Chapter 9: Gigadjeel

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aldron: Even Gear has fallen... And the Fate of death has been thwarted as well...

Void: Do my ears deceive me... Or does that make four of the God Seeds done for ?

Aldron: ... Have humans grown this powerful over the centuries... ?!

Natsu: Are you a Dragon who hates humans ?!

Aldron: I have no feelings whatsoever towards nutrients. Nor do I have a need for nutrients with such power.

Natsu: Nutrients ?!

Aldron: I built towns upon my body and absorbed the life force of the humans living there. By doing so for generations, I was revived.

Natsu: if you keep fighting, won't you lose those nutrients ?

Aldron: I no longer need them. With this power, I will consume the other Dragon Gods. I shall start with you, brother of Ignia, and Champion of mankind.

Void: Champion, heh ? I've never liked pompous, baseless titles like that being slapped on myself by others.. But as it would appear you're planning on crushing everyone underfoot... I guess I can make an exception for this once.

Natsu: ... True, me and Ignia both have the same dad, but Zeref is my only brother.

Aldron: Hmph.

Natsu: ... Is it some kind of fighting style to just take every attack head-on ?

Void: Why would I need to dodge attacks that can't hurt me in the first place ? These attacks were fast and powerful enough at first, but as it stands now... They're nothing to worry about.

Aldron: The God Seeds' destruction may have somewhat weakened my magic, but it is still powerful enough to kill you. In addition, Aldron commands the power of life. In time, the God Seeds will also revive. My strength will be restored again.

Void: All i'm hearing here is that we need to beat you before that happens. Natsu, don't let what I say give you too much confidence, that guy is still deadly, he just plunged down enough for you to reach him now. Your deal is fire, so turn him into cinders !

Natsu: You got that !!

Aldron: Fools... LEAF TEMPEST !!

Natsu: Leaves ?! Yeah, those are especially weak to fire ! FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR !!

Void: Get down you moron !!

Natsu: Urgf !!

Void: Shit... Of course, if you could just burn this guy to ashes like that, it would be far too easy...

Aldron: Indeed. There are "Leaves" in this world that do not burn. Do not think you can defeat me in one-on-hand combat. Your puny attacks cannot hit me-

Void: I beg to differ on that point.

Aldron: Gh... This is... is something happening outside ?!

Mages: Go get 'im, Gajeel !! Kick his ass !! Yeah ! Left hook !! Whoooo !!

Levy: Aha... Ha... ha... Ha...

Lucy: You don't need to laugh like that...

Levy: But... he's just so big.

Lucy: If anything, you should have made him even bigger.
Brandish: As expected, even my magic can't make him any bigger than that. Besides, that's his max size. He only has three mminutes 'till it runs out.

Gray: Three minutes ?!


Cana: You mean he has only three minutes to beat that huge thing ?!

Brandish: Eep !! I'm sorry !! Arf arf !! ... !! ... Ahem. You just reminded me of Aquarius for a sec.

Cana: YEAH, I BET !!

Lucy: For three minutes...

"Okay, so... Either i'm still in a coma, and am currently hallucinating... Or Gajeel just got gigantified..."

Laxus: What the hell... ? I always thought he looked like a monster, but...

"If you're seeing the same thing, it probably means it has to be real... And not just the concussion. Also, that's quite the thing to say about after what you did, kettle."

Laxus: ... Huh ? What'd I do ?

"Nevermind... if he really is fighting Aldron, I better go and find Erza before we're all caught in the crossfire."

Levy: GAJEEL !!

Gajeel: Gehehe ! That trick won't work on iron !!

Aldron: I see now, you humans... So you wish to anger a God ? Then allow me to show you the "Thicket of Arms"

Void: ... The what of who now... ?

Aldron: Thicket of Arms !

Natsu: What the ?! there's so many !!

Void: I see... Utterly obliterating the enemy via an attack coming from literally everywhere... No room to dodge them... A literal Rain of Death.

Natsu: This isn't good !

Void: Yes, that's a simpler way to put it...

Aldron: Savour this endless dance of blades.

Void: ... Natsu, stay close to me !

Gray: What are those ?! Something's coming out of him !!

Cana: Wah ?! It's a rain of thorns !!

Gajeel: UOOOOOOH !!

Levy: Gajeel !!

Gajeel: Those specks ain't doing anything to me !

Mirajane: But... Look at them all ! Even at that size, Gajeel can't block them all !

Gajeel: You giant freak !!


Luce: Gajeel !!

Brandish: Time's up.


Gajeel: Th- That... That was close !!


Levy: Are you okay, Gajeel ?!

Gajeel: Yeah, somehow...

Pantherlily: So in the end, you couldn't beat him.

Gajeel: How could anyone beat something that big ?!

Brandish: I wouldn't say that, look.

Cana: He... Stopped moving ?!

Gajeel: SEE THAT !!

Freed: No, another rain of blades is coming !!

"What the hell is going on here ?!"

Laxus: Stop babbling and keep on running ! Guh !

Erza: This way, hurry !!

Warren: i'll protect Wendy with my life !

Nab: Touka, too !

Max: Yeah, but what's with this cat ?!

Carla: That's Tou... Nevermind, let's just go !!

Aldron: There is no end to this swords dance. They will keep falling until your lives end. Even this barrier of yours is of little importance.

Void: Gh... I can see what he means... Taken individually, they barely do a thing, but there's thousands of them... And they just keep on coming ! Natsu, if you're not too busy gawking, just go and turn them into ashes !

Natsu: Roger that ! Fire Dragon... IRON FIST !!



Void: URG- !

Aldron: ... Such is the fate of humans who defied a God... Hm ?


Natsu: I get it now. If I heat it up this much, then I can burn it.

Void: Heh... So hot, it's unbearable... I can almost feel myself melting up from the inside, but... Somehow, it feels like it can get even more hot... But there are some things you can't burn just with high temperature.

Natsu: Yeah... I'm finally... Getting fired up.

Aldron: ... Mere humans would dare to resist the power of a God... ? No, one of you isn't human... A dragon's child... And a demon, no ?

Natsu: I don't five a crap about what I am. Cuz I got people who believe in me. I'm no one but me ! FAIRY TAIL'S NATSU DRAGNEEL !!

Natsu: Tag-in ! You're up !!

Void: This won't be your usual kind of fire, but I'm sure you'll appreciate it regardless ! Let me give you... Creator of life, bringer of death, Star of Jugement... He who rules alone atop all creation, Sole ruler of the Heavens... Burst forth, power from within my soul !! SOL REVELATION... HELIOS !!

Natsu: Huh ? Hot hot hot hot hot !!

Aldron: .. Such heat... And yet no flames... Is he raising his own body temperature to such levels ?!

Void: Fucking... Why didn't I expect it to hurt so much ?! Back there, I only ever used it without a body ! Hey, Natsu !! I may not be able to produce fire like you, but I have my own ways... Now all it needs... Is a spark to set it alight.

Natsu: ... You...

Void: Natsu, I am quite literally about to evaporate myself here ! So either we manage to beat him down before I do so, or... Well I don't want to roast to death here !

Aldron: Beat me... Do not make me laugh ! Humans are meant to be preyed upon. It is 100 years too early for you to defy a God !!

Natsu: ... It's already been 100 years. Tons of wizards tried to beat you guys over a whole century and failed. All of that's been piling up all this time. And now, it's our turn !

Aldron: All humans are my nourishments ! My servants ! No matter how many years pass, that will never change ! HUMANS WILL NEVER TRIUMPH OVER DRAGON-KIND !!

Void: URNGH !

Aldron: ... 'What kind of heat is that... It's like his entire body turned into molten metal, and yet... There are no flames...'

Void: ... Let me ask you something... How many humans have you killed so far ?

Aldron: Hmm ? I cannot possibly remember how much food I've consumed. But... I suppose there were roughly 300.000 humans dwelling atop my body for the past century. Every last one... Revered and dedicated their life to me. The fools. They believed themselves to be blessed, never realizing they were mere nutrients. Henceforth, all humans will bow before me !! So they may nourish me !!

Void: ... Natsu, you stay back. I will beat the brakes of this guy myself. I heard stories... I went out there, and saw the world for myself. The good, the bad, and the very blurry line between the two. I may not be the most upright of person, and very easy to come to swinging, but... Someone like you, who can't even understand, trampling on human life like that ? Yes, for that I'll gladly put on that "Mankind's Champion" cap, just like how you keep calling yourself a God !

Aldron: That is surprisingly convenient reasoning. Do humans not kill animals in order to eat ? '... I can't pull away... ?'

Void: Are you seriously comparing our survival... And your enjoyment ? We kill and eat animals so we can live, so we can thrive. All there is on your mind, is pointless destruction ! Not for a second, have you even considered co-existence ! KUH !!

Aldron: What drivel ! Dragons are the pinnacle of all living things. It is by nature... the thought of conversing with humans is absurd. Now let go of me !


Aldron: Hngh ?! This is no fire... What is this ?!

Void: Do you really need me to spell it out for you ?! You claim Dragons are the pinnacle of all living things ? Very well !! To stand atop all creation, to claim that all life on this Earth leads to Dragon... You shall face judgement for both the creator, and destructor of all such life !! To go even beyond heat, and bask in this eternal brilliance !! Taiyo Hangan Ken no Ougi... SEIUNKEN !! (Nebula Fist)

Aldron: IT CANNOT BE... !! I AM BURNING... ! NO... IT'S CONSUMING ME !! That kind of power... Will you burn the world with it ?!

Void: ... ... Mankind's Champion... Yes, So long as threats like you arise... Then I will have a reason to fight, and somewhere to turn my fist to.

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