Chapter 10: Respite

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Selene: Oh dear... Aldo-chan lost ? Such a waste... And here I thought using that White Wizard would make things interesting... Well then, I guess I will take over this world.

Selene: But I must admit... To be taken out by a human that's not even a Dragonslayer... Either Aldo-chan really grew weak while sleeping, or... Hm, I suppose I should keep a close eye on him~

Reizen: Phew ! So you're saying Aldron turned back into earth or trees or something ? I got no appetite for that.

Skullion: Nebaru has gone M.I.A. after dragonizing.

Madmole: And Wraith... Is dead-cha.

Kiria: He was already dead, stupid !!

Reizen: ... And you three just ran away with your tail between your legs ? Are you really that pathetic, or was it just real bad luck ?

Skullion: ... Fairy Tail. We underestimated them... Our research tells us they are Ishgar's strongest guild. Not only does every member has exceptional battle prowess, but they even have something akin to a Dragon God in their ranks.

Kiria: Him and that Lightning bastard...

Madmole: She has fallen for them-cha.

Kiria: Nah, I didn't fall for them ! I'm gonna eat them for sure !!

Reizen: Your next target is Selene, the Moon Dragon God. I hear she's got a nice body. I won't accept any more failures. You gotta bring her to me. And Suzaku will be coming along, too.

Madmole: Hah ?!

Reizen: One of the Black Dragon slayer Knights. Suzaku the Red Dragon. NOW HURRY UP AND FEED ME !! I NEED DRAGON GOD FLESH AND BLOOD !!

Lucy: *Everyone was moved a few kilometers from Draseel... or rather, the place where Aldron was, to a tiny town called Drameel. Apparently, this place was built for the government to monitor Aldron. After Aldron was destroyed, this huge army showed up. We left pretending not to know anything, which is why we came here. I don't know why, but master and the rest of the guild were in the mod for some sightseeing. It was tough explaining the situation...*

Makarov: You mean we were controlled by the White Wizard, and we've been taken to a faraway land ?

Mirajane: ... So, what was with that Giant Dragon ?

Erza: W- Well...

Laxus: It probably has to do with the 100 years Quest.

Gray: You're sharp, Laxus.

Freed: As expected !

Lisanna: We probably shouldn't ask any more questions.

"That would probably be a good idea. Just letting us in with that info, even if it was an emergency, was already pushing it."

Laxus: ... Then, maybe we can talk about another matter that seems important.

Void: And what might that be ?

Laxus: You, you absolute buffoon. Seriously, who did you bring back with you this time ?

"Uhhh... To be fair, I didn't bring him... He just tagged along when I arrived here for some reason... But, as for 'who', well... Remember Edolas ?

Erza: ... He is... ?

"Not from there, specifically, but... It's the same kind of things, I think. So just think of him as a me from Edolas, or something of the likes."

Lisanna: ... I can see the similarities, yes... But I didn't think it could be that different...

Void: Oh, I think we got quite the different path in life. Who knows, give him about 20 more years, and maybe this kid will be less scrawny !


"Urgf !! Stop that ! I only have human bones !!"

Lucy: ... Did he make the floor crack just by tapping your shoulder ?

"Yeah, you're starting to get a good idea at who he is... An old man with way too much time on his hands. Honestly, I think he and Gildarts would get along just fine..."

Void: Just because I'm old enough to be your parent doesn't mean you can talk to me like that, young man. But I do realize I didn't really introduced myself to you all until now, so allow me to right that wrong. Void Joestar, at your service. Humble traveller, God-Slayer Extraordinaire and overall your go-to guy when you need to punch something really really hard, a pleasure.

Erza: ... ... God-slayer ?

"Not in the same meaning as Sherria or that dude from Sabertooth, but from what I could understand, he did take out Gods, or at least self-proclaimed ones... I mean, you saw what happened to Aldron too."

Laxus: That was him ?! Not even Natsu ?!

Natsu: Yeah, I don't really get what he did either, but that was something, I tell ya !

Void: *Cough* ... Sorry, just a bit of my lungs.

Gajeel: ... Anyway, what happened to Touka ?

Pantherlily: She's the one who deceived us all.

Levy: It seems like she's been asleep all this time...

Lucy: it's a bit more complicated than that...

Max: Hey !! Shouldn't we tie up that Touka girl ?!

Warren: She'll drain our magic against when she wakes up !

Wendy: We're probably safe. She won't recover her magic so easily.

Void: And trust me, even if she does, there's absolutely nothing she could do. Though... I'm confused about all this, did that cat get inside Touka... ?

Warren: No, I'm pretty sure Touka is the cat.

Nab: This is so complicated...

Happy: For starters, there was a cat named Touka. Then the White Wizard went inside her, which made her into a human.

Void: While that would seem like a good sum up of the events, it doesn't make things less complicated...

Carla: in any case, I find it hard to believe Touka was an Exceed to begin with.

Wendy: So she's not an Exceed from Extalia.

Carla: I'm sure of it... She is an Exceed we don't know.

Natsu: When she wakes up, you can bet I'll get her to talk !

Void: Natsu, while I know it's rich coming from me, please leave the pummelling aside for now.

Happy: So it turns out... Touka actually likes me !

Carla: So what ?

"Hey, your guard duty shift is over now."

Lucy: *Three days passed since that battle, but Touka and the White Wizard still didn't wake up.*

Makarov: At any rate, let us celebrate our reunion in the foreign country ! CHEERS !!

Natsu: C'mon !! Let's go barrel surfing ! Blurg...

All: When will you learn ?!

Jet: It's been a while, hasn't it ? Have you gotten bigger, Wendy ?

Wendy: N- No... I haven't changed one bit...

Juvia: Gray-samaaaa~ !

Gray: You called, Juvia ?!


Juvia: Ahh... It's so good to see you safe, Gray-sama.

Gray: ... You, too.

Laxus: Then... When I came to, I found Ochita beaten up real bad.

Freed: Who could have done such a thing ?!

Bickslow: When I woke up, I was turned to stone !!

Evergreen: And I was a puppet !!

Elfman: I hope I didn't do any unmanly things !!

Gajeel: I'm gonna tell our kid this: "Yer dad once got as huge as a mountain !!"

Pantherlily: R... Right.

Happy: Hey... What would you do if I'm taken by Touka~ ?

Carla: Nothing.

Natsu: We haven't brawled in a while, Elfman !!

Elfman: Manly !!

Innkeeper: They're quite a noisy group, aren't they ?

Waitress: They've been at it for three days...

"... I knew I'd find you somewhere out here. Well, one of you at least. The other is a bit of a surprise."

Jellal: Ochita. We can't be a part of a guild-only occasion, right ?

Void: Can you blame me for not being a huge fan of social gathering like these ?

"I'm sure no one would mind. And certainly not her, Jellal. How long has it been ? A year or so ?"

Jellal: Something like that, yeah... But I have no memory of what happened while I was whited out. Did I do anything bad ?

"... ... I think it's better if you don't remember. Trust me, for everyone."

Jellal: is that so... I feel so ashamed... To think I'd end up like that while pursuing the White Wizard...

"Again with that ? Are you really still on that 'It's all my fault' rant ?"

Jellal: It really was my fault. But... I will no longer beat myself up over every failure I make. Of course, I'll continue to reflect over my past sins and mistakes. And by doing that, I will find a path that will lead to tomorrow.

Void: ... ... You know. Once, I wanted to save everyone. I knew I had to fight, but I wanted to make sure no one was hurt. But then I saw people die. People that I couldn't save, or even people I could have saved, but I wasn't able to... And the more I moved forward, the more people I met, and the more I lost... Until the only one left was me.

Jellal: ... I don't really get how that would solve...

Void: Do you really think I got here by blaming myself ? By keeping my head so far into the past I could turn around and say hi to all my ancestors ?

Jellal: ... What is he trying to say ?

"I think he means while you must not forget the past, Letting it keep you from going forward is just as bad... But yeah, he's being very cryptic."

Jellal: I see... That's what It means to live, right ? You don't die for others, you live for them...

"I'm glad you could finally come to term with that."

Jellal: Yes... Now, I can finally love people again.

"... I swear, if you try to hug me, I'll blast you back to Magnolia. I went through too much yaoi fanservice already"

Void: And while the temptation of simply laying down and letting go of all of it was strong, I could feel their wills within me, pushing me forward...

Jellal: Do you think he'll be done soon ?

"Heh, just give him... I dunno, we'll see if he's still here tomorrow morning."

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