Chapter 8: Two down

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jellal: You things did that to all of them...

Gears: Well... I don't know about that... But there's one thing that's certain. It's that your gears have begun to turn.

"... ... ..."

Laxus: Hey, don't push yourself like that. You're in a bad enough shape already...

"... Here for round 2, fucker... ?"

Laxus: Huh ?

Aldron: ... The pinnacle of human strength, you say... ? I'm sorry, was that my cue to laugh ? What point is there for you to call yourself the strongest of all ants ?

Void: ... Yes, ants are indeed an apt comparison. I suppose someone who has lived their entire life as a lone existence would fail to comprehend. How strange that someone who's power represents trees and forests would not get the whole "strength in numbers" thing... Well, from what I was told, I know a bunch of fairies that certainly do.

Natsu: Wait... Yeah, without the White Mage's control, they'd all be fighting now, wouldn't they ?!

Void: They most certainly are. I cannot what is happening now that we're inside of him, but I'm certain none of them have even started thinking of giving up. Not a single one-


Natsu: GAH ?!

Aldron: I have grown tired of your ramblings, human.

Natsu: Ah, uh, you... Damn it, I don't even know your name !!

Void: That is of little importance. And I am sorry, I do tend to ramble, but what can I say ? It's the same for you... It's when you're certain of your crushing victory that you can take the time to talk.

Aldron: Crushing victory...

Gajeel: It's hard... Not even my iron can smash it ?! Gee hee ! This just got interesting !

Lucy: These things are strong... if this keeps up...

Gray: We'll aim for the main guy !! ICE HAMMER !!

Juvia: Right !! WATER SLICER !!

Gray: A golem came up !!

Metro: Power is everything to me.

Juvia: Wait, Gray-sama ! If he protects himself by using golems... Could it be the main body doesn't want to attack ?!

Gray: In that case... Let's do this, Juvia !!

Metro: I am power itself. Or rather, Aldon's "power". This unfathomably large power will crush all !!


Metro: 'No effect... Why... ?!'

Gray: No way you can crush this girl.

Juvia: Juvia's body is made of water ! WATER NEBULA !!

Metro: Did you really think water would work against wood ? Wood absorbs water !

Juvia: Huh ? KYAAAAAAH !!

Gray: Juvia !!

Juvia: J- Juvia is being absorbed by another while Gray-sama can only watch... Could this be some kind of cuckoldry ?! Gray Sama !!

Metro: ... She will provide good moisture for me. Water power absorbed !!

Gray: You bastard... Let Juvia go !! Ice make... LANCE !!

Gray: Guh... ! I can't attack him with Juvia stuck to him like that !

Juvia: Gray-Sama... Do not worry about Juvia... Uh... Ugh !

Gray: Can I even do that... ?! GAAAAH !!

Metro: Human... What does this girl mean to you ? Is she "Power" ?! Is this girl truly "Power" ?

Gray: Damn right. She's my power to live.

Juvia: ... ... *Ba-dump*

Metro: Then it's time for that "power" to vanish... Huh... ?


Gray: Wha- ?!

Metro: H- HOOOOOOOOOOOOOT !! What is this... ?! She's turning into boiling water !!

Juvia: Juvia is Gray-sama's power to live~ !! Huff ! Huff !!

Gray: C- Calm down, Juvia !! Juviaaaaa !!

Juvia: Huff ! Huff ! Huff ! Huff ! Gray-samaaaa !!

Metro: SO HOOOOOOT !! Why you... !

Gray: Calm down, Juvia ! We don't know what he'll do if you mess around like that ! Just cool your head down !! ... ... Cool down... ? Juvia, i'm gonna borrow your body !

Juvia: Of course ! Do as you please !!

Juvia: I'd never thought... You would freeze my water...

Gray: Didn't I say I was gonna borrow you ?!

Juvia: By all means !! No matter what you're into, Juvia is fine with it all !!


Metro: GWOOOH ?!

Juvia: Juvia has become ice ! Gray-sama's ice ! Aahn~ !


Juvia: Ahh... This is the best !

Gray: Juvia ! Time for a real unison raid !

Both: Ice and Water polar elemental magic...


Lucy: The golems ! They're disappearing ! Did they beat him ?!

Gray: Sorry, Juvia. Is your body... Okay ?

Juvia: That is so like you, Gray-Sama !! I never would have imagined that I would have turned into your ice !! Oh... But it hurts a bit around here... Could you please try CPR ?

Gray: Yeah, you seem fine.

Juvia: .. I am Gray-sama's... What was it again ? Go on, say it...

Gray: ... ... ... Cut it out. Our friends are in trouble.

Juvia: *Sad Juvia noises*

Gray: But... I'm glad you're safe... Let's go to the others.

Juvia: Right !

Aldron: ... Has Metro's army been vanquished... ? This cannot be.

Void: Oh, but I suppose it must be true, if that's shaking you that much. Has it finally started to sink in ? That instead of your awakening, this might be the day you're put to sleep foreve-


Aldron: Grrrrrr...

Natsu: A... Are you okay ?

Void: ... Well, would you look at that~ ? The first hit nearly impaled me through and through, but that one... It just drew a bit of blood. Could it be your power diminishes with the number of God Seeds that are beaten ? Is that it ?

Aldron: ... ... ...

Void: I'll take your silence as a sign I just hit the spot. And as such... That would mean we simply need to hold on until they defeat the rest of the God Seeds, leaving you weakened and vulnerable.

Aldron: ... ... You are indeed a funny one. Oddly enough, I almost don't feel like killing you. Despite being simply one human, you stand up to a Dragon God without even the slightest hint of fear, as if you're wishing to have your life taken.

Void: Okay, first of. "Dragon God". I don't think I heard anything as dumb as that in a long time. You are no more of a deity as me or him, it's simply a name, a title that was given to you by humans. How ironic, that the one that views humans as nothing but nutrients would consistently use the name given to it by the very same humans.

Aldron: Gh-...

Void: Second, you praise me because I have no fear to lose my life ? Are you truly praising me because I've seen the shadow of death so much, because I've killed so many, that I was completely desensitized to death ? Is that really a monster just praising another monster for being a monster ?

Aldron: U-

Void: No, you shut up, I'm mad ! I'm mad about you praising me and completely overlooking everyone else !!

Natsu: 'He's just scolding him now... Not what I was expecting...'

Void: All of them out are absolutely terrified for their own lives, yet they keep on fighting and thriving ! None of them, not a single one of them, ever thought about running away. All of them will keep on fighting until the very end, whether it ends in victory or death for them !!

Natsu: ... Well, I know one who often ends up with both... He probably even got both already...

Void: My point being.


Aldron: Hngh- ?!

Void: I'm sorry to be the one to announce it to you like that, but you've already lost this fight. The second you started seeing humans as nothing but some sort of sustenance, victory went far beyond your grasp. Two of the God Seeds have already fallen, and the rest will follow shortly.

Aldron: ... Fool. As long as I am here, Aldron himself shall never be defeated.

Void: We'll see about that...

Lisanna: They probably beat the main body.

Elfman: Gray and Juvia together aren't too shabby !!

Macao: That must be what they call the power of love !

Cana: ... Don't look at me.

Mirajane: Either way, this town looks... Crumbly.

Gajeel: looks like crap.

Levy: I hope everyone managed to escape, but...

Pantherlily: By the way, we still don't know what's this place, or what's up with our clothes.

Lucy: It's kind of a long story, but...

???: You're on top of a dragon

levy: Who's there ?!

???: You're in a town on top of a dragon.

Brandish: If you came here to try some Aldron parfait, it's a little too late for that.


Macao: One of the Spriggan 12 !!

Romeo: But they've disbanded already.

Cana: What the hell are you doing here ?!

Brandish: I literally just told you why. Say, could you manage this dragon somehow ?


Brandish: Even my Command µ doesn't work on something with this much power. I'll make someone bigger, so let's just beat this thing.

Bickslow: Geez, she's getting on my nerves !!

Elfman: A manly man should be big !!

Lucy: Make someone bigger ? They'd have to be bigger than a mountain !!

Brandish: Heheh. Don't you remember what they call me ? Brandish the "Nation destroyer".

All: *Gulp*

Brandish: But... It can't just be anyone. Our enemy is a dragon.

Gajeel: ... ... ?! WHO, ME ?!

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