Chapter 6: Awakening

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:


Natsu: What's that noise ?!

Wendy: The tremors are reaching the sky...

Void: then imagine what it's like down there !! I can't fly like you guys, you know ?!

Gray: This is bad...

Juvia: Gray-samaaaa !!

Lucy: I can't even stand !!

Mage: Now perish, Wood Dragon God Aldron !! Then your power shall be- !!


Gray: Oh no... the town... !

Lucy: This can't be happening... The townspeople...

Townspeople: This is nothing to worry about. We have been waiting for this day to arrive all along. We are a part of Aldron-sama... From the beginning, we have been different from you. For many months and years... Aldron-sama has rested his body. He linked five orbs to his body and kept himself still. And thus , we "seeds" were born and will die o this land... To become a part of Aldron-sama.

Lucy: Seeds.. ?

Townspeople: That's right... We are the nutrients to heal Aldron-sama's wounds

Gray: What are you saying... ?!

Townspeople: I don't know who, but someone broke the five orbs to defeat Aldron. But they're wrong. Destroying the orbs... Has removed his shackles. He has been restored. O, OUR KING !! WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS TO THE MANY TREES !!

Gray: L- Look out !! We gotta take shelter !!

Lucy: But... Everyone else in town...

Gray: We can't do that now !! We just gotta pray everyone's safe !


Juvia: Eeek !! If only Juvia had her magic, then she could cover Gray-sama's ears !


Gray: ... What ?! It got quiet all of a sudden !

Juvia: ... ... Eh... ?

Lucy: Juvia ! You can use magic again ?! Why all of a sudden ?!

Juvia: Juvia does not know why, but... Her magic has been restored !!

Lucy: If that's the case, could it be... Everyone else who was whited out was restored, too ?!

Laxus: What the hell's going on... !! The next thing I noticed, Ochita was badly beat up !! I'm gonna find whoever did this to him ! Where'd you go, you bastard ?!

Mage: What is... The meaning of this... Aldron... Was revived ? That cannot be... !! She told me I could make Aldron's power my own if I destroyed the orbs... !!

Mest: What did you do to us... Where is this ?! What's going on ?!

Mage: the White Out has been broken ?! How ?! What is the meaning of this ?!

Void: I feel like this should be our line.

Mest: Natsu !! Wendy !! And... Huh ?

Void: Don't bother, explanations will come in due time. On the other hand, it seems like this orb was destroyed as well... A miscalculation on my end...

Natsu: Mest !So you were controlled as well ?!

Mest: I was controlled... ? Don't tell me... !! I gotta check my own memories !! ... ... Oh... Oh my god...

Natsu: You mean you weren't being controlled ?

Mest: No... I really was controlled, but the spell wore off... Apparently. Dammit ! I understand the general situation. It's... Gotten really bad... !!

Carla: Do you have enough magic to gather everyone ?!

Mest: I do !! leave it to me ! Natsu, be careful ! She's...

Natsu: I know. It's bad that Aldron started moving, but you come first.

Void: We need a way to separate you from that cat, and I know but one person who could accomplish something like that. So I'll just be borrowing this ability of his for a little bit.

Mage: 'My power... It's gone... I got deceived... All of it, it's her... It's all that woman's fault !!'

???: Draseal... The town where a Dragon is sealed. You should've noticed it in the town's name, White Wizard-san. Your role ends here. Now, then... Since Aldo-chan is back... What will happen next ? That's right... It should distort more. All so the perfect circle of the moon will stand out. Make this world ugly and distorted.

Selene: As long as the moonlight still shines...

Happy: D- Did everyone controlled by the White Wizard turn back to normal ?

Carla: I don't know how, but it appears her magic was lifted.

Void: i'm not complaining about that part, it's one less thing for me to worry about. More importantly... Separating the White mage from that Touka...

Natsu: How do you plan on doing that ? I don't think cutting her in two would do the trick, would it ?

Void: Not literally. However, you'll get to find out people out there can possess some truly bizarre abilities. And on that note, I suppose the power of Heaven is a good way to deal with someone who thought they could rule that easily. From that, I shall infuse this blade with the power to make what was once two their separate wholes again. Soul... Slicer !!

Happy: They split into two people !!

Void: I also threw in a lingering effect to prevent her from ever using other people's bodies like so. Better be thorough with these kind of people.

Wendy: How did you do that ? It seemed like an enchantment, but I never saw something like that...

Void: For convenience, let's say it falls under the same category for now. However, with how fast the place is crumbling down, I think we should get out of here as fast as we can.

Happy: Right, we gotta take Touka out of here !!

Void: ... Hold that thought.

Natsu: You're taking her too ?

Void: There are still quite a lot of things I'd like to ask of her, after all.

Carla: She said she would seal Aldron by destroying the orbs, but destroying the orbs awakened Aldron.

Void: Exactly. So it's more than likely someone else is using her to push their own agendas, and I want to know who.

Natsu: Happy, Carla ! Get Touka and the White Wizard as far from here as you can !! Wendy, please go with them !

Void: ... And what about you ?

Natsu: I got a job to do here. Dragon Extermination !!

Void: Riveting. Though you might want to wait a bit to unleash here. Seems like someone else wants to have a swing at Aldron.

Natsu: Hm ? What's that ?!

*Guiltina Magic council, Mir*

Captain: So that ancient monster has finally awakened. We have been authorized to attack. Commence operation Wood Dragon God suppression.

Soldiers: ready to fire !! Ready to fire !! All Magical Convergence cannon Uranus gunports are at critical point !!

Captain: Fire.

Natsu: Wh- What is thaaaaat ?!

Juvia: That light... !! The Magical Convergence cannon Jupiter ?! No... Its magical power is greater !!

Gray: They have something that strong... ?! Everyone get down !!

Void: ... The result was clear from the very beginning...

Natsu: Damn, they really pack a punch !! Okay, let's use that opportunity !

Void: ... Who do you think I was talking about ?


Void: Complete annihilation.

Selene: A human weapon wouldn't work on a God of Dragons. You must be quite angry, Aldo-chan. Very well. I will give you this world. Feel free to destroy it all.

Void: Well, that was short-lived. I guess we saw the kind of raw power that big guy possess.

Natsu: Yeah, it really is incredible... damn it, i'm stumped. How am I supposed to beat somebody this big ? And come to think of it, where'd all the townspeople go ? Did they all ran away ?

Void: At any rate, that should be good news for you, right ? No need to worry about collateral.

Natsu: Oh, right ! You should probably step back a bit. Here I come, Aldron !! FIRE DRAGON KING'S... DEMOLITION FIST !!

Natsu: UOOOOOOOOOOOH !! ... ... Phew...

Void: *Clap clap clap clap* Absolutely massive.

Natsu: Thanks... But that's no good... That didn't even do any damage.

Void: Well, I guess that was to be expected. That thing towers above entire mountain ranges, and huge cities were build on his body. Unless you can demolish them at a large enough range, you'll just tickle him...

Sprout: That's 1. You have dealt 1 point of damage to Aldron. However, Aldron's stamina is worth 100,000,000 points. If you use the same technique 99,999,999 more times,you might be able to defeat him.

Natsu: Who are you ?!

Void: A talking sprout, that part seems rather obvious to me.

Natsu: Oh yeah, right, what was I thinking...

Sprout: I am a portion of the back. This is the kind of enemy you're facing. I am a part of the wood Dragon God Aldron... The God Seed Wolfen.

Natsu: The sprout turned into a person !!

Wolfen: Those who did not become a part of the Wood Dragon God, must be eliminated.

Natsu: What is this ?! Why you !! BURN !!

Wolfen: ... I can read it.

Void: ... Read what ?

Gray: What are these things ?! Tree people ?!

Cana: Gyah !! Lemme go !! Why you !!

Wolfen: I can read it. The strength of the most powerful one you can think of.

Lucy: What is this... ?! He's changing form !

Gray: Gildarts ?!

Cana: Why do you look like my dad ?!


Gray: Seriously ?! He can use Gildarts's magic ?!

Lucy: You mean these things... Can create warriors from our memories ?!

Gray: Why'd you have to think of someone like Gildarts ?!

Cana: I didn't think of him ! That thing just went and read my mind !!

Gray: this is bad ! In my case, they'd probably make Lyon or Ur !

Juvia: Although we already have Gildarts-san to worry about...

Cana: For now, let's get outta here !! He's a fake, but he's still Gildarts ! Everyone !! try not to get caught by those trees !!

Laxus: What's with these twig people gettin' in my way ?!

Warren: Eeeek !! Why are there so many masters all of a sudden ?!

Max: I don't know !! They changed form when everyone got caught ! Anyway, let's get outta here !!

Wolfen: I can read it. The strength of the most powerful one you can think of.

Natsu: What ?! He's changing form !!

Void: ... Reproducing the ones you fought from memories... That's pretty terrifying...

Wolfen: A God Seed can embody the "power of the strongest person" in the memories of those they must eliminate. That's right... You cannot possibly win. This opponent will certain kill you.

Void: ... ... ... I am torn between a fit of laughter and fearing for my life here...

Whappy: What the hell ?!

Natsu: No, I don't think that's a mistake.

Whappy: Of course it's a mistake !! It's not enough... !! There has to be someone powerful !! One with whom a life-or-death struggle unfolded... !!

Natsu: Well, I've always been together with Happy.

Whappy: What's going on inside this guy's head ?!

Void: I was told you were a complete numbskull, but that's just something else. Well, anyway... You don't mind if I punt that thing to the Moon, do you ?

Natsu: I'd rather do it myself. I don't like when other people beat him up. Heh, this is the second time I've had to beat up Happy today. SORRY !!

*Moon-Punting sounds*

Wolfens: Eliminate... Eliminate them...

Void: Of course it wouldn't be that easy, now we have a whole army of them to deal with...

Natsu: Seriously, gimme a break. But... I think you guys gave me a hint. I've figured it out. A way to beat Aldron !!

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