Chapter 19: Slayers

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Youko: Now, let the parade of 100 demons begin. Time to eat up.

Lucy: Summoning magic ?!

Wendy: It's Spirit power, so wouldn't that make it summoning spirit arts ?!

"Regardless of what you call it, there's ton of them..."

Erza: They keep appearing one after another !

Carla: We'll be completely surrounded at this rate !

Happy: What do we do, Natsu ?!

Natsu: Like you gotta ask !! WE KICK EVERY ONE OF THEIR ASSES !!

Youko: It's useless !


Gray: We got a Knight who took down 100 monsters, ya know !

Erza: No... Compared to fighting those monsters one-on-one, these ones are stronger ! Be on guard !

"But compared to that time, so are we ! Wind, lightning, fire... TRI-ELEMENTAL, VOLCANIC THUNDERSTORM !!"




Carla: There are more appearing than those you defeated !!

Happy: What do we do ?! What do we dooo ?!

Youko: This is the parade of 100 demons... An infinite spirit art. The "100" is just a metaphor for large numbers. I can summon an infinite number of Yokai !!

Wendy: There's no end to them !!

"... But there has to be a limit to how many she can summon and control at once, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to clean up the board... It's not the first time we go against someone who can summon monsters ! We gotta head straight for their puppeteer !"

Aquarius: Looks like we're gonna need some extra heads for that ! Lucy !! Summon every last spirit whose key you have !

Lucy: Huh ?! That's not possible !

Aquarius: Even if you don't have their keys, you can still use your own magic power to summon spirits in this place !

Lucy: ... You're right !! Then let's make today a party !! Open !! KEYS OF THE ZODIAC GATES !! GUYS !! PLEASE !!

Natsu: Amazing !

"Now that's quite the sight."

Erza: Indeed !

Aquarius: Let's do this !!

Lucy: Star Dress Mix !! Leo x Virgo form !! Light of Regulus ! Radiance of Spica... ! LEON-MAIDEN !!

Youko: No matter how many you beat, it's useless. Nobody can win against infinity.

"Infinity ? Don't make me laugh ! Their number might be infinite..."

Erza: But you aren't !!

Erza: ... of course.

Youko: No... Where could I have possibly gone ?

Youkos: Ahaha ! Aha ! Ahaha ! Ahaha !!

"... Erza, you know the drill. She will be forced to reveal herself. Lock on to her real body while the others are keeping the Yokai busy ! Light and wind... PRISMATIC TYPHOON !!"


Erza: There !!

Youko: What ?! Damn you... !

Erza: The only one who would have to defend would be the real you. We will put infinity to an end.

Youko: C- Come on, my Yokai !! Can't you protect me ?!

"Begone !!"

Youko: Damn you all !! Ghah !! ... I see now... Interesting... It's been a while, but I guess I ought to use that against the two of you, huh...

Natsu: ... Hey, that's my scarf !! Why you... ! Hold still !! I'll burn you alive !! GIVE IT BAAAAAACK !!

Erza: What is this power... ?!

Youko: I... Have used my spirit art to turn myself into a Yokai. Outer path: Oumagatoki.

"Four arms ?!"

Youko: SHAAAAA !! Heh heh heh... You can't defend yourself with just two arms.

Erza: ... That's very true... In that case...

"Oh, is it time for this ? Let's go then !"

Erza: ... REQUIP !! Core of the Fallen God !!

Youko: W- Whuh ? Where did that guy go... ?

Erza: Not so far. After all, only one of us is used to controlling 4 additional limbs coming out of their back. Though, I suppose the one drawback is that it's quite heavy. It's really just something we came up with for the Magnolia Harvest Festival parade, but... Yeah, I suppose we can use it like this.

Youko: H- Hold on... !

"What's wrong, what's wrong ? Your form is getting all over the place~. Guess you're really not used to that, your swordsmanship is very sloppy."


Erza: You can't defend yourself with just four arms.


"Hmph. Now that's what I call distorted."

Mimi: Youko-dono !!

Hakune: Oh dear.

Void: I hope the spectacle was up to your taste, Oh Great Dragon that gazes at the Moon. Because if not, all you need to do is ask, and you shall receive a show that'll properly take your breath away.

Selene: So scary~. Very well, "Godslayer". Go on. Show me Hell.

Void: Hell ? You seem to be mistaken. it's quite the opposite, actually. I'm showing you, Over Heaven. Null.

Gray: The Yokai ! They're disappearing !

Happy: We're saved !

Carla: I wondered when that would happen.

Lucy: Thank you, everyone !

Aquarius: Don't mention it.

Virgo: Incidentally, princess, I haven't seen Natsu-san since just earlier.

Capri: Knowing Natsu-sama, he ran off after a teapot with his scarf in that direction.

Taurus: A teapot ?! Moo... It looked like a tanuki to me !



Natsu: It's gone ! What a relief ! My scarf's okay !! Anyway, where am I ?! I got separated from everyone !

Suzaku: Indeed... Black Moon Mountain is here, is it not ? ... Mm ?

Natsu: Who's he ?

Natsu: ... This smell... You're a Dragon Slayer... ?

Suzaku: Verily. And thou art... No, halt. Allow me an inference. Naked with a scarf... A pervert.

Natsu: I'm Natsu, a Fire Dragonslayer. I can't believe that there would be a Dragon Slayer in this world also.

Suzaku: Nay. I... Am one who hails from Earthland. Rather, I have been summoned... Reincarnated in another world !!

Natsu: I also came from Earthland !

Suzaku: A coincidence ! I hath come to defeat Selene...

Natsu: We got the same goal !

Suzaku: A coincidence !

Natsu: I guess that makes us friends now !!

Suzaku: That is indeed... Very confusing...

Lucy: Natsu !! Found him ! Over there !!

Natsu: Oh... Guys ! You've already beat all those Kaijus ?!

Lucy: Kaiju, you say... They beat the one in charge.

Natsu: Look ! I found my scarf !

"That's good, but don't disappear on us like that, seriously. I'm really starting to consider a leash and collar by that point."

Natsu: Huh ? Where is Aquarius ?

Lucy: As expected, even with this much magic power here, I can't keep her summoned all the time.

Wendy: ... So, who is this person ?

Suzaku: Thou may callest me Suzaku. For reasons unknown, I hast been summoned to this world to subdue Selene.

"Defeat Selene ?"

Natsu: Everyone's here a friend !

Lucy: You mean summoned like with Celestial Magic ?

Wendy: Who do you think called him ?

Gray: More importantly, you're naked with just your scarf, you look like a pervert.

Natsu: Says the guy who's totally ass-naked.

Gray: Woah !! When'd that happen ?!

"Not in front of Wendy, dammit !!"

Suzaku: Pft. Fuhaha... Fu... Fuha... Naked... Fu...

"... And what's his deal now ?"

Erza: Put your clothes on, Gray !

Suzaku: Amusing... What amusing folks... Fuhaha...

Gray: Is it really that funny ?

Happy: ... ... ... Naked.

Suzaku: ... A ca... Cat wearing only a cloth... Sa... Said naked... Pft... Fuhaha... Amusing !! So amusing !!

"Guess that guy as an easy laugh... And a weakness for the naked shtick;"

Carla: Wendy, keep far away from him.

Suzaku: In... Incidentally, all of thee... Black Moon Mountain is here, is it not ?

Natsu: I dunno.

Wendy: If you're saying the name of this place...

"I mean, it's definitely Moon-related, so it feels like a fitting name for the place."

Suzaku: I hadst comest upon hearing Selene was here, and yet...

Gray: Then you're not wrong. She's definitely here.

Suzaku: I thank ye. Then... I shall go cut her down.

Natsu: Wait a sec !! That's our job !

Suzaku: Thou art amusing folk, but I cannot hand this over to thee... If I dally round, I mayst be overtaken by Fairy Tail

"... ... Fairy Tail... ?"

Suzaku: Indeed... Foes of my guild, I hast heard. A Fire Dragonslayer... A black-haired ice wizard... A red-haired swordswoman... A fallen Dragon God... A Blonde celestial wizard... A small child Dragon Slayer... And two cats. ... ... ... ... Ah.

"... ... Guess that guy isn't the brightest of the lot either..."

Suzaku: Surely ye art not Fairy Tail !! How confusing !!

Lucy: Hold on ! We're not exactly your...

Suzaku: Diabolos. That is my guild.

Natsu: You're with those guys ?

Suzaku: Though ye may be delightful folk... Ya art enemies who injured my guildmates... Prepare yourselves.


Erza: ... GUAGH !!

Lucy: Erza !!

"... Just a single strike... Erza, hang in there !! Wendy, some help !!"

Suzaku: She was able to react... To mine blade... ?

Natsu: THAT DOES IT !!

"Natsu, you idiot !! He's on a whole different level !!"

Lucy: NATSU !!

"... That guy really is bad news."

Suzaku: I did it to avenge my guild.

Void: Now, now. You guys all have the same goal here, so why don't you try getting along ? If not, I can always leave that here, let you use it to settle your differences.

Selene: Urk... Guh...

Gray: S- Selene ?! That's... How did you... ?

"That's something you need to know about that guy. The title 'Godslayer' didn't come from nothing. But if what he described his power as is true, then calling him 'Allslayer' might be more fitting."

Wendy: She doesn't even seem hurt... What happened ?

Void: Hurt her ? Now, now, I'm sot so barbaric. And you all give me far too much credit. All I did was... have a little chat with her to show her the errors of her way. Besides, taking her out would make me an enemy of both your guilds.

Suzaku: ... Is this verily Selene ?

"Definitely... But something isn't right. Anyway, we need to get out of here ! Natsu and Erza are in bad shape !"

Void: Hmm... Let's see, Selene would have probably ordered you two to go after them. And I'd hate to interfere more than needed.

Mimi: Gh...

Void: Got something to say ? Maybe you want the same treatment as your precious Selene-sama ?

Mimi: Hngh ! L- let's go !

Void: I thought so. Now, onto us. I have no reason to fight you. However, I believe you're after this, aren't you ?

Suzaku: Indeed. Our guild shall be the one to feast on this dragon. We shall take the heads of the five Dragon Gods.

Void: is that so. Hear that Selene ? To think the Five Dragon Gods would be reduced to someone' hunting trophies. How amusing. Well, have at thee then.

Selene: Urg ! Haah... H- HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Void: Oh, don't worry, I won't put you through that again. At least for now. I'm not gonna interfere either, so go on, have your little duel. Come on... Distort and entertain me.

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