Chapter 4: Draw

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Lucy: ... ... ...

Juvia: Gray-sama ?

Gray: Nothing's going to happen if we just stay here. I'll go help Mira-chan and Elfman.

Cana: Don't those two see us as enemies ? isn't that gonna end bad for us ?

Juvia: It might...

Gray: No... First, we gotta beat the Ash guy and the Armor guy.

Lucy: How ? Wouldn't Mira-san's side be in the way ?

Gray: But of we freeze them all together...

Cana: Would that even work on Mira ? It didn't work on that Ash guy.

Gray: Hmph...

Juvia: Let's just calm down and think. The Demon and Beast siblings are fighting an Ash and Armor Dragon slayer.

Lucy: How can we beat Diabolos and secure Mira-san's group... ?

Cana: Do we even need to think about it ? If you think about it normally, Mira would obviously win. She's Mira, after all, the she-devil Mirajane.

Juvia: Indeed, there bno way Mirajane-san would lose !

Gray: True... This is Mira-chan we're talking about...

Cana: Let's believe in Mira's power !!

Lucy: Don't forget about Elfman, too... But this is good !! If Mira-san's group wins, then we might be able to manage things later !!

Cana: More importantly, we should plan on a strategy against the White Wizard.

Juvia: That one person instantly drew out our entire guild's magic power.

Cana: Not only that, apparently, she has a thing for Natsu, too~.

Juvia: Well, not the White Wizard, but her "Touka" personality.

Cana: better hurry... She's gonna take him~ !

Juvia: She's your love rivaaaaaal~ !

Lucy: I... I don't really... Natsu, well... I kind of feel sorry for her. I mean, he has no interest in that sort of thing...

Void: ... .. Should I give you guys some privacy or... ?

Touka: Uh Uhm... Please excuse me...

Natsu: You... Did we meet somewhere before ?

Touka: Huh.. ? What was I... Oh dear... What a misunderstanding...


Happy: H- Huh ? What ?

Void: I... Am I the only one feeling lost here, or... What's going on ?

Natsu: N- No, it's not just you... Isn't this too big of a misunderstanding... ?

Touka: I've always wanted to meet you, Natsu-sama !! Well, it was about one year since you saved me from those bandits... It's only natural if you don't remember...

Void: ... ... What did you do ? Forget the damsel in distress you were rescuing ?

Natsu: N- No, I have no idea what's all of this about !!

Touka: I... I was locked up in a barrel... It was in Northern Fiore...

Touka: 'Help me... Someone help me...'


Touka: It was then that he appeared: A prince riding on the back of a Fire Dragon !!

Happy: Wasn't that just me carrying Natsu ?

Touka: He defeated the bandits one by one, and in the blink of an eye, they were all wiped out !

Happy: That was also Natsu.

Touka: That's right !! You, Natsu-sama, are my prince !!

Happy: But I'm not Natsu !!

Touka: Huh ? But...

Void: ... Let's just let them sort that out.

Natsu: Yeah, agreed.

Bandits: Wh- Who are you...

Natsu: I'm Fairy Tail's *Chomp chomp*

Happy: Don't talk while you eat...

Touka: 'A name... What's his name ?!'

Happy: It's Natsu.

Touka: 'Natsu !! Fairy Tail's...'

Touka: Natsu-sama !!

Everyone: WHOAAAAHH !! Huge misunderstanding !!

Touka: So then... You are the true Natsu-sama, and you are Happy-sama.

Void: I'll admit, that whole story about the misunderstanding was really cute.

Natsu: So that's what happened. So, you were in the luggage that time ?

Happy: Sorry, we don't really remember, we sent it back to the client right away.

Touka: ... ... HAPPY-SAMAAAAAA~ !! Please excuse me !! To think I would miusunderstand the name of my beloved... Such a failure ! I, Touka, have made the second greatest failure of my life !!

Void: ... Second... ? Then what's the first ?

Touka: the first goes without saying !! It's letting my body be controlled by the White Wizard ! That's right ! Now... I can return to my original form !


Touka: This is the real me.

Happy: ... C... Cute...

Natsu: You were a cat ?!

Void: I have so many question... W- Why was she a cat ?! How did she turn from a human to a cat ?! Why the hell are there cats walking on two legs and talking and flying ?! What the hell ?!

Touka: I only appeared to be human while I was being controlled by the White Wizard.

Happy: Oh... That's how it was...

Void: Why the hell would the White Wizard take over the body of a cat ?!

Natsu: Wh- Why are you asking me ?!

Happy: Wh- What to do... I might have a hit...

Natsu: What about Carla ?

Happy: Who's that ?

Carla: *A-choo* !!

Void: Are there more talking cats running around ?!

Natsu: Well, with that being said, why are you here ? And what happened to the White Wizard ?

Touka: Th- That's right !! We have to hurry !!

Your POV:

"I hope this is just a name you give it, Laxus..."

Laxus: A name... I couldn't care less if you were a King, a God or a Dragon, I will use anything necessary to slay you !

Laxus: Red lightning Dragon mode !!

"Red lightning... It doesn't feel quite the same as that Sabertooth guy and his God-slaying Lightning..."

Laxus: Why would I need god-slaying against you ? It's a power I got by chance during the battle of Alvarez, AND IT FINALLY BECAME MINE !! PREPARE YOURSELF !!



'I see... You got so much stronger, didn't you, Laxus... But then again, so did I.'

"Let the distortion spread... Open ! Gates to the opposite realm !!"

Kiria: ...' These two... Were in the same guild ?! How fierce !'

"I'm guessing you fought at the brink of your life many times, didn't you ? But I didn't exactly just sit on my ass either ! Second Origin... Soul Charge !!"

Kiria: Wh- What's... That magic power !

Laxus: ... Your power source is your soul... You're literally build different after all.

"And you wouldn't believe just how much... Water, lightning, wind, light, darkness, fire... Sixfold... SOUL CROSS !!"

Laxus: GAAAAAAAH... !! The red of this blood... Is what makes the power of the red lightning !

Laxus: I hope you're finally ready to give it your all, Ochita ! 'Cause this isn't a quarrel between friends anymore !

"Yeah, don't worry about that... I just finished my warm-up. This is to see who gets to be the slayer, Laxus ! Your 100% against mine !!"

Kiria: 'Th- These guys... They're monsters ?!'



Laxus: Haaaaah... haaaah... Haaaah...

"Haaaah... Gh- !"

Kiria: the lightning guy... Won... ?

"... Man... I guess I really did get too soft lastly... You've been continuously fighting for all this time, while I settled down... Hehehehe..."

Kiria: 'He laughed ?!'

Laxus: What's so funny to you ? Do you have another hidden technique ?

"... Nah... I'm at my end here... A complete loss... To be fair, it's a miracle i'm still conscious... if you wanted to finish me off, I wouldn't even have the strength to lift my hand... Utter defeat..."

Laxus: Then why do you laugh ?

"... Isn't it... Obvious ? I had to leave you guys to fend for yourselves for weeks... I was worried if something would happen to all of you without me around... especially with most of the gang away for that quest. But now, I have nothing to worry about... I'm sure... You can take care of anything... Ah, dammit... And I wanted to take the win this time... Ugh."

Laxus: ... ... That's my line. I'm also out of magic. You're a god-damn monster in your own right, I hope you know it... Again with the fucking draw... Gh.

Kiria: ... ... What a turn of events !! The two monsters beat out each other ! This is so lucky !! Now I just have to eat them... BUT FIRST !!


Kiria: I have to destroy the orb !

Citizens: What now ? The Wood dragon God is quite active today. Is it related to the wizards going wild across town ? It's quite scary...

Gray: That is... ?!

Cana: The Earth is shaking !!

Lucy: Don't tell me... An orb got destroyed ?!

Touka: The third orb has been destroyed.

Natsu: What ?! No way !!

Void: So all that's left is this orb right here, and another one somewhere... ?

Touka: Yes... We have to protect those. If all the orbs get destroyed, the Wood Dragon God's power will be taken by the White Wizard.

Happy: But... You are the White Wizard, right ?

Touka: That's right... For now, she's asleep, but...

???: That's right, Touka. Who told you you could turn back to your cat form ?

Natsu: You...

Touka: White Wizard !! Stop this kind of thing...

???: Shut up !!

Void: ... She turned an entire guild into obedient puppets, I don't think she's really open to dialogue...

Natsu: It's not the time !!

Touka: Natsu-sama... Happy-sama... Stop the White Wizard... It doesn't matter what happens to me. It might be the last time, so I'll tell you this... I was happy to meet you... Happy-sama.

Happy: ... Touka !!


Mage: That was quite some negligence on your part, now. We meet again, Natsu, and... Terrifying creature. It's time for you to go silent now.

Natsu: ... Hey, no matter what, that's not a way to speak to Happy !

Void: She was talking to me, you simpleton. And that's also the reason why i'm so relaxed. The simple fact that I'm here means the orb couldn't be safer.

Mage: ... As infuriating as it is, that would be correct. But only if there was only you. You were just in time, Natsu-sama. The orb over there, and the enemy standing in the way... You, Natsu-sama will destroy them both.

Natsu: Huh ?

Natsu: Huh ?! Ghaaa ! I can't... Move... ! No fair !! Fight fair and square !!

Mage: Unfortunately, my objective is not to fight. It's to erase any powerful magic. Like your wizard guild, or the five Dragon Gods.

Natsu: Are you rejecting all magic ?!

Mage: No, magic is necessary. Magic that is too powerful is what's evil.

Natsu: Gh...


Mage: Get lost !!

Natsu: Happy !! Aren't you from the same race as Happy ?!

Mage: No... I am human.

Natsu: But Touka... Is a cat.

Mage: That just means I am inside that cat. Appearing as a cat isn't good, right ? That's why I chose to be like a human.

Void: ... Why even take over a cat's body then ?

Mage: ... ... Enough talking. Look at you... Your magic is being drained out little by little, right ?

Natsu: Ugh... Uhh...

Mage: And once you have been emptied, the White out will be a success. You'll become a puppet that will respond to any of my orders.

Happy: Gh... P- Please ! Do something !!

Void: ... ... Fiiiiine, I'll do something, geez... HUMPH !!

H- Happy: N- Not that kind of stuff... ! Huh...

Void: ... Holy hell, I didn't think it would work that well... What are you waiting for, go fetch him now.

Happy: N- Natsu !! We gotta retreat for now !!

Natsu: Wh- What the hell was that... And why did it take you so long ?!

Void: I was waiting to see how things played out. Besides, isn't it what you guys usually do ? Stand on the side and watch while someone else fights ? I'm just trying to adapt here.

Natsu: Fucker...

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