Chapter 12: Edo

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Could we hurry up and buy new clothes, please ?

Natsu: Huh ? I don't wanna buy girls' clothes.

Happy: it'd be bad if you let a guy with Natsu's tastes do the shopping.

Lucy: As long as we get back to the inn, I don't care.

Natsu: So why don't you just use your spirits' clothes ?

Lucy: ... ... ... !!


Lucy: Of course !! How could I forget ?!

Natsu: A maid ?

Happy: She probably wants attention... Hm ?

Natsu: Lucy, your body's lit up !!

Lucy: Yours, too !

Happy: And mine !


Erza: What is this... ?

"I don't know, but it doesn't feel right..."

Void: I didn't do anything this time.

"What do you mean 'This ti-' !"


Juvia: Gray-sama, your body is... !

Gray: Woah !!

Wendy: Carla ! What's happening ?!

Carla: Our bodies are lighting up... !


Lisanna: Wendy and Carla just... Disappeared ?!

Mirajane: Oh my.

Elfman: Shouldn't you be worried, sis ?!

"Okay... head count, make yourself known if you're here !"

Natsu: Where are we ?!

Erza: Natsu, Gray... Wendy, too ?!


Natsu: that's Lucy's voice !! What's wrong ?!

Lucy: My clothes... They totally disappeared !

Natsu: ... Lemme see !

Wendy: Please don't !!

Void: So... Is this something that happens a lot ?

"Which part ? Poofing out in light or Lucy getting naked ? Because both aren't a first for me."

Void: You have a weird world...

Lucy: How did thuis happen ? And wait... Where are we, even ?

Erza: hmm.. We should have been in Drameel, but... Were we transported somewhere else ?

"I think that much is pretty obvious... This scenery is quite different, yet feels familiar..."

Lucy: What gives ? I can't use my Celestial magic !!

Gray: Anyway, here... Put it on.

Natsu: No... Hold on a sec ! I can't use magic either !

Erza: Neither can I.

Void: oh, so that was the weird feeling I couldn't get my finger on... The concentration of... mana ? Magic ? Reiatsu...

"We call it Ethernano here."

Void: Right. The concentration in the air suddenly plummeted to zilch here.

Carla: How did this happen ?

???: Mama ?

Kid: You... Are mama, right ? Huh ?

Lucy: HUUUUH ?!

Erza: D- Did Lucy have a child ?!

Gray: Say whaaaa ?!

Natsu: It can't be !! Lucy laid an egg ?!

Happy: Mamaaaa !!

"... Looking closer... Flaming scarf and pinkish hair... That reminds me of someone..."


Void: Well that decides it, we somehow travelled to the future, congratulation to you both.

Lucy: S- STOP THAT !!

Erza: C- Child...

Wendy: No... I think she just mistook her for someone else...

???: Nasha ! I thought I said don't got too far !

Natsu: Huh ? HUUH ?! SHE'S... !!

??? You're... Earth-Lucy ?!

Lucy: Edo-Lucy ?!

Natsu: Don't tell me we're in... EDOLAS ?!

Void: Oh, so Lucy has a doppelganger ? That's neat, why're you all acting so weird ?

"This is an alternate world without magic... or at least it was the last time we got here, I thought I made sure to resolve things..."

E-Lucy: Hey, it's been a while !! How're ya holding up ?!

Lucy: Uh... Fine, I guess.

Erza: Why are we in Edolas ?! How did we get here ?!

E-Lucy: Yo, Natsu ! Gray ! Ochita ! Tiny Wendy ! Still as shrimpy as ever ! Hold up, why do you still look so young when it's been 9 years ? Don't tell me time flows differently for you ?!

Lucy: Uh... Well...

E-Lucy: Ah... My bad. I shoulda introduced you first. This is my kid, Nasha.

Nasha: Hello...

Lucy: Edo-Lucy had a child...

Gray: Why are you turning red ?

"She's picturing herself in that situation."

E-Lucy: C'mon... Didn't I tell you before ? Mama and her friends were saved by the other world's mama and her friends. Anyhow, what are you doing here ?

Lucy: well...

Void: that's what we'd like to know, as a matter of fact...

E-Lucy: ... Who are you ?

E-Natsu: It's good to see you again, me !

Natsu: Hey, Fireball !

E-Natsu: Haha ! Please stop with that. Well, i'm a papa now.

E-Lucy: he's still unreliable, though.

Lucy: Edo-Lucy and Edo-Natsu are married ?!

E-Mira: Gray and Juvia, too.

E-Gray: hey, it's been a while.

E-Juvia: Come on, say hello to them, Greige.

Greige: Hello.

Gray: UGHHH !!

Lucy: Why are you turning red ?

"He's identifying."

E-Wendy: Remember everything that happened last time you were here ? Well, now we're working as a courier guild. Though when I say courier, I mean we use carriages since we don't have cars anymore.

E-Levy: That reminds me, they're using Steam in the Royal Capital; they're developing cars as we speak.

E-Natsu: Really ?! I can't wait to get on one !

E-Lucy: No way !! When you're in a car, you get a bit... Um... Extreme.

"And now we have another getting red."

Happy: Everyone... You haven't changed one bit.

Gray/Lucy: Hello ?! We have kids !!

E-Lucy: ... So how did you get here ? And what're you here for ? I heard you don't know.

Natsu: That's right.

E-Lucy: Maybe prince Mystogan in the Capital could do something about it. But first, Erza, Ochita. Our Erza, Knightwalker, is in the Capital... Whatever you do, don't meet her. you'll regret it.

Mage: No... This isn't Elentir... Where am I ? Even though I also transferred Natsu-san and the others with Aqua Aera... I must have gotten lost...

Mage: But besides that... I can't use magic... I have no way... To return to the original world

*The alternate world, Edolas. It's a world that's a lot like Earthland, but it's also not. Magic isn't plentiful in Edolas like it is in Earthland. In fact, Edolas was suffering from a shortage of magic. All of it led up to a huge incident, but in the end, was resolved without even a drop of blood being shed.*

"In short, that's what happened here. I think it's been 9 years or something..."

Void: guess I shouldn't be that surprised other me's also go around with dimensional transportation...

E-Lucy: Woah ! It suits you perfectly ! Just like me when I was younger !

Lucy: Well, we do have the same body... But, don't you have any less revealing clothes ?

E-Lucy: Hey, beggars can't be choosers !

Lucy: So... What happened with you and, uh... And Natsu... ?

E-Lucy: Well, we were alone in a car, and he, you know... Came on to me strong. I mean, you don't have that kind of relationship with the Natsu over there ?

Lucy: Not at all !!

E-Lucy: We're doing well, so i'm sure you two will, too.

Lucy: Is... Is that right ?

Nasha: There are two papas.

E-Natsu: This is me from Earthland.

Natsy: Yo ! I'm Earth-Natsu ! Hey, can she breathe fire and stuff ?

E-Natsu: She's not a monster...

Greige: ... ... ...

Gray: Wh- What are you staring at?!

Greige: Why don't you wear clothes ?

Wendy: Hehe ! If Gray-san and Juvia-san had a child, I wonder if the child would be like him.

Gray: He's too cute, right ?!

E-Gray: By the way, what's the Juvia over there like ?

E-Juvia: It's scary to imagine there being two Juvias.

Gray: There's even a third one called Juvina-sama.

Greige: ... ...

Natsu: Why are you making eyes at Nasha ?!

Gray: Don't be so loud, you're gonna scare Greige !!

Wendy: Why are you two fighting ?

Void: Awakening of fatherly instincts, let them be, they'll sort it out.

Happy: I'm glad everything's so peaceful, Carla.

Carla: Indeed. Although... If Exceed are hated in this world, it'd only be natural.

E-Wendy: that's not true at all. Everyone was worried sick about you since then. Besides, you just feel so soft and fluffy !

Carla: Edo-Wendy. Hey ! that's painful ! And you're too springy !!

Wendy: ... ... ...

Erza: What did she mean when she said we shouldn't meet ourselves ?

E-Mira: Who knows... ? I don't know the details, either. Lucy is more familiar with what goes on at the Capital.

Erza: Hmm... Whatever the case, it doesn't feel like I'm talking to an alternate world counterpart...

"Yeah, it's weird to think it's our Mira that changed over time..."

Lucy: Sorry for the wait !

E-Lucy: ... ... Looking at you reminds me of our friends who were killed... But I guess the feeling is mutual. We also killed a lot of royal soldiers in the old days. But the war is over now.

Erza: Is that why you're keeping what happened with Knightwalker a secret ?

E-Lucy: Lemme have at least a little revenge.

"I find that answer vague and unconvincing..."

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