Chapter 7: Pinnacle

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Gray: There's way too many !! No matter how many we beat, more pop up from the ground !!

Juvia: Water Slicer !!

Cana: Of course !! If Juvia can use magic, then that means... So can everyone else !!

Gray: Alright !! Get everyone out of the cards !! But... Leave Gramps in his !! Plus he ain't in fighting shape...

Cana: OK !!


Gajeel: Th- This is... Where are we ?!

Lisanna: Mira-nee, what's with those clothes...?

Mirajane: Ohh ? There's... Nothing underneath.

Elfman: Stop it, Nee-chan !!

Romeo: Lucy ! What the heck's going on ?!

Lucy: I'll explain later ! For now, could you give us a hand with these ?!

Lucy: I'll explain later ! For now, could you give us a hand with these ?!

Jet: Huh ? Heh ?! What are those things ?! Monsters !!

Gajeel: So to sum it up, we just gotta go wild ? Sounds good ! Geehee !

Elfman: Yeah !! MANLY FIST !!

Lisanna: In that case... Animal soul, Werecat !!

Mirajane: ... ... ... SATAN BLAST !!

Gray: Woah... Mira-chan really is reliable when she's on our side.

Mirajane: Somehow... It feels like I had a dream of getting beaten up by Gray.

Gray: Y- You're imagining things !!

Freed: incidentally, where is Laxus ?

Cana: No clue.

Bickslow: I wonder if he's okay...

Evergreen: And why do I look like this ?!


Evergreen: Don't look at me !!

Juvia: Be sure not to let any of them catch you !! If they do, they'll take the form of any "strong" person you think of !!


Void: So, might enlighten me on that great plan of yours to beat this guy ?!"

Natsu: Well, I just thought of a way to beat Aldron, but... These guys, there's too many of 'em !

Void: ... I might have an idea for that... If they really copy the strongest ones we can think of in both body and mind... I can take a good chunk of them away !

Natsu: How can you be so sure ?

Void: Oh, trust me... If these guys come out, the very first thing they'll want to do is take a crack at me for what I did to them. I'll leave the rest to you !

Natsu: Got that ! And it's better if there's no one else around, too... So now I can... Burn 'em all in one go !! FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR !!

Void: That should be far enough... Now, where were we again ?

Wolfen: I can read it... I can read your heart

Void: Oh, I sure hope you can. Read it well. Make sure to bring them at their fullest, otherwise... It wouldn't be any fun to me.

Wolfens: Fool... Your mind if filled with thoughts of strong ones. You have called forth enemies of great power. And they shall be your undoing.

Void: '... Only one touched me, yet they're all changing... So they can communicate with each others through Aldron, and mimic as many people as needed...'

Void: Now the question is... How faithful will they be to the originals ? Come at me !

Void: As expected... You're picking the most fresh ones from my memories first. And this one is certainly worth handpicking.

W-Raoh: You have fought many strong ones, I'll give you that... I shall stop to view you as a mere insect needing to be crushed, and rather as a threat to Aldron needing to be eliminated.

Void: ... Thank you for confirming two things. One, that you can only replicate them in appearance and power. And two, that you can't see any further than them.

W-Raoh: What are you going on about ?

Void: All of them... All of the "Strong ones" you can see from my memory... I defeated them. Each and every last one of them were defeated at my hand. RENGOKEN !!

W-Raoh: GURF !!

Void: Come on, keep them coming ! Don't disappoint me, bring out more warriors from my past ! GIVE ME A GOOD TIME, BEFORE I SEND YOU TO HELL ALONG WITH THEM !!

Wolfen: I can read your heart.

Natsu: Yeah. Before other ones begin to sprout... Read it nice and good !! Would it go well ?

Wolfen: ... I read it. Fool. You too called one with powerful magic to mind; Now you have no chance to win... Natsu.

Natsu: Long time no see, Nii-chan.

W-Zeref: Even if I am your family, I am still a part of Aldron. Did you really think I would become your ally ?

Natsu: Nope... I'm someone you gotta eliminate, right ? But Aldron's different. He's someone important you gotta protect... Or maybe it's... How do you put it ?

W-Zeref: He is precious...

W-Zeref: Th... This is.. ! The trees... Aldron's trees are dying !!

Natsu: It's the curse of something-or-other !! The more important you think life is, the more you steal life away !!

W-Zeref: It... Can't be, can it ?! The curse of Ankhselam ?!

Natsu: It's because of this power that Zeref went through so much pain, sadness, and despair. And to think I'm using it... this is pretty messed up... I'm sorry, Nii-chan.

W-Zeref: This is bad... !! At this rate, Aldron will wither and die !! This is bad !! if this goes on, Aldron will take massive damage !! Time to disappear !!

Void: Weak, weak, WEAK !!

W-Aizen: Gh- ! What is wrong with this one... ? It's like he relishes in battle...

Void: Did you lot really become so weak while I wasn't looking ?! Or is it that sprout's incompetence to properly emulate you ?!

W-DIO: You absolute- GUARG !!

Void: Insufficient !! You claim to be a God Seed ? To me, you're no different than any other twig !!


Wolfens: Urg... GAAAAAAAARG !!

Void: ... The hell ? Why did they just wither away... What kind of aura of death is that thing ?!


Void: Okay... You've got to be kidding me... It's even eating away at what's already under Dark Void's influence... That's no ordinary magic... What happened with that guy ?

Natsu: So he can make himself disappear ? That's no fair ! But... If that twig guy sprouts back and turns into Zeref again... Then I'll try making tons of Zerefs this time ! Oh boy, I can't wait !!

Natsu: Wha... What the ?! WOAH !! AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhh...

Gray: What ?! They're all vanishing ! But why ?!

Lucy: Over there !! A new type ?!

???: I am the God seed, Metro. I will take Wolfen's place in eliminating you.

Lisanna: What does he mean, "Wolfen" ?

Mirajane: Who knows... Maybe those things from earlier.

Gajeel: So they're taking turns ? I don't get this guy.

Elfman: Were those things from before too inconvenient ?

Gray: It's probably because they create strong people we imagine; maybe they made someone who didn't work in Aldron's favor.

Cana: Wha... !! They're huge !! And so many of them !!

Metro: this is nothing like Wolfen's cheap tricks. I will eliminate you through pure strength.

Gray: Here they come !!

Gajeel: Honestly ! What the hell happened when we were asleep ?!

Laxus: Jellal !

Jellal: Laxus !! Ochita, too... Are you alright ?!

Laxus: I got no idea ! The first thing I knew, I found him beat up like this.

Jellal: Who could have done this to him... ?! I was naked and tied up when I came to my senses. What in the world is happening ?

Laxus: I remember monsters coming out of nowhere, but they all up and vanished.

???: I'm the God Seed Gears. I get rid of any gears Aldron doesn't need.

Jellal: ... You take care of Ochita.

Laxus: What ?

Jellal: You've sustained a fair amount of damage yourself. Leave this to me.

Natsu: Where am I... ? Am I in his belly ?

???: There are five guardian deities that dwelled within the five orbs. Wolfen reads the minds of people. Metro commands the might of an army. Gears is a calculated tactician. Doom brings death to others. Your very existence is a threat.

Natsu: Hang on a sec !! That's only four ! You say there's five but there's four, that's gross !

???: I am the fifth. The Seed God Aldron.

Natsu: ... Are you Aldron's true form ?

Adron: In a manner of speaking. What I am is Aldron's brain, as well as the God Seed's leader, Aldron.

Natsu: What the hell... I was stumped on how to beat someone so stupidly big, but since you're human-sized... beating you won't be a problem !

Aldron: It appears you are mistaken, human. All the power of that size is with me.

Aldron: You cannot even touch me.


Aldron: Long has Aldron waited for this time. The time he would awaken once more. The time to crush Guiltina's underfoot, and claim everything as our land...

Aldron: Centuries ago, Aldron came here to rest after being injured in battle with Acnologia. He was not always this immense originally, but his body was still large enough to bear a single town. In order to store more power, Aldron built a town upon himself, and survived by absorbing the nutrients of the people living there.

Aldron: Eventually, his body continued to grow and grow, until his vast size surpassed the mountains and clouds. It was then that Aldron realized he could not control his power. Thus, he birthed five orbs and fice guardian deities to suppress it.

Natsu: And the White Wizard destroyed all of these without knowing this...

Aldron: he has grown weary of sleeping like this. Because he has awakened, this land, will crumble to dust.


Natsu: i'm not gonna let that happen...

Aldron: There is nothing you can do.

Natsu: GWAAAAAAH !! ... What the hell... ?! I can't even see his attacks !

Void: Sometimes, what you need to truly see your opponent are not your eyes, impetuous one.


Natsu: Wh- What ? Where is this coming from ?

Void: Apologies, please just give me a moment. it's quite cramped in here. And...


Void: Haaaaah. Much better. I hope you'll excuse me for the mess, But I found no other way out of this... And by the looks of it, into this as well...

Aldron: ... You were somewhat troublesome, so I had intended to keep you trapped, but you managed to dig your way out... You are no ordinary human, even amongst these mages...

Void: Well you're half-right on that, at least; i'm not really a mage, per say, but... I suppose calling me "Unordinary" wouldn't be too far-fetched. And as a matter of fact... You who claims so proudly to stand atop all of creation as a so-called "Dragon God"... Allow me to enlighten and introduce you, to the very pinnacle of human strength and might.

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