Chapter 16: Moonlit scenery

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well, um... I don't think you'd be so kind as to just let us go through here ?"

Mimi: ... ... ...

Lucy: She's huge... i'm sure she's a power-type.

Taurus: When it comes to power, just leave it to me !! MOOOOOOOO !! MOOOOOO !! HNGGGGGH !!

Mimi: ... ... ...

"She... isn't even blinking..."

Lucy: No way... ! She can overpower Taurus ?!

"At this point, I think it goes a little beyond the concept of just overpowering Lucy... I think we're in deep trouble...

Lucy: In that case... Star Dress: Taurus form !! If the two of us push... !!

Taurus: MMOOOOO !!

Mimi: ... ... Pitiful.



Lucy: Taurus !! Hey, why aren't you helping ?!

"Are you kidding me ? You know as much as me I'm not a power-type ! If I try to swing at her, i'm just gonna get my spine folded in 8 and pulled straight out of my bu-"

Mimi: That outfit... So hot... BUT I WON'T LOSE !! NOT FOR SELENE SAMA'S SAKE !!

Lucy: Selene ?! She's Selene's minion ?!

"Lucy you idiot, get down !!"

"Th- The trees..."

Lucy: What kind of magic is that ?!

Mimi: These are spiritual arts. The power of tempering one's mind through discipline.

"... A massive powerhouse, through and through... Why am I getting stuck with my worst matchup when that guy would be just thrilled..."

Gray: I don't like the idea of two guys against one girl.

Natsu: Really ? I don't care if it's a guy or a girl, but yeah, two against one doesn't seem fair.

Happy: I'm here too, you know.

Hakune: Do not worry yourselves. There are plenty more people here, after all.

Natsu: What ?! Something's coming out of the ground !!

Hakune: The snow fairy toys with the "Women" sleeping in the depths of your hearts.

Juvia: Gray-sama~...

Grya: Juvia !! Why are you here... ?!

Juvia: Because Juvia is Gray-sama's, right ?

Gray: You're cold ! Is this... A doll made of snow ?!

Gray: YOU !! HAVE SO MANY !! Hold on, why is even Erza here ?!

Erza: ... ... H- Huh ?! Ah ! I got the wrong one !


Hakune: ... ... I've never seen something like that... Regardless.

Carla/Touka: Happy ! Happy-sama...

Gray: ... ... ...

Hakune: The women in your hearts soak up your lives.

Juvia: Gray-samaaaaaa !

Lucy: Here you go, Natsu... Touch me as much as you like.

Lisanna: When I was little... I could have been your bride, Natsu.

Wendy: Natsu-san is like an older brother to me... I...

Girls: Natsuuuu ! Natsu ! Natsu ! Natsu-san !

Natsu: ... ... ...

Hakune: See ? Men cannot refuse those they love.

Natsu: They're just dolls. They smell totally different from the friends I love.

Gray: Plus, the real one is crazier.

Carla/Touka: Happy ! Happy-sama~ !

Gray: I don't even know what to say to you...

Natsu: You can just keep doing that forever

Hakune: I can't believe it... That that this spell doesn't work... It is said that human feelings prevent you from striking even if you know they are dolls... This is dirty... Wonderful~. It seems that I, Hakune... Must sap you of your lives myself.

Natsu: What's this feeling ?!

Youko: Pandemonium: Ittan-momen !!

(Ittan-Momen "Roll of Cotton", a japanese cloth monster that strangles or smothers people to death.)

Erza: It won't cut ?!

Void: These aren't normal strips of fabric ! Even fire won't cut it !

Youko: Oh, is it fire you want ? Why, you just needed to ask. Pandemonium: "Kasha" !

(Kasha "Fire cart", a Japanese monster that steals human corpses and carries them to hell)

Carla: What's happening ?! She's... ! She's summoning creatures one after another ?!

Erza: A smoke Monster !!

Youko: This is a "Yokai".

Void: Regardless of how you call it, it's bad news !! I can't punch my way through smoke !! Why am I getting stuck with my worst matchup when that guy would be just thrilled...

Wendy: What about that thing you did earlier ?!

Void: This thing is corporeal ! It won't have any effect-

Erza: This smoke... Can't...

Void: Lungs... Burning... !

Wendy: I can't breathe !

Youko: So you're unfit after all, huh ? Unfit to be Selene-sama's toys... You're way too weak. That's enough for you. Time to eat.

Faris: On top of searching for Selene, we've been separated from everyone... What to so...

Touka: There's nothing we can do...

Faris: No... Let us go to the Whiteout temple.

Touka: What's that... ?

Faris: It is the home where we whiteout priestesses live. The Grand White Priestess might be able to help us.

Natsu: What is this... Her magic power...

Gray: It's cold... Her magic power is freezing ?!

Hakune: Diamond Effect !!

Natsu: I... I can't use my fire !!

Gray: No way !! My ice resistance is better than most !!

Happy: AAAAAAAH !!

Hakune: My spirits arts freeze magic power... Curse power... Spirits arts... Indeed, any power that cannot be seen. Ahh... Such a lovely gentleman... May you sleep in my ice for eternity.

Selene: My, my. They couldn't defeat the moonlit Beauty Gods. That wasn't interesting at all. More... I want to distort them more... Listen up, my lovely girls. Don't kill them. Bring them to me. I've just had a great idea... It will be a cruel and delightful party.

Void: ... ... ... *COUGH COUGH* ARGH !! Dammit, that's exactly why I don't smoke ! Huh ?

"You're finally awake, huh ? You were trying to fight the Moonlit beauty gods, right ? Didn't end well..."

Void: I feel like you're referencing something, but I don't get it at all... Where even are we ?

"No idea... last thing I remember is a mountain of muscles slamming into my face, and then everything went dark. Now we're in some sort of cell, probably deep underground somewhere..."

Void: ... We're not even chained, they either didn't think we'd wake up, or that we couldn't escape on our own...

"Or maybe... They actually want us to escape ? Selene strikes me as the kind to do anything that amuses her."

Void: I can see that happening, yes... Well then, if this is all just a big game to her... Let's play. I can already sense something high up from where we are, so let's not dawdle any longer. Rengoken...

Selene: Sorry for the wait. It's imperative that I take a hot bath thrice a day.

Gray: Doesn't bathing in front of guys make you a pervert ?

Natsu: Hey !! Just... Untie us already !!

Selene: Dragons by nature... Don't have a habit of wearing clothes... Well, I suppose that when I'm in this form, it's better to adapt to human habits ?

Gray: Where are we anyway ?! I'm pretty sure we were frozen...

Selene: This is Black Moon Mountain. It's the place in Elentir where the Moon looks most beautiful. Elentir's moon does not wax or wane. That's one reason why I've taken a liking to this world...

Natsu: Yeah, whatever, now let's fight !! Isn't that what you're after ?!

"Not quite, Natsu. If that's what she was after, why go to such great lengths ?"

Void: That was quite the trek all the way here, you know ? Almost got bored halfway through.

Maiden: S- Selene-sama !! Two of the prisoners have escaped, they...

Selene: Yes, I am well aware of that... I hope you didn't make too much of a mess on the way here, did you ?

"Barely a commotion. A few concussions at worst, I assure you. But don't mind us, please continue."

Selene: ... I don't want to eat humans or take over the world... I simply wish to have a drink and party while watching the elegant moon.

Natsu: ... Are you... Actually a good guy ?

Selene: As long as I enjoy myself, what does it matter if a world or two gets sullied and distorted ?

Natsu: You ARE a bad guy !!

Void: It's a bit more complicated than that, i'm afraid... We simply don't have the same views on "good" and "evil"... Would you consider yourself "Evil" by crushing a few ants when building your house ? To her, humans are not much different than what ants are to us.

Selene: My, my, Godslayer, you do seem well-versed in the matter. Maybe I should take that title seriously, even if it's self-proclaimed. I... Am what causes magic to overflow in Elentir more than it already does. I want to see what happens then.

Gray: We were told it'd explode.

Selene: But... Before that... I wanted to play with you all. At Black Moon Mountain.

"Then we'll just be on our way. I have some people I want to find."

Selene: There is no need to be so much in a hurry. Godslayer, Fallen One, you are our guests for this. Now then, it's time to feast !

Gray: What's going on... ?!

Natsu: Dammit... And it smells so good...

Maiden: Would you like some ? Say "Ahh" !

Natsu: HELL NO !!

Hakune: Ahh... Such a nice body...

Gray: Don't touch me !! That's cold !!

Mimi: Mm... Their bodies are quite toned.

Void: ... What are you all really after here... ?

Selene: A woman drinks with a captive man to liven up the party. isn't that simply delightful ? Come on... Everybody sing and dance !! This here's a wild party on a Moony night !!

Void: Are you really that starved to do that after capturing them ?

"I think the fact half a dozen of them are swarming you is enough of an answer. On that note stay away from me, i'm married."

Void: ... I know quite a few guys who would kill to be in my shoes... Too bad, I'm not one of them.

Selene: Now then... It's time. Youko, as we arranged ?

Youko: Right ! Preparations are complete !

Selene: From the heaven of women's bodies to the hell of she-demons

Gray: What the ?! The moon's getting bigger...

Natsu: A cave ?! When did I end up here ?! Where's Gray ?!

Selene: That is the bottom layer of Black Moon Mountain... A place where the Youkai of rivers and mountains dwell. Onigatsuki. The two of you are in different places. I wonder if you can defeat the Yokai and climb your way back up here. We'll be watching you struggle to spice things up. Our fun party, that is. Ahahaha !

"... That looks awfully like the place where we were being kept just earlier... So we were supposed to be entertainment for the party as well, weren't we ?"

Selene: I have a distinct feeling that trying to force you to participate would make this less entertaining for all of us. So I would rather have you here to enjoy the spectacle.

Gray: Don't screw with us !

Natsu: ... This is 100 times better than being your sideshows ! It doesn't matter if they're Yokai or Demons !! I'm all fired up !! Here comes one !!

Natsu: Kahahaha ! These Yokai are no big deal ! Take that ! And that !! Who's up next ?!

*Frshh frshh*

Natsu: Hm ? Above ?! There's someone with different magic power from before. Woah ?! H- Huh ?

Natsu: Lucy ?!

Selene: Your former friend has become a Youkai: A "Nure-Onna".

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