Chapter 14: Moonlight Requiem

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... I was curious and a bit worried about that, but that's not exactly what I was expecting..."

Void: ... So there's a smaller you running around now... or is it a smaller us ?

Ochita: ... Y- Your majesty, these are...

Mystogan: Those are our guests from Earthland.

Ochita: O- Oh... Then I suppose you must be another me... Well, it's a pleasure to meet-
Erza: ... ...

Ochita: EEK !!

Void: ... Seriously, is there some sort of rules than the you-s must be bottoms when put against an Erza- SCHBLURF !!

Gray: What happened for him to become like that here... ?

Mystogan: I think some questions are better left unanswered... But you came here at the perfect time. I trust that you still have the Lacryma extractor lying around, do you not ?

Ochita: The extractor... Well yes, I do, but... After you closed the Well, there wasn't any Lacryma left to use, so it's just been gathering dust for a while...

"... An extractor ? Wait, I seem to recall Lily saying something about that... That my Edo-self was a soldier in the army, so how did it come to that ?"

Knightwalker: ... As a soldier, he was... Less than ideal, even after I took it upon myself to personally train him. But with the need in new advancements after the magic disappeared, he... Found himself a hidden talent.

"... Personally trained, heh..."

Erza: Reminds me of how I used to teach Natsu when we were kids.

Natsu: Gh ! I feel you man, I so feel you... Erza is scary, a true monster, no matter the world.

Ochita: Th- Thanks...

Gray: So our Erza taught Natsu until he ended up stronger, and yours Trained him until he ended up smarter...

Void: Pffrrrrrrt...

Mystogan: But it means we have a way to use magic still. Erza, come bring out the extractor if it's still at the same place.

Knightwalker: Roger !!

"... Are you sure about this, Mystogan ?"

Mystogan: I get to help all of you again. Nothing would make me happier. We'll ask Fairy Tail to help us find the White Wizard. Their delivery network is spread all over the continent

Soldier: Your majesty !! We've received word that the woman in question appears to be under Fairy Tail's custody !!

"Well that sure didn't last very long. Talk about efficiency !"

Gray: Alright ! Let's get going !!

Erza: Thank you for your help, Mystogan.

Mystogan: I never imagined we'd see each other again. This has truly been a pleasure. While you seem to be going through troubling circumstances, I'm certain you will be able to overcome it.

Wendy: Thank you... So much.

Mystogan: Give my regards to Lily and the master.

Natsu: Take care !

Mystogan: All of you as well.

"... I am terribly sorry for what will happen with Knightwalker once we're gone. You know how competitive each can be..."

Mystogan: Please don't make me think about it.

Knightwalker: ... Scarlet. You found the same light of your life, didn't you ? Treasure him well.

Erza: ... Of course.

E-Wendy: Over here !

Natsu: Edo-Wendy ! And...

Void: Yep. The reason for our presence here... How are you doing, White Wizard ?

Natsu: You... Without asking us, how could you !

Lucy: Natsu... Calm down.

Mage: ... ... I'm sorry... I... Had lot my composure...

Touka: Will you talk to us ? About yourself and your purpose ?

Mage: ... ... My name is Faris. I am from Elentir. I came to Earthland a few years ago with a certain purpose.

Erza: That is strange. According to Jellal, you have been in Earthland since 100 years ago. It was around then that you formed the white cult magic.

Faris: That... Was not me... The leader of the White Magic cult apparently went by the title of "White Wizard", but seems to be missing at the moment. I took the position using my whiteout powers... And I pretended to be the White Wizard.


Happy: So there is somebody else who is the real one ?!

Void: ... So in the end, you were gaslighted into believing you were the real deal... But then, what was your goal in coming here ?

Faris: ... To whiten Earthland's magical powers... To nullify it was my mission.

Touka: Why would you do such a thing ?

Faris: It was all to save Elentir.

Gray: You expect us to believe that ?

Faris: I understand, but... This is simply the truth. Elentir will be destroyed... At the hands of the Moon Dragon God, Selene. Elentir... Has a different problem than Edolas. Its magic power has expanded too much... Like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

Touka: It didn't feel that way at all to me...

Faris: It's not something any ordinary person would know. For generations... My family served as priestess who would erase Elentir's overabundant magic.

Void: Priestess who erase magic... So that's what all that "whiteout" stuff is for...

Faris: yes. If Whiteout wizards from different places didn't erase magic power for several times a year... It is said that it would cause a great explosion in Elentir.

Erza: Goodness...

"Like gas slowly filling up the whole place... Just waiting for a spark..."

Faris: one day, a woman calling herself Selene asked something of me...

Selene: Could you erase Earthland's magic power ?

Faris: Why would I do such a thing... ?

Selene: I'm one of the Five Dragon Gods. There are five similar Dragons, myself included.

Faris: Wh... What do you mean... Dragons ?!

Selene: Indeed... But while we Five Dragon Gods are bound together, we are not on the best of terms. We are at risk... We must erase it, or else...

Faris: Wh... Why come to me... ?

Selene: I have traversed many worlds, but it's considerably hard to find a wizard that can erase magic power. Finally, I found one in this world.

Faris: ... That has nothing to do with us...

Selene: No, it has everything to do with you. I can't rest easy as long as the other Dragon Gods are in Earthland. If you don't kill those four... Then Elentir is mine~.

Faris: ... ... ... !

Selene: Can you see my magic power ?

Faris: Y... Yes...

Selene: Then you know you have no right to object.

Faris: B- But... If you have that much magic power, surely you have the strength to...

Selene: I might be able to kill just one... Then again, it's possible I may die as well. Our power rivals each other's. Your power is necessary to gain an advantage.

Faris: ... ... ...

Faris: After that, I stole Touka-san's body and came to Earthland. The first thing I did was take control of the White Magic cult. However, I did take in massive amounts of the White Creed from the believers and spun out of control as a result...

Lucy: But that's...

Faris: Anyway, Selene's plan first involved whiting out Aldron while he was building strength. That way, we could manipulate Aldron into fighting the other dragons.

"To... Control Aldron ?"

Faris: Yes... But as we all know, I failed. Selene told me that if all of his orbs were destroyed, then Aldron would lose his power.

Void: But instead, he was revived... I don't get it, why would Selene lie about something like that... ?

Faris: I have no idea... But the fact remains that I was fooled...

Lucy: So to sum up, Selene wanted the other Dragon Gods out of the way. She asked Faris to white them out. But... Just as Selene planned, when she tried to white out Aldron, he was revived instead.

"... I think I preferred Acnologia, at least he was consistent and straightforward in what he wanted..."

Natsu: Yeah, what's the deal with that Selene chick ?!

Lucy: ... Chick ?

Erza: I don't understand... What are her true intentions to begin with... ?

Gray: So you were scared that Elentir would get destroyed by Selene... ?

Void: ... She is one thing, but on the topic of overflowing magic... Yeah, you can leave that part to me. But still, her motivation elude me...

Touka: is there no room for negotiation ? Even though you plan failed, Aldron was defeated anyway.

Void: And even if there isn't, that would just make her the next target of-

???: There is no room. From the very start... I never cared about Earthland or Aldo-chan. Ahahahah !

Void: ... Urk...

Faris: Selene...

Lucy: That's her ?!

"H- Hey, hang in there !"

Wendy: I- It's no good, he was shot straight through the heart !

Selene: Hm... Down for the count already, Godslayer ? I was expecting a bit more from you. Oh well, I suppose I just overestimated you a bit after you defeated Aldo-chan, but it matters not.

Faris: Wh... What do you mean ?!

Selene: I've taken quite a liking to Elentir, so I decided to live there. Day by day, little by little, i'm going to kill the humans. Think about it... Wouldn't that solve this whole "Too much magic power" problem ?

Faris: then what would I do with Aldron... ?

Selene: I just figured that reviving Aldo-chan would make boring, old Earthland more interesting.

Faris: You meant to revive Aldron from the start... ?

Selene: Correct. But, I never even imagined he'd get defeated... He was quite weak, it seems.

"Why you..."

Selene: It's no good for me, unlrss the world is ugly and distorted. Elentir is fine, it's already full of distortion.

Faris: Please stop...

Selene: How should I stir it up... ? I simply can't wait !

Faris: Stop it.. DON'T DESTROY OUR WORLD !!

Selene: Elentir has already been destroyed.

Wendy: Faris-san !!

Natsu: THAT DOES IT !!

"Natsu !!"

Selene: You fought Aldron, son of Igneel. You really are Ignia's brother. Just this once, I'll play with you a little.

"Her Dragon Form... !! Brace yourselves !!"

Erza: Everything went dark... Is it nightime ?!

Selene: Let us go to Elentir.

Lucy: Th- The moon... It's coming closer ?! What's happening ?!

Gray: What happened ?!

Touka: That was transportation magic.

Wendy: ... Faris-san ! Void-san !

Void: Gurg... I'll be fine... Focus on her...

Wendy: ... Thank goodness ! She missed her vitals. B- But you...

Void: I'll be fine I tell you ! Hurts like a bitch, though...

Natsu: Where did Selene go ?!

"No here, that's for sure... And not anywhere close..."

Happy: ... Hang on, we're on top of a cloud ?! How ?!

Faris: This is... Elentir...

Selene: Now then... Time to play. Godslayer, Dragon child, and Fallen one...

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