Chapter 17: Pandemonium

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Natsu: Lucy... ?! Guh... It... Hurts... And it feels good... Hold on ! Your legs... !! What's wrong with your body ?!

Youko: Get a load of that man's face.

Maidens: So cute ! Kya kya !

Hakune: Oh my... I wonder if he's fond of breasts.

Mimi: Way too sexy !!

Void: ... So that's why you didn't want to take any action for the time being...

"Yup. We or these two might be okay, but the rest are a different stories... As long as we didn't know where they were, it was basically a hostage situation for us."

Selene: Ufufu, do not worry, fallen one. I can assure you, all of your friends are unharmed. Although... They have changed into the forms of Yokai thanks to Youko's technique. Now, then... What will you do, Fire Dragon's child ? Distort for me ! Ahahaha !

Natsu: Dammit ! How's she so strong... ?!

Lucy: Natsu. I'm gonna eat you up~.

Natsu: BYAAAAAHH !! Hey !! You gotta change back, Lucy !! FGOH !

Lucy: Could you not talk so loudly into my chest ?

Lucy: It's so embarrassing.

Natsu: Then put something on !! Dammit ! But... If that's the way it's gonna be... I wonder if I can wallop you back to normal !

Youko: No you can't !!

Mimi: So physical elements are everything... Hm... I like it.

"Not really, that's just Natsu. Straightforward and hardheaded as always."

Natsu: I guess this'll be our first time fighting each other. Here I come, Snake-Lucy !!

Lucy: Seems that way. My spirit power has grown much more than usual !

Gray: For now, there's nothing but to look for Natsu... And are these women a bunch of perverts ? Drinking to the sight of naked guys like it was a show... It doesn't feel right unless I take off my own clothes. Usually Lucy says "Don't strip !" and that's how it's settled. And then Juvia... Juvia...

Wendy: Gray-san, are you concerned about Juvia-san ?

Gray: That voice ! Is that you, Wendy ?!

Wendy: Yes. But I'm a Bakeneko starting today.

*Bakeneko: Monster Cat*

Mimi: That's way too cute !!

Youko: Lovely, isn't she ?

Hakune: Is that to your liking, Youko-san ?

Wendy: Hey, is it alright if I called you "Gray-sama' as well ? And... We could play lots and lots-nya ! To the point where you'd die !!

Gray: ... ... No... Even if you're threatening me, you're still way too cute... Anyway, what happened to you, Wendy ?! Did those ladies do this ?! And where's Carla ?!


???: I won't allow anyone to lay a hand on Wendy.

???: Aye.

Gray: HAAAH ?! Don't tell me you're... !

Void: Wait... Those are the two cats ?!

Youko: Yokai... Suiko.

*Suiko: Water Tiger*

Hakune: These ones have grown quite strong.

Mimi: I want one !!

Wendy: Happy ! Carla ! Go get him-nyan !

Gray: What the hell's going on ?!

Natsu: Fire Dragon... IRON FIST !!

Lucy: Fire won't work on a Yure-onna !

Natsu: Just like Juvia ! Why, you !

Lucy: Natsu !! Stop !! It's me !! Natsu !! ... ... You fell for it !

Natsu: What's with this magic power ?! Was Lucy always this strong ?!

Selene: Youko's power has increased it several times over. Although it's not Magic power, but Spirit power.

Lucy: You were careless, Natsu.

Natsu: ... I'm mad now, Snake-Lucy. LIGHTNING FLAME DRAGON MODE !!

???: Hey... You really wanna kill Lucy ?

Natsu: Who's there ?!

???: Celestial spirits can be summoned here without any keys. Plus, we have "Water". Just leave it to me. i'm used to handling this one.

Natsu: Aquarius !!

Lucy: ... ...

Selene: H- Oh ? Who is that... ?

Mimi: That reminds me, that girl could use Yokai !

Youko: No... That's not a Yokai.

Hakune: Two women for a single man... Ahh... I smell a bloodbath.

"A bloodbath it'll be, that's for sure... But the one beating beaten up might surprise you all..."

Aquarius: It looks like spirits can appear in this world without any keys. Stand down, Natsu. I'll handle this kid.

Lucy: Handle ? I wouldn't say that... Aquarius.

Aquarius: Say, what the hell is up with your look ? You tryin' to seduce a guy or somethin' ?

Lucy: Would you shut up ? It's always like this with you.



Mimi: She said she'd handle her, but it all comes down to brute force !! Good ! That's the stuff !!

Lucy: Sorry, but water magic doesn't work on the current me ! You don't even stand a chance against me !

Aquarius: Good point ! Well, since it looks like you don't got that butt I'd spank every time you acted out... BE GLAD IT'S JUST YOUR CHEEK !!

Lucy: WAAAAH !! What are you doing ?!


Aquarius: SHUT UP !! It's 100 years too early... For you to beat me !!

Lucy: Why you... !

Lucy: Let go !!

Aquarius: Think back, Lucy. You are a Fairy Tail wizard. Don't tell me you forgot about Natsu ?

Lucy: Kuh...

Selene: Ahahaha ! I just knew we'd get this cliché !

Youko: Rest easy, Selene-sama. My witchcraft cannot be broken by something like this.

"... You're new around here, aren't you ?"

Lucy: Uhh... Gh... Where's this current... Coming from... !

Aquarius: My water is a stream of memories. Just look... You've felt it before, haven't you ? This water... This memory.

Aquarius: Did you forget about our bond ?

Natsu: Lucy...

Lucy: ... Aquarius... !

Aquarius: You are Lucy.

Lucy: Yeah.

Aquarius: We're friends, aren't we ?

Lucy: Yeah... I'm so sorry...

Aquarius: There we go... That's a good girl. But I still have to punish you. GO BACK TO NORMAL ALREADY, DUMBASS !!

Lucy: AHIIIN !!

Mimi: It's violence !!

Natsu: ... Ah ! Lucy's legs !!

Lucy: I... I.. Why do my cheeks and butt hurt all of a sudden... ? Huh ?! Aquarius ?!

Natsu: She's back to normal !!

Lucy: Natsu ?! Where... Are we right now ?!

Aquarius: Don't worry about that... I don't need a contract or a key in this place. How about the two of us bust some heads together, for old times' sake ? Lucy.

Lucy: ... Yeah ! Yay !! I don't know how, but I got to see Aquarius !!

Aquarius: Quit clinging to me, you little brat !!

Natsu: You were the one clinging to her just a minuet ago, y'know.

Aquarius: SHADDUP !!

Natsu: Anyway, you saved me, Aquarius.

Aquarius: Let's get things sorted out first.

Natsu: You're right. I bet Gray's here, too.

Youko: No way ! That's not possible... It can't be ! Why... Why did... My technique...

Mimi: As I thought, physical attacks are incredible.


Void: Even I find this very cheap and easy...

"You get used to it..."

Selene: Memories... Recollection... Connections... That's it, sometimes, emotions can surpass magic and witchcraft.

Hakune: How interesting...

Youko: Grrrr...

Wendy: You can do it ! Go get Gray-sama, nyan !!

Gray: Sorry, Happy, Carla. Even though you look like tigers !! FREEZE !!

Gray: What ?! They didn't freeze ?!

Carla: What a shame.

Happy: Aye.

Wendy: When used against spirit power, the power of ice is useless. I'm sorry... Nyan.

Gray: Ice won't work on them ?! Now what ?! I've got no choice ! This is something I'd never do to small animals... But right now, you're huge !! I'm gonna punch you !!

Mimi: he's resorting to physical attacks, too !!

Void: I like his style, but why is he butt-naked ?

"That's just Gray."

Hakune: Lovely.

Youko: How many times is my witchcraft going to fail ?!

Gray: ... ... Hrrrrrk !! I can't do it !!

Wendy: Fweeh ! Don't bully Happy and Carla, nyaaaa !



Natsu: ... What ?! But they're tigers !

Gray: ... Lucy ?! And Aquarius ?!

Aquarius: We'll talk later. Right now, we gotta change those cats and the shrimp back.

Lucy: But... How ?!

Aquarius: Like this !


Natsu: What are you doing to Wendy ?!

Aquarius: Just shut up and watch !!

Lucy: Of course ! Aquarius' water probably has some kind of healing effect or something... !

Wendy: *Cough cough* What... Is this water ? Nyaa !

Aquarius: Heh. Poison.

Wendy: .. ... ... ... ...

Gray.Natsu: HEEEEEEEEY !!

Aquarius: That water destroys every cell in the body... You're as good as dead.

Lucy: How could you ?!

Aquarius: It's fine, so shut it !!

Wendy: ... Too bad for you, nya. I can use magic to recover from abnormal conditions. Raise !!

Natsu/Gray: HUUUUUUH ?!

Lucy: Her Yokai form was an abnormal condition !! So when Wendy used that magic on herself... !

Aquarius: Looks like you're back to normal. Of course, that wasn't really poison, just plain old water.


Gray: Now hurry up and heal those cats !!

Wendy: Kya : R... Right ! I don't know what's happening, though...

"... Well, now I can definitely see how the rest of the 'Game' is going to go down. If only her is left, I should probably take my leave soon."

Selene: ... Hoh.

Youko: ... ... ... Impossible...

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