Chapter 18: Hunting

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Carla: So we... Were being controlled ?

Happy: I was a huge tiger...

Wendy: Somehow, I feel like I did something terribly embarrassing...

Aquarius: Don't worry. This girl had her boobs out in full display.

Lucy: HUH... ?! No way !!

Natsu: She pressed my face right in there.


Gray: All that's left is Erza, Touka and Faris...

Wendy: I don't know where Touka and Faris are, but I was together with Erza.

Happy: ... Which means Erza's a Yokai, too ?

Carla: Don't say such dreadful things.

Selene: Hey... Youko... I'm getting bored.

Youko: D- Don't you worry, Selene-sama ! Here is tonight's performance !! The scarlet swordswoman, strengthened by my witchcraft !!

"Oh, right on it, that's my cue to leave ! I have more pressing matters to attend to about now."

Selene: ... ... ...

Mimi: You will not go anywhere. Selene-sama has given you the honor of allowing your presence here this evening, so don't squander her gift.

"If her gift is to toy with my wife in front of me like that, I want nothing to do with her. Out of my way."

Mimi: W- Wife ?!

"So either you step out of my way, or you get stomped on. Your choice."

Mimi: ... ... Immovable Sword !!


Mimi: ... ... ... Huh ?

Void: Now, now, now. let's not loose our cool over something as trivial as this. Surely, there would be no issue with this situation, is there ?

"I'll have to repay you for that one."

Void: What need is there to repay yourself for helping yourself ? Just go already. After all, repaying our host for her hospitality is indeed something we need to do.

Mimi: Gh... Hnnnnngh !!

Void: Come on, you seemed so proud of your strength a minute ago. Where did all that bravado of yours go ?

Gray: Not again... !

Wendy: Th... This is... !

Youko: Yokai...



Aquarius: A snake, a cat... Now a spider ?

Lucy: This is bad !! If Erza's strength was enhanced...

"I am the link before the mortal and spiritual world... Neither bound by the laws of Man, nor by those of Gods... I shall close the gap of Mortal and Divine. Lost divinity arcana, SEVERED LINKS !!"

Erza: Wh... What... In the World... !

Natsu: She's baaaaack !!

"I can literally split a soul in half. Don't be surprised if I can slice right between Erza and that Yokai nonsense."

Happy: She was just one punchline !!

"Don't start cheering just yet. They'll probably start coming after us themselves now, we need to get ready to fight them back."

Youko: ... ... ...

Selene: Youko. I'm bored. Nothing is distorted... I cannot even enjoy a drink like this. Go. Entertain me personally.

Youko: O- Of course... I will plunge them into the hell of distortion...


Void: ... Saying that whilst going against the one literally ruling over Distortion, I don't know if I should praise some bravery... Or command some reckless abandon. But in any case, you were complaining you were being bored, were you not ? Then let's liven up the place.

Selene: ... ... It would seem that title of Godslayer went to your head. But, as you took down Aldron-chan, I suppose I can give you a bit of my attention. Oh, how will you distort for me, I wonder~.

Void: A lot of thing will distort. Spiral Staircase, Rhinoceros Beetle, Desolation Row...

Touka: This is the Whiteout village ?

Faris: ... Strange... There's no sign of anyone... No... The village !!

Touka: There's someone here !!

Faris: D... Did you do this... ?

Touka: How horrible...

???: Nay. I... Was simply passing through.

Faris: ... That can't be ! No one would simply pass through a mountain village like this !!

???: Verily !

Touka: That man... Has magic from Earthland... He isn't a Human from Elentir.

???: Correct. Alas, I am lost. I care not for cutting women down like this.

???: Suzaku-sama was summoned here by me.

Faris: GRAND WHITE PRIESTESS ?! You're alright ?!

Priestess: I see you've made it back safely as well.

Faris: Are you unhurt... ?

Priestess: It would appear so. Each and every one of these fallen ones is a "Tsumeaka". Every last one on my star is fine.

Suzaku: Tsumeaka ? Enlighten me.

Touka: They are monsters born from "hands". It seems they were camouflaged as these "People".

Suzaku: I fail to understand still.

Priestess: The "Hands" haven't given rise to Tsumeaka in decades. To that same extent, Elentir's magic power has been unstable.

Faris: It's true... She really is a Tsumeaka...

Suzaku: What filth...

Priestess: All of this happened because a dragon known as Selene has settled in our world. And so I have summoned a dragon-hunting expert from Earthland, and picked this fine specimen of a man.

Suzaku: Selene... How mortifying. So I hath found mineself summoned with no fair warning as a bodyguard to defeat Selene ?

Touka: ... I was also dragged around against my will...

Priestess: Can we rely on your dragon-hunting skills, Suzaku-sama ?

Suzaku: Naturally.

Faris: For the moment, please tell us your story from the beginning, and allow us to share our circumstances.

Suzaku: To confirm... 'Tis the work of Selene that this world's mahic power hath become unstable.

Priestess: Correct... She must be defeated, or Elentir's magic will run rampant, and this very world will vanish.

Suzaku: Agreed. Destroying Selene would be nary a problem... Were it not for Fairy Tail. The enemy ! I know them as foes of mine guild.

Touka: They're not bad people ! They're very nice !

Faris: Can't we cooperate with them and the "Godslayer" ?

Suzaku: How odd...

Priestess: It's fine ! If they're in your way, just ho ahead and cut them down.

Faris: Please don't !!

Maidens: Grand White Priestess !! Energency !! A second wave of Tsumeaka !! These ones are much larger this time !

Priestess: What ?!

Maidens: Everyone !! Grab your weapons !! Protect the village !!

Priestess: S... Suzaku-sama ! Please help us !

Suzaku: Nay.

Priestess: Why not ?!

Maidens: Wha !! The giant Tsumeaka !! in an instant... What just happened ?!

Suzaku: 'Tis because it is already done.

Faris: Huh ? 'Wh... What did he do... ?!

Touka: 'He didn't even move an inch...'

Priestess: That's my Suzaku-samaaaa !! What a hunk !!

Suzaku: ... So, where is Selene ?

Priestess: I've heard that she dwells in Black Moon Mountain.

Suzaku: Acknowledged. She shall be cut down. And should they stand in my way, so shall Fairy tail.

Erza: A... A SPIDER ?! ME ?!

"Yeah, that Yokai girls was very imaginative with what she changed you guys into."

Wendy: I was a cat monster...

Happy: Me and Carla were tigers !!

Carla: Why do you sound so happy ?

Aquarius: And this one had her boobs out...

Lucy: Would you stop telling them that ?!

Erza: Hmmm... I wonder how Natsu and the others would've looked.

Natsu: It if were me, it'd be a "Dragon Candle" Yokai !

Lucy: LAME !!

"Anyway, this is where Selene lives. She sent you guys all the way to the foot of the mountain, while she's at the very top."

Gray: ... What now ?

Natsu: I'll climb up to the top and kick her butt !!

"Great plan, anyone with a slightly more developed and thought-out idea ?"

Aquarius: The people here use some kind of strange technique. It's different from magic.

"So we may not win without taking proper countermeasures. Not to mention, we were all pretty much washed by her followers leading us to our current situation."

Carla: let's prepare ourselves once we escape this place.

Happy: Aye !

Youko: Thinking about getting away ? The Moonlit Beauty God Youko. I'm going to change you into even uglier Yokai this time.

Wendy: It's her... !!

Erza: That won't happen again !!

Aquarius: So she's the one who turned everyone into Yokai ?


Natsu: her magic power...

Gray: It's just like that snow lady.

"... Spirit Power... It's a bit different from magic, so we'd need the ability to use 'Spirior' instead of Ethernano to fight her..."

Erza: How do you know that ?

"I... ... Huh. How did I get to know that... ? It's like someone said it to me, but I can't remember who or when..."

Youko: You still don't get it. The true horror of Pandemonium.

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