Laxus: An orb's been destroyed, huh... ? That makes three orbs left. And one of them is here...

"... Yeah. It is. And if you think I'll just step aside and let you at it, you're shoving your finger into you eye to the elbow."

Kiria: Haaaaaah... Uuuuurk... Gah... Finally... made it back... Gurk...

"Oh... It's you again. Did you lose 10 centimeters since last time ? I don't remember doing that."

Kiria: D- Don't... urk... Why are you people... What are you planning to do by weakening Aldron ?

Laxus: if you must know, we will white him out in order to fight the rest of the Dragon Gods. The White Wizard's plan is to steal the power of the Wood Dragon God.

Kiria: I see, our objective is to weaken Aldron so we can eat him. Our objectives might be different, but we both have the same means.

Laxus: Seems so.

Kiria: Then how about we just dispose of that speed bump in front of us, and destroy the orb right now ?

Laxus: Pretty sure you started by trying to kill us both.

Kiria: That's right. Because you guys looked like you taste so good. Who would deny such a 5-stars meal being served right in front of them ?

"... Please stop referring to me while saying you want to eat me, it makes things really weird for everyone. Now, if you'd be so kind to stand down, we have some long, pent-up shit to work through."

Kiria: Oh, don't worry... You won't have to worry about any of that once I devour you, Dragon God, Lightning Dragon. Shouldn't it already be time to eat now ?

"... ... If you insist on pushing your luck and fucking around like that... I have no issues making sure you find out."

Laxus: I don't know who you are... But I already understood your power. You can't beat me. Or him, for that matter.


Kiria: Are you sure ?

Kiria: I've slain your strength !! Now, both of you... Become my obedient pets !!

"... ... i'm tired of this crap. Truly, i'm tired of this. Strength ? A God ? Stop trying to stick a label I never asked for on me, I'm tired of that. You really think... Being strong is what brought me here ? You really think this ever amount to what I could feel before ?"

Kiria: Wha... ?!

Laxus: Strength ? Sorry but we don't have that. We're in the guild because we're weak. But I don't think that's a bad think either. Is it ?

"Oddly enough. Admitting your own weakness is probably the greatest feat of strength you could muster. And I don't see any way it could simply be cut in half."

"Something like you could never imagine. Born strong, lived strong... You who never experienced the abyss of despair, lamenting your own weakness... Chaos Dragon... BUSTER CANNON !!"

*For two beasts fighting in a Death match... If something gets in the middle of them, they will both team up in getting rid of it.*

Laxus: It's fine to be weak in front of your friends. And it's fine to not push yourself too far. Though... Erza might find that part tricky.

"Preach on that one, preach on it..."

Kiria: 'They have... That much strength... But a weak heart... I think I might be falling for them~ ! All three of them~...'

"... What was that cold shiver running down my neck...'

Void: What was that cold shiver running down my neck...

Wendy: What's with this cocoon ?! It won't come off !!

Carla: I'll be fine ! You have to go after that brute ! he's more than likely going to the other towns to destroy their orbs ! You have to stop him !! If you beat him, you could remove this cocoon !!

Wendy: Yeah !! I'll definitely come back !!

Wendy: There !! You're not getting away !!

Nebal: Coocoo ?!

Nebal: You... You funny so me let you go. But... You come back. Dumb coo.

Wendy: I came back to stop you. PREPARE YOURSELF !!

Nebal: No way. No coo way. *CHOMP*

Wendy: Gum ? He swallowed it ?!

Nebal: Me... Eat gum... Power up complete.

Nebal: You. Me eat.

Gray: What was that quake just now ?

Juvia: An orb might have been destroyed.

Gray: So that means we don't have time to just stay here.

Cana: No, no, no, let's take our time. Right ! *Hic*

Gray: Cana ?! She's been drinking when she's being controlled Well, compared to the Raijin Guard, this should be a lot easier...

Juvia: Gray-sama, please be careful !

Gray: Sorry, but I'll knock you down in one hit.

Cana: Wha ? Gray's all upside-down.

Gray: You drunkard !!

Cana: Hehe. Gather !! O river of light guided by the fairies !! Shine !! So that the evil fangs may perish !!

Juvia: Fairy Glitter ?!

Gray: In the middle of a town ?! Are you insane ?!

Cana: Fairy...

Gray: ... What ?

Lucy: just in time !! Aries' special trait is fluffiness ! With this, magic that requires chanting can be blocked.

Juvia: Lucy !!

Gray: What do you mean, fluffiness ?

Lucy: Gray, Juvia, I was looking for Cana. Good job finding her. That's Plue's only power, having a nose as good as Natsu's !


Juvia: By nose, you mean that thing that looks like a drill... ?

Gray: That drill-like thing...

Lucy: Now, Cana must have it with her...

Juvia: ... She is probably taking advantage of the confusion to touch her breasts... Gray-sama, would you like to take advantage of the confusion ?

Gray: Hell no !!

Lucy: ... Here !! I found them !! Magic cards !!

Gray: Aren't those the cards Cana uses all the time ?

Lucy: Exactly !! These cards... Actually have the power to seal people away. By using these, we can gather and protect everyone at the same time !

Gray: But... That's Cana's magic, right ?

Lucy: We're both holder-type wizards. I might not be as good with these cards as Cana, but I think I can still use them. Plus, unlike the Celestial Spirit keys, these cards don't need a contract.

Juvia: So with this, we can return everyone back to normal, right ? Pretty smart !!

Lucy: Whether we can turn them back or not is another thing, but at least we can protect them. With that being said, let's imprison Cana... Inside this card !!

Lucy: Whyyyyy ?!

Gray: Hell if I know !!

Juvia: She went into the card instead...

Lucy: It's a counter spell... She set up a trap on her magic so it wouldn't get misused...

Cana: Not at all. It's true that these cards are store-bought, and that anyone can use them. But there's a trick to using magic to imprison people.

Lucy: Cana...

Cana: Here. And you three...


Cana: See ?

Juvia: Cana-san... Why ? Did the hypnosis wore off...

Gray: No, that can't be it ! Even without the hypnosis, she shouldn't be able to use magic ! Just like Juvia !

Cana: Hypnosis ? Huh ?! And why am I wearing those clothes ? Lame !! Hey !! I'm stark naked behind these clothes !!

Lucy: Does this mean she wasn't controlled in the first place because she was drunk ?!

Gray: Then, what was with that Fairy Glitter before ?! Was that because she was that drunk ?! Scary !!

Lucy: ... But I'm so glad... Cana !

Cana: Don't mention it, but... What the heck's going on ?

Cana: I got Wakaba, Macao, and Romeo !

Juvia: Who would've beaten them ?

Gray: With those injuries, I bet it was Natsu.

Lucy: I know she was here... Ah ! There you are ! Lisanna !!


Gray: This magic power...

Lucy: Mira-san and Elfman are nearby, along with those guys from Diabolos.

Gray: This is just great... We gotta fight Mira-chan and that ash guy ?

Juvia: What if we put them both in one of Cana's card ?

Cana: It won't work on people with strong hostility. That's why they have to be knocked out.

Lucy: We have to think. There should be some way...

"Now hold on right here, Laxus. What do you think you're doing now ?"

Laxus: If I remember, this girl's orders were to break these.

"Oh, I know about that. i'm just wondering when exactly I said you could just go ahead and do it. I'm not down, and I didn't hear no bell either."

Erza: WAIT !!

"Ah. Perfect timing."

Laxus: Erza.

Erza: Don't you dare touch that. 'They... They really defeated her ? Someone that formidable... And they barely look like they've broken a sweat already... As expected...'

"... Erza. Please don't fight here. Take the orb and secure it, but Laxus and I have... Something we need to go over with."

Erza: I... What ? What are you talking about ?! Don't tell me you plan on taking him on by yourself ?!

"That is exactly what i'm saying. You can call it stupid all you want, and it probably is. I know how string Laxus is, but it's exactly why I must do it on my own. Otherwise, it wouldn't feel like a real victory. And besides... Without the orb around, I think we'll finally be able to stop playing around and start taking this seriously."

Erza: You... Urg...

"Don't worry. I made sure to bring back that Strawberry ice cream I talked about last time."

Erza: You better come back... D- Dummy...

"Heh... The stupid pride of men... I'm surprised you let that happen, Laxus."

Laxus: Does it really matter ? After I beat you, I'll just go after her, and destroy the orb. You aren't the one who's been levelling up for all this time. In fact...


'... Red lightning... ?'

Laxus: I'm fancying myself some God-Slaying right now.

Happy: Natsu, why are we going to the city on the back ?

Natsu: Isn't it obvious ? Out of all five cities, the one on the back is in the center.

Happy: So ?

Natsu: So the strongest guys are usually at the center, right ? I'll bet Laxus or Mira is there.

Happy: Is that so ? I'm surprised by your deduction.

Natsu: Don't really care about Jellal, though. But something's over there. let's go, Happy !!

Happy: Aye, sir !

Natsu: ... Someone's here !! This is...

Natsu: The White Wizard ?! Why's she knocked down in a place like that ?! Happy, the orb !!

Void: Calm down. The orb is still in place, I made sure of that.

Natsu: GAH ?! Who're you ?! ... Hey, you smell a lot like Ochita... Are you guys brothers or something ?

Void: It's a bit more complicated than that, but I guess you could say we're related, in a way. Anyway, you must be that Natsu guy, aren't you ?

Natsu: Yeah... But what the heck is going on... ?!

Void: Don't ask me, she was already like that when I got here. Though I'll admit I was planning on putting her like that either way.

Happy: Oh, right, isn't now a good time to beat her up ?

Void: ... Beat up an unconscious girl ? Even I have standards.

Happy: Y- yeah, when you put it that way...

Natsu: Here I go ! Prepare yourself !!

Happy: You're fired up ?!

Natsu: It doesn't matter if she's asleep or a woman. She's an enemy of our guild. If it's for the guild, I'll do what I have to.

Mage: ... Natsu... Sama... Save me...

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