Chapter 15: Elentir

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Faris: Thank you very much. i'm fine now. Your recovery magic is incredible... please, you should focus on him now...

Wendy: Ah ! Y- Yes... 'Huh ?! His heart got perforated... But there's barely any bleeding... ?'

Touka: This is Elentir. The world Faris and I come from.

Gray: hang on, we're on top of a cloud !! We're riding on a cloud ?!

Touka: This is one of our islands.

Clara: An island... How fairytale-esque.

Lucy: But... It feels so fluffy and nice !

Erza: indeed... I'm starting to feel sleepy.

"... by the way, isn't this kinda like a vehicle of sorts ?"

Natsu: Don't say that... Urp !

Lucy: Anyway, we have to find Selene...

Faris: You will defeat Selene ?

Erza: We're not doing this for you. What you did to our guild cannot be excused. However... Professionalism comes first. Personal feelings aside, we will defeat Selene. Because that is our job.

Faris: I... Understand...

???: Oh my... Such a splendid thing she said.

"... Huh ? Did you say something ?"

Wendy: No... is something wrong ?

"I dunno... I think I just heard someone say something..."

Gray: So you're saying we find Selene, but how do we do that ?

Void: Ugh... Something tells me... She wants us to find her...

Wendy: D- Don't move !!

Touka: A game... Let us go to my hometown. There is someone there who is incredibly well-informed

Faris: Touka-san...

Touka: I'm not doing this for you, either. I'm cooperating with you for all of Fairy Tail's sake. And for Happy-sama's sake too~ !

Happy: Hehehe !


Gray: What's that sound ?!

Lucy: It came from below... From the ocean ?!


Erza: A hand ?!

Lucy: It's huge !!

Wendy: Th... This is...

Touka: It's a "Hand"

Faris: A "Hand" indeed.

Gray: WE CAN SEE THAT !! Why's there a huge-ass hand coming from the ocean ?!

Faris: There aren't any "Hands" in Earthland ?!

"Not that I know of !!"

Void: *Serial Killer-induced PTSD*

Lucy: What's going on... ?

Erza: I have a bad feeling about this.

Faris: Rest assured... These "hands" do not harm people.

Touka: No... Look there ! There's a mysterious pattern on the "hand" !

Faris: What... Could this mean ?!

Gray: Isn't it a "Hand" ?!

Touka: I've never seen a "hand" like this...





Natsu: Dammit !! Everyone's on different clouds !!

Wendy: Carla !! You have to get everyone back !!

Carla: I can't !! The wind is too strong !!

Natsu: PWAH !!

Gray: What just happened ?!

Natsu: ... Snow ?! What'd you do this time ?!

Gray: I can't make snow fall !! ... Fall ? ... Wait, this snow is falling off of the ground !! Uh, no... Should I even call that "Falling"... ?

Natsu: Ohh !! You're right ! It's piling up from the bottom !

Happy: Anyway, where'd the others go ?

Gray: Did we lose them ? We don't know a thing about this world. This is bad...

Natsu: I can't smell them !! Anyway, we gotta look for the others !

Lucy: Where'd you go, guys ?! This isn't funny, getting left in a place like this...

"Then there's two of us in that situation... just how far did that hand throw us to... Do you think we could ask that guy behind us ?"

Lucy: That... Guy... ?


"I take it you don't want to ask him ?!"

Lucy: Aw man, what do I do ?! I totally left my keys behind !! I can't use Celestial magic at all... ! Umm... !! Do something !!

"Why ? If anything, he seems pretty friendly, don't you think ?"

Lucy: Why did I have to get stuck with that one that has a distorted sense of danger ?! SOMEBODY SAVE ME !!


Taurus: I've been udderly waiting for you to say that !!

Lucy: Huh ? Taurus ?!

Taurus: Those clothes you got, Lucy-san... They're real nice !

Lucy: But how ? I... Don't have my keys...

Taurus: I bet it's because of this world's magic power.

"Elentir really is something... And that forest is being a real pain..."

Lucy: I don't like that...

Erza: This is...

Wendy: A town, by the look of it.

Carla: What strange buildings.

Void: ... And no sign of any living beings aside from us around here... We can technically count these things, but I stand by what I said.

Erza: Huh ? Who's there... ?!

Erza: Wh- What are these... ?!

Wendy: They're not people.. or monsters, either... !

Carla: magic power... ?! Magic power is moving ?!

Void: I was gonna go with ghosts, or some sort of spirits... But these are certainly not "alive", I can say as much...

Erza: Here they come !! Prepare for battle !!

Wendy: Right !! Um, are you sure it's...

Void: If what I had was a fatal wound, I would've been dead long ago. Don't worry, i'm durable.

???: So those are the humans Selene-sama brought along... It's time for you to show us. Are you fit to become Selene-sama's toys... ?

*One of the Moonlit Beauty Gods: Youko*

Erza: Requip: Heaven's Wheel Armor !! TRINITY SWORD !!

Wendy: Sky Dragon's... ROAAAR !!

Void: Sendo... RENGOKEN !

Carla: They reformed ?!

Erza: Do our attacks have no effect ?!

Void: It's like trying to hit water... Our attacks connect, but it's not doing anything to them !

Erza: Guess you weren't that far off calling them ghosts ! What do we do now ?!

Void: ... I can't tell if they're a natural occurrence or being controlled by someone... But they seem to exist on a spiritual level of sort. Which means... Darker Void...

Wendy: What's that... ?

Void: My anti-magic trump card, so I'd recommend you take a few step back. Maximum range... NEGATIVE PULSE !!


Erza: A- All of them at once...

Void: You could say this was my innate power. Just like Natsu's would be flames and Gray would be ice, I am "Void". Returning all magic in my vicinity to nothingness.

Wendy: Amazing...

Youko: Well now... That's not bad. For becoming Selene-sama's toys... Well, I guess you pass.

Erza: Who are you ?!

Youko: I am one of Selene-sama's bodyguards, the Moonlit Beauty Gods. Call me Youko of Pandemonium.

Carla: A minion of Selene...

Youko: I'm about to show you, the essence of a "Youkai".

Natsu: Are we really gonna find them here ?!

Gray: The hell if I know !

Natsu: And isn't it snowing way harder than before ?! But now it's falling down...

Gray: You use fire, so just burn all of it !!

Happy: Hey... Could you quit it already ?

Gray: ... Someone's coming...

???: I am one of the Moonlit Beauty Gods: Hakune of the Snow, Moon, and Flowers. This place...

Gray: A woman... ?

Natsu: Her scent... It's like Selene's.

Hakune: Oh my... What splendid gentlemen you are. There are only women among the Moonlit Beauty Gods. Looking at such strong men... Makes me want to kill them.

Lucy: Now what... ? We got separated from everyone in this place...

"Nothing out of the ordinary for us then, wouldn't you agree ? Where was the last time we all got to a new location and didn't immediately get separated ?"

Lucy: You didn't have to put it that way...

Taurus: Moo... Anyways, what a strange place this is. Just take a look at those flowers. they're singing and stuff !

Lucy: ... ... That's kinda fancy in its own way.


Lucy: I... I'm sorry. I'm... In a place where me, a cow and a dragon got scolded by flowers...

"That sounds like the beginning of a bad joke..."


Lucy: You didn't have to burn them...

"They had no manners, and they pissed me off."

Taurus: Quite thoroughly... ... LUCY-SAN, TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF RIGHT NOW !!

"An enemy ?!"

Lucy: What for ?!

Taurus: It's just... I sensed a presence just now, and I thought it'd be a good time to use the old seduction strategy.

Lucy: Talk about jumping the gun !!

"He has a point. Given it's just you and me here, there's a high chance we encounter an enemy that somehow leaves you exposed."

Lucy: Don't you encourage him !! Besides, you know my seduction strategy... Hardly ever works.

Taurus: But seriously, there really is some kind of presence...

Lucy: ... ... TAURUS, BEHIND YOU !!


???: I am the Moonlit Beauty Gods' Mimi the immovable. I have come to destroy you.

Lucy: So... So big...

Taurus: Moo...

"Wh- What the hell is she eating..."

Mimi: H... Hey, now... !! That's way too sexy !!

Taurus: Moo !! I was just thinking that !!

Lucy: I'm not into giant women or cows, you know...

"See ? Your seduction strategy is effective after all- *SLAP*"

Lucy: I could go without your comments !!

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