Chapter 5: Erupting

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Natsu: How the hell did you get the idea of throwing the orb at her like that ?

Void: I just remembered her saying something by the lines of "Her power can't destroy the orbs", so I assumed she couldn't touch it or something of the like. Turns out I was right on my money for that one.

Happy: ... ... ...

Touka: I was happy to meet you, Happy-sama...

Happy: 'Touka... Wait for us !! We will definitely save you !

Void: On that topic... I'm starting to really have some fun now. You don't mind if I run around and just start throwing punches, do you ?

Natsu: ... Don't go after our guild...

Void: No promises~.

Mage: You've done it now...

Elfman: Who are these guys... They're strong...

Mirajane: Even the two of us together can't defeat them.

Skullion: It's the same with us, you are stronger than expected.

Madmole: They're good-cha.

Skullion: Let's retreat for now.

Madmole: Cha ?!

Skullion: Kiria and Wraith were defeated. Either there are too many enemies... Or Fairy Tail is simply that exceptional... We will settle the score eventually.

Elfman: You running away ?!

Mirajane: That's enough, Elfman !! If we continued fighting, would we have even won ?

Gray: They ran away...

Juvia: isn't that a good chance for us ?!

Cana: Well, it is, but... The problem is how to knock Mira-san out.

Gray: Leave it to me. Mira-chan is quite injured, so it should be fine.

Juvia: Gray-sama, how cowardly.

Cana: And he said it in a cool way...

Lucy: Elfman is there, too...

Kiria: Hehe... Time to dig in, finally~.

Skullion: Kiria, we retreat. Return here.

Kiria: Huh ?! And right as I finally found a 5-star meal, you want me to return ?! Just wait for a little bit !

Skullion: One of them is controlled by the White Wizard. If you eat that magic of his, you'll fall under the White Wizard's control as well.

Kiria: Say what ?!

Skullion: And the other one is most likely just an empty vessel by now, so eating him won't do anything. Wraith has been defeated. We may have underestimated the enemy's power.

Kiria: I agree on that, they're all absurdly strong. Tch... Such fine men... I want to meet with you again.

Madmole: How will we report to the master-cha ?

Skullion: We can only report what happened. There are other Dragon Gods remaining, so we must leave.

Madmole: But-cha... ... Y- You don't mean... Them... Cha ?

Skullion: Indeed... If that's something that we can't do by ourselves, our guild might use our strongest force... The Black Dragonslayer Cavalry...

Skullion: So that's the situation, Nebal.

Nebal: ... No... Me no care. Shut up !! Me... Eat coocoo !!

Wendy: I'm not coocoo, and I'm not food either !! NOW, THAT'S ENOUGH !!

Nebal: Dragon Force. Me... Can do that too... But, fifth Dragon force... Quite different...

Skullion: Stop it, Nebal !! That's forbidden !!

Wendy: A fifth Generation's Dragon Force ?!

Skullion: That's bad !! Nebal is going to use the Dragon Force !!

Madmole: Let's go stop him !! this is forbidden by our guild !!

Skullion: ... No... We can't report more shame to the master.

Madmole: But !!

Skullion: Since it's become this way... We will discard Nebal here. We'll say he died from having went on a rampage on his own. But... As he used the Dragon Force, he will bring down some people of Fairy Tail with him.

Nebal: Cocoon. Eat.

Wendy: 'Wh- What's that magic power ?! Like if I'm being coiled about... As if my body was being melted... Terrifying.. !!'

Wendy: *Cough* Sky Dragon's ROAR !!



Wendy: Wind doesn't work ?! Ugh... Increasing all elemental resistances !! DEUS CORONA !!

Nebal: ... Huh ? Coocoo dead ?

Wendy: Ngh...

Nebal: Great. Still alive. Where do you want to be eaten first ? Hands ? Feet ? Belly ? Hey. Answer, Coocoo. Heyy !!


Wendy: *Hff* *Hff* !!

Nedbal: Coocoo... can't breathe. Look. It hurts ? It hurts ? Coocoo.

Wendy: BHAA !! *Cough* *cough* !!

Nebal: Hey... You answer me now ? Where... You want... Me eat first ? Hands ? Feet ? Belly ?

Wendy: Eek ! Uh... Uuuuh...

Nebal: Oh ? Coocoo, you cry ?

Wendy: '... I falsely believed that I became stronger... I... I was always with Natsu-san and the rest... With Carla... And Sherria, so I could be stronger. I can't do anything alone...'

Nebal: That no good. No cry, coocoo.

Wendy: 'i'm afraid, but... I'm not crying out of fear... It's because I'm so ashamed of myself.. For overestimating my own power !! Natsu-san... Someone... Please help !!'

Nebal: You no answer... Well, no matter. Me just eat coocoo now !

???: Taiyo Handan Ken... (Solar Judgement fist)

Nebal: Huh ? Hey, my busy, eating coocoo ! Get lo- BUGAAAAHH !!

Void: RENGOKEN !! (Purgatory fist)

Void: The cry of the Heart... I guess there was some truth behind it after all, Ken.

Wendy: Wh- What... ?

Nebal: Heeeeehh... You... Not coocoo. No dragon smell... But you get in the way, so me eat you anyway !

Void: Seriously, what kind of freak did I find again... hey, are you okay here ? Can you get away from here ?

Wendy: N... Not really... For now...

Void: Just my luck, so I need to be wary of collateral as well... At least try to take cover in some way. It's about to get messy in here.

Nebal: Coocoo, impressive... Impre... Impressi... Ssi... AAAAAAAHHHHHH !!

Void: ... Okay... Now I have even more questions...

Wendy: What is... That power ? He went berserk ?!



Void: ... Berserk, huh. So that's what these so-called "Dragonslayers" are all about, I guess... Fine. Time to put that feral beast to sleep.


Wendy: His dragonification progression !!

Void: ... Turning into a Dragon, just perfect... That might become a bit of a tough spot, even for me... I guess I'll have to go all out on this one.

Wendy: Y- You're not gonna kill him, are you ?!

Void: I don't think that part's up to me to decide any more. When someone's gone so far down that slope, only brute strength can deal with it.


Void: It's been a good while since I was able to show off a bit like that... Taiyo Handan Ken ougi... TAIYO FUNKA !!

Natsu: What was that just now... It was from the right shoulder's city... Lets go, Happy !!

Happy: Aye, sir !!

Nebal: Uh... Uhhh...

Wendy: He's alive !!

Void: Just one thing left to do now, then... Darkest requiem... Null.


Wendy: His magic... It just vanished... ?

Void: I'm not foolish enough to let someone like him just run around like nothing happened. I think letting him live but forever taking away his ability to use any magic is more than enough. As a mage, he's effectively "dead". As per the power of my void.

Wendy: The power of the "Void"... ?

Cana: That was pathetic. You were struggling against a beat-up opponent ?

Gray: Well, that opponent was Mira-chan !

Juvia: You gave it your all, Gray-sama !!

Lucy: But now... We have Mira-san and Elfman and these cards.

Cana: Speaking of which... The master was beaten, and we got Gajeel and levy while they were flirting.

Gray: How many of our possessed guildmates are left ?

Lucy: Well, for the hardest ones, there's Laxus and Jellal...

Juvia: is Laxus even someone we can defeat ?

Cana: Doesn't look like we have to. According tomy fortune-telling, neither of them can move. Seems to me they're in no condition to fight.

Gray: Do you know where they are ?

Cana: I do for Laxus, but jellal isn't from the same guild, so he'll be harder to track

Juvia: Could it be your fortune-telling let's you know where everyone is, Cana-san ?

Plue: Puuun...

Lucy: It's okay... Your nose was still useful.

Cana: I can find the general place, but it's better to use Plue's nose when we're nearby.

Plue: Puuun !

Lucy: Good for you, Plue !

Gray: Anyway, if Laxus isn't in any condition to fight right now...

Lucy: let's imprison him in a card !!

Wendy: Carla !! Are you alright ?!

Carla: Good grief !! How long were you going to keep me here ?!

Void: Well, how very nice of you to be so thankful for all of that, really I can't hear anything over that wave of thanking.

Happy: Carlaaaaaaaa !!

Natsu: Warren max and the others are here, too...

Wendy: I feel sorry for them, but they are conveniently unconscious.

Void: Oh, i'm being ignored, very well...

Happy: Are you hurt, Carla ?

Carla: It's nothing, really... ... ... Why are you staring at me like that ?

Happy: You really are a cutie~ !

Natsu: Alright !! Let's pay the White wizard a visit ! She's actually a cat or something... And we need to make her into one !!

Carla: I'm not exactly following you...

Void: Yeah, you got thing confused up... Apparently, the White Wizard is inside another cat named Touka, for... Some reason, kinda like a split personality. So the big goal here is to turn them back into two.

Carla: An Exceed ? That's impossible !

Void: Oh, that's what these flying, talking cats are called ?

Carla: After all, we know all of the Exceed on Earthland. The exceed who were sent from Edolas 14 years ago, and the Exceed who came to this world after Edolas' events 8 years ago. My mother... I mean, the queen made a list of names and kept track of everyone.

Happy: We visit this world's version of Extalia sometimes.

Carla: A surviving exceed ? What could it mean ?


Natsu: Earthquake ?! It's huge !!

Void: This feels an awful lot like what happened when an orb was destroyed... Doesn't that make four now ?!

Natsu: Let's go !! To the White Wizard !!

Gray: Not again... The ground..

Juvia: It's much bigger this time !

Lucy: Hurry ! We have to gather everyone...

Mest: That leaves one more. I'm coming to you at once, great White Wizard

Mage: Ugh... Haah... ...

Mest: What is the matter, Great white wizard ?!

Mage: Ugh... You must be...

Mest: I am Mest.

Mage: The teleporter... Of course... It would have been much quicker if I left it all to you from the start... Hehe... The final orb is there... Destroy it at once !! SEAL ALL OF THE WOOD GOD ALDRON'S POWER !! BEFORE THAT MONSTER COMES BACK !!

Mest: As you command !!




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