Chapter 11: Just another day at Fairy Tail !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Void: *ACHOO* !!

"That's on you. Can't believe you really stayed there all night and kept on monologuing for no one to listen to."

Void: I have lots of things I kept to myself for very long.

"You need a therapist is what you need. And I don't think we have anyone qualified for that job in the guild. No one's sane enough."

Void: ... What about that "Mirajane" ? It seemed to me she'd be quite down-to-Earth.

"Her nickname is literally Satan. Don't try to look around, being batshit crazy is almost a prerogative to get in the guild at this point. The most our guild is known for is mindless collateral destruction after all."

Void: I... I see, that's... Interesting... ? We should probably get moving, about that whole quest thing, don't you think ?

"No, not yet. We're having some down time after taking down a powerful enemy, so it can only means fanservice is happening somewhere as we speak."

Void: ... ... ... What ?

"Right, you're new around these parts. For some reason, whenever we all narrowly escape mortal danger, there is suddenly a setup happening, most of the time involving a big bath for all the girls;"

Void: ... That's weird... I've never heard of or seen anything like that before...

"Why, what do you usually do after things like what just happened ?"

Void: Bury the ones that have fallen alongside you whilst shedding manly tears, and then walk away into the sunset through the post-apocalyptic wasteland.

"... ... ... Well, might as well take it easy here, you'll know when fanservice is over, a bunch of screams."

Erza: I have a distinct feeling someone is talking about us right now...

Lucy: Forget that, I never thought there'd be a huge public bath here.

Mirajane: It's been a while since we all bathed together like this.

Levy: It feels so good !

Wendy: For sure !

Cana: Anyway, about this bath... Doesn't it look like Aldron to you ?

Lisanna: I think this town was built to keep an eye on Aldron, but it looks like it's a popular tourist attraction, too. Come to think of it, there's all sorts of merch being sold. Like steamed Aldron cakes.

Erza: Even if it isn't the actual dragon, it is a bit conflicting, knowing the circumstances.

Mirajane: Nothing's more queenly than relaxing on top of a fallen enemy. Juvia, what are you doing... ?

Juvia: It's embarrassing...

Lucy: Aldron was so big, so looking at him like this is... Huh ?


Brandish: Wrong. You just got smaller.

Lucy: Brandish !! You can't just do that to people ! Change me back right now !!

Brandish: C'mon. How else are you gonna feel the full awe and splendor of this bath ?

Erza: that... Does sound like fun !!

Wendy: Please make me smaller !

Carla: You're small enough as it is.

Brandish: *Snap*

Erza: We went from a normal bath to a ginormous one !! Amazing !!

Lisanna: But now i'm worried that we can't stand in the bath.

Cana: Look at this ! Now I can drink all I want and never run out !! better yet, I can take a booze bath !!

Wendy: that tree was just a decoration, but now it looks like a Holy tree !

Carla: you're just imagining things.

Lucy: Let's go soap surfing ! Yaay !!

Levy: You're acting like Natsu, Lu-chan...

Mirajane: being able to float on top of these bubbles is the best !

Erza: It feels quite good indeed !

Lucy: I think it's time to change us back, Brandish... Brandish ?

"Absence of Brandish": ... ... ...

Juvia: Um... She left a while ago, saying "What a pain"...

Lisanna: Huh ? What will happen to our bodies ?

Mirajane: We should turn back sooner or later.

Erza: What are you saying so leisurely ?!

Lucy: We gotta find her !!

Lucy: This regular hallway... Became a huge Cloister !! It'd be really bad if somebody stepped on me !

Wendy: Did you find her, Juvia-san ?

Juvia: Ah ! It's him ! A giant Gray-sama~ ! Gray-samaaaa~ !

Carla: ... She looks like an insect.

Wendy: Don't say that, Carla.

Gray: ... ... What the... ?!

Carla: There we go...

Wendy: Juvia-san !! Your bath towel !


Gray: AAAAAAA !!

Elfman: What's wrong, Gray ?

Gray: AAAAAAAH- *Glomp* !

Elfman: ... D- Did you just eat a huge bug or something ?

Gray: ... ... ... !!

Elfman: What a man... Or rather, you're too punk rock...

Levy: ... And now we're looking for Brandish.

Gajeel: That woman... Needs to be arrested.

Pantherlily: Either way, we have a giant father and a tiny mother.

Gajeel: Looks like we got another story to tell our kid.

Levy: Oh, you...

Void: ... ... Hey, uh... That's gonna sound weird, but I need to ask... Your girlfriend, it's the one with the red hair, right ?

"We're married, but yes... Why are you asking ?"

Void: Because unless this inn has very big and very weird bugs, I think you're about to squash her...

"... What ?! What is... I, you..."

Erza: Brandish...

Void: When you told me about fanservice, I wasn't expecting that at all...

"N- Neither was I !!"

Natsu: ... Hm?

Lucy: Natsu !! Happy !!

Natsu: Oh, it's just Lucy... She looks strangely tiny... ... ... ... REAL TINY !!

Happy: What happened ?! You're puny !!

Lucy: It's all Brandish's fault !! I'm looking for her ! And could you please stop thinking about pranks !! You've got a good nose, so track Brandish down !

Natsu: Yeah, but she's not from our guild. And didn't she just come out of the bath ?

Happy: When people come out of a bath, their scent disappears.

Lucy: I'll take your word for it. And you're way too close. Looks like we'll have to find her the old-fashioned way.

Natsu: Dressed like that ?

Lucy: it's not like I want to ! My clothes are too big for me like this ! Besides, no one will notice me when i'm this small !

Natsu: Got it.

Natsu: So ? Where do we find her in a town this big ?

Lucy: Hmmm... maybe the sweets shop ?

Natsu: easy enough...

Lucy: THAT WAS FAST !! Change me right back this instant !!

Brandish: Ah, I guess I forgot. Sorry 'bout that.

Lucy: Wait !! here ?! Don't... ! Now's not... !



Natsu: ... ... Your butt...

Lucy: NOOOOOO !!

Brandish: ... Want some ?

Carla: Ah ! We changed back !

Wendy: Eeeeek !!

Mirajane: I wonder if they wanted it to stop here.

Lisanna: Don't look at us !!

Macao/Wakaba: Whoooo !!


Elfman: THAT'S GROSS !! Wait, Ohhhh ?!

Juvia: Ahhhhh~.

Erza: A- Ah ?!

"... Jacket.

Void: ... ... ... Hm.

"What ? If you got something to say, say it, don't just stand there like an idiot."

Void: ... ... The joy of living happily and founding a family of my own may be impossible for me to reach, but it certainly doesn't mean I can't feel happiness when another me attains it.

"... What the hell are you talking about ?"

Void: She's a 9 at worst. i'm so proud of you, my boy.



Lucy: Jeez... Could you stop doing that ?

Brandish: I said i'm sorry. But I'm already heading out. I'm hunting for the next rare sweets !

Lucy: Your goal's totally changed !!

Brandish: ... Kidding. It hasn't changed one bit... You-know-what belongs to me. I'm not giving Aquarius to anyone, especially not to you.

Lucy: I know. that's why I'm not gonna lose.

Happy: I'm getting good vibes from those two.

Natsu: ... ... Hold on a sec... Make my head big again !!

Lucy: Quit it !!

Warren: Oh crap !! She's awake !!

Max: Right when everyone is out !!

Warren: What do we do ?! What do we do ?!

Max: just be ready for her !!

Mage: ... ... ... Elentir has swallowed the Moon. The white... There's not enough white...

Warren: Eep !! What the hell are you up to ?! D- Don't even think about it !!

Mage: ... ... Please excuse me... Could you.. please give me some water ?

Max: Water ?!

Mage: Touka, you have to wake up.

Touka: Nn... Wh- White Wizard ?!

Mage: We're out of time !! Elentir is... !!

Touka: Elentir... It can't be !! You mean you're also Elentir's...

Mage: It's no longer possible for me to save Elentir !! If Natsu-san and the others overcame Aldron... please, Touka ! You must send the to Elentir !!

Touka: then... What were you using my body for... ?


Warren: She's kneeling !! What is she doing ?! What the hell is Elentir ?!

Touka: But... We haven't even told Natsu Sama and the others...

Mage: ... It was only for a short time, but I was one with you !! I should be able to use your magic !!

Touka: Aqua Aera ?! You mustn't !! If you use that... !!

mage: I apologize for everything until now, Touka. The time I spent with you... Wasn't all bad.

Max: Hey !! You can't just use magic like...

Touka: Don't do it !!

Jet: What ?! She vanished... !!

Touka: That magic is not simple to use... this is bad... Water !! Please give me some water !!

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