Chapter 12

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Nova was much unchanged since their last encounter. Her hair was still short, self-cut, and a deep enough lavendar that she was impossible to miss in a crowd.

Not that her personality was something anyone wanted to see. Her eyes were a contained wild, a jungle where the trees towered over head and snakes hissed underfoot and one was never more than three feet away from death at any point. Her ugly smile was sharpened with the smack of her bubblegum, threatening in all but the watermelon smell.

Next to her was Rich the Portal maker, who was stoic as ever with hood drawn up so high that only his strong chin was visible from under his cloak hood. Despite the showing appearence, there was nothing that suggested he was any less feirce than his partner.

They both afterall had left Julia behind without a second thought.

Behind both of them floated a green orb that contained a small body inside. It didn't take three guesses to figure out who it was. Even Donnie for all his angry spite was knocked back at the sight of Squirt so...lifeless.

Julia had said that Nova's orbs stole power from their prisoners. If Squirt had been in there long enough...well losing her power was the least of their worries.

Donnie scrambled back from the duo, cursing up a strom. The asphalt cracked under his feet. The rest of the group wasn't far behind them.

"So you're the brat who started this all." Nova said, "Can't say it's going to be a shame to see you try to reanimate yourself, bitch." She raised her hand at the teenager...


Start Main Chain Here! :)

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