Chapter 13: Aqua Aera

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Lucy: Woah ! This takes me back !!

Natsu: look at that ! Everyone's doing really good !

Gray: You'd never think we were in the middle of a fight last time we came.

Wendy: Um... Why are you two dressed like that... ?

Erza: Apparently, we're celebrities in the capital... This is just precaution...

"All of this is starting to worry me... I'm sure I took measures to let magic flow freely after leaving..."

Void: Just looking around, it really feels like seeing the late 1800's... For some reason it feels so nostalgic...

Happy: I wish we could've brought Lily with us.

Carla: It's not like we can come and go as we please.

Natsu: Let's hurry up !! We're gonna see Mystogan again !!

Wendy: That sounds like fun !!

Void: Well, that was underwhelming... Are you sure this is the royal castle ? I was low-key expecting having to bust through, but we just walked in like nothing... What security is that ?

???: That's cuz we've got crazy awesome public safety.

???: Mmm. There are very few in town who would mean us harm.

Sugarboy: It's been a while, Ice Boy.

Hughes: looks like we got some crazy awesome guests... And even some new ones mixed in.

Natsu: Whoa ! It's you guys !!

Sugarboy: Hello, Fire Boy. And you kitty boy. Mmmm...

Lucy: Please don't give me a weird nickname...

Sugarboy: Milk girl.

Lucy: That's sexual harassment !!



Lucy: Coco !! You've gotten so big !!

Coco: But you haven't grown at all, princess !

Wendy: Yet another case of a chest getting bigger...

Gray: And did she just call her "princess" ?

"Um... Not to be a mood-kill or thrown water on these warm reunions, but we're on a tight schedule... When can we see Mystogan ?"

Minister: Gushushushu... His majesty is right this way. Erza-sama is there as well.

*Royal army, chief of Staff: Byro*

"Hm... And, about Knightwalker... Am I in danger.. ?"

Byro: This is for you to see, not for us to tell you.

Void: Get moving already. What's the worse that can happen ?

"A massive red flag..."

???: Welcome, my friends from Earthland. It's been far too long.


"I'd say a good decade, has it not ?"


Knightwalker: YOU DARE INVOKE HIS MAJESTY'S NAME ?! DAMN INSURGENTS !! ... ... Scarlet ?

Erza: Kn... Knightwalker ?

Mystogan/Ochita: Erza.

Erzas: Sir !/Y- Yes !

"N- No, my Erza I mean..."

Mystogan: Knightwalker.. as you can plainly see, these are our guests. Please don't be so violent with them.

Knightwalker: I... I... I... I HUMBLY ASK FOR FORGIVENESS !!

Mystogan: please... Would you stop doing that ?

Knightwalker: No !! this cannot be excused ! What must I do to earn your forgiveness ?!Please, sentence me to punishment by lashing !!

Mystogan: I said it's fine ! Just stand up !!

Knightwalker: No !! I am prepared !! Now, hurry ! I present my rear to you !!

Void: ... ... You know, I'm glad I already understood already that personalities between Earthland and here are basically reversed... I'd be asking myself questions about your private life if it wasn't the ca- URF !!

"Wh- What happens between us is none of your business !"

Void: ... ... ... Bottom- *SHBRUNK*

Natsu: So, um... She became your maid... ?

Mystogan: No... Appearances aside, she is still a fully-fledged knight captain...

Knightwalker: His majesty's enemies are my enemies ! His majesty's friends are my friends !!

"She... Changed quite a bit... She became quite more... extra..."

Erza: That damn Edo-Lucy...

Lucy: Don't glare at me.

Mystogan: Are the master, Lily and the others doing well ?

Happy: Aye !

Knightwalker: How dare you say "Aye" !! You respond to his majesty with "Yes, sir" !! Damn exceed !!

Happy: I'm shorry.

Mystogan: Enough, Erza.

Gray: I get it. So she has fallen for you, huh ? Not that different from ours.

Knightwalker: F- Fallen for him... ? I... No... You're wrong... His majesty is simply... the light of my life !!

"Seriously, what happened over the last nine years... ?"

Mystogan: Well, they've been... Eventful...

Lucy: But I guess this Erza is kinda cute. No matter which one, they can't help but be honest about that.

Mystogan: ... Why ? What happened for you ?

Knightwalker: M- M- MA... MARRIED ?!

Gray: Yeah, it's been about a year now.

"Could we please go back on topic ?"

Knightwalker: M- Married... His majesty...

Mystogan: Right... So you don't know how you came here, or how to go back, hmm... I've never heard the word Anima in Edolas over the past 9 years. We can't even open it to begin with since we have no magical abilities.

"Right, that's also an interrogation I had, why did magic disappear ? I thought I made sure to fix that. Did it not work ?"

Mystogan: It did. I'm the one who decided to close it for good. After all, we can't just go and rely in Gods for everything, can we ?

"... ... I'm both proud of you and a bit angry I did that for nothing in the end."

Natsu: So that means it wasn't somebody from Edolas that brought us here, right ? Then who...

Gray: That means it was somebody from Earthland.

Erza: But is there anybody from Earthland who can open Anima ?

Carla: It could be an Exceed... But that's only a possibility.

Happy: Oh yeah, we did go to Edolas using our wings that time.

Void: ... An Exceed, huh... Then there might be someone we know of, right ?

Mystogan: That reminds me... Apparently there are others who possess this power. Actually, it is said that there was another target in addition to Earthland for the Anima project. Elentir, the Transcendental Magic World.

Wendy: is this... A different world other than Earthland and Edolas ?!

Void: Do I hear 3 parallel world linked together ?!

Mystogan: There is somebody in that world with world-travelling abilities that are greater than Anima. That is why it didn't become a target for te Anima project... The Moon Dragon God, Selene. The dragon who crosses dimensions.

Natsu: THE MOON DRAGON GOD SELENE ?! that's one of the five Dragon Gods !! Right ?!

Lucy: Don't say that out loud !

Gray: Well... if it's in front of people from Edolas, I guess it's fine.

Erza: I never imagined we'd hear that name in this place.

Wendy: Basically... we're in the middle of a job to chase after that dragon... Please excuse me.

Carla: Now you're speaking politely ?

Happy: You know about Selene, Mystogan ?

Knightwalker: That's "Your majesty" to you !!

Mystogan: I don't know much... other than that its a Dragon that travels between dimensions.

Knightwalker: However... our records say that the Anima project was determined unsuccessful if such a dragon existed.

Void: True... If a Dragon like that existed, it could just come and take back the power... I guess that one has more reason to call themselves a "God" than raw power alone...

Erza: Is this "Elentir" world as rich with magic power as Earthland ?

Mystogan: That world known as the Transcendental Magic World... It's the exact opposite of Edolas. It is said that it has so much magic power that it is overflowing.

Lucy: So it has way more magic power than Earthland ?

Happy: But it's so normal for our world to have so much magic power, t doesn't even register when I'm told there's even more.

Natsu: ... ... ...

Wendy: What are you imagining, Natsu-san... ?

"Either something dumb or a recipe for disaster... probably both."

Gray: ... Hm ? What is that ? A ring of water ?

Knightwalker: Your majesty !! Stay back !!

Mystogan: GURF !!

Happy: Touka !!

Touka: ...Happy-sama !! Thank goodness you're safe !!

Knightwalker: An Exceed ?! What was that magic just now... ?!

Void: So she's feeling better, that's good to hear... But I think the How and Why are good questions to ask now...

Touka: I connected our worlds with "Aqua Aera", that magic from before. Although... It was rather difficult... Now, please allow me to explain what is happening from start to finish.

Touka: I come from a world known as Elentir. My race is called the Exceed.

"Well, what would you know, exactly what we were talking about... So there are also Exceeds in Elentir ?

Touka: Yes... Although when I said I "came" here, It'd be more accurate to say I was "brought" here. I was likely taken over by the White Wizard in Elentir. I also just learned that the White Wizard is a human from Elentir. The White Wizard used my body and Aqua Aera to come to Earthland.

Carla: For what purpose ?

Touka: That, I don't know... When we woke up in Earthland, our personalities had become unstable. Sometimes I was myself, and other times I was the White Wizard. My memory was also hazy. But thanks to Void-sama, we were able to return to normal. When the White Wizard woke up, she used Aqua Aera in an unstable state, sending herself and all of you here.

Lucy: But why would she do that... ?

Touka: I believe she actually meant to send you to Elentir, but she failed and brought you to Edolas... Before she used Aqua Aera...

Mage: If Natsu-sama and the others... if they could defeat Aldron, then they may be able to save Elentir...

Natsu: Save Elentir ? Hold on a minute... She didn't even ask us if we could... And she still blew it...

Erza: regardless of whether we save it, what she did was incredibly brash.

"Hey, it's still the White Wizard we're talking about... But is Elentir really in that much danger ?"

Touka: No... It was the definition of peaceful when I was there. That's why I can't understand what the White Wizard was thinking...

Natsu: I don't really get it but let's go back to Earthland for now so that we can interrogate the White Wizard. Let's also take Nasha back.

Lucy: We're not doing that !!

Gray: That's right. We're only going to take Greige back.

Lucy: Not that either !!

Touka: So... What's concerning is that there are two problems... as I said earlier, the White Wizard is also in Edolas. I can't leave her alone and I don't even know where she is. And... There is another problem that is more serious. Not even I can use magic in Edolas. In other words, I cannot use Aqua Aera to bring us back to your world.

Wendy: ... Wh- What about Anima ?!

Mystogan: That was also created using a small amount of magical power.

Lucy: You mean we can't go back ?!


Touka: What should we do... ? Unless we can create magic from nothing...

Ochita/Void: Oh, I can do that, it's not really a problem.

Natsu: ... ... What ?!

Void: Barely an inconvenience, actually. Manipulating the boundary between "nothing" and "something" is more or less my specialty.

"And I seem to remember that magic Lacryma is a thing even here, and luck being on our side, I happen to have a bunch on me at all times, so I don't think we'd be at a loss here."

Touka: R- really ?! But even so, we would need a way to convert that magic so I can use it...

Knightwalker: ... Your majesty... Surely that's something "He" could remedy, right ?!

Mystogan: S... So close...

Erza: He ? Who's he ?

Mystogan: Well, there's a good reason we could stop relying on magic like that... And it would be thanks to-


Gray: What was that ?!

Mystogan: Right in time, that would be the 3PM explosion. He'll be here soon.

Erza: Who's "he" ?!

???: *Cough* *Cough* Your majesty, the steam engine is coming along flawlessly ! It should be... H- Huh ?

"... ... ... Yeah, I was a bit curious about that, too..."

Void: I... What ?

*Royal Engineer: Ochita L/n*

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