fae realm

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Geography and Nature

The Fae Realm can't be found among the other kingdoms. It is a separate realm, connected through magical portals. Most can be found within the Forest Kingdom, yet there are dormant portals among the other kingdoms. However, one needs fae magic to pass through, or permission from a fae if they themselves are not fae.

There are six distinct landscapes that reflect the six courts of the Fae Realm. Plains and hills, deadlands and swamps, deserts and volcanoes, mountains, caverns and caves, rivers and lakes, woods and forests. More details of each landscape will be provided in court pages.

The weather varies between the six biomes. Further detail will be provided in court pages. However, unlike the Kingdoms in the Human Realm, the weather works a little differently in the Fae Realm. Different factors will have different effects; such as the Heart of the Fae Realm, the High Court, and the royals of the individual courts. If each is in good condition the weather will reflect that.

The Fae Realm has rather unique plants with magical properties. Plants unique to specific biomes and courts will be further explained in court pages. Most plants seem to have a personality of their own and act like they're watching you or following you. All fruits, vegetables and other edible plants provide boosts to magic and the consumer, like edible spells.

The Fae Realm is full of magical creatures. They do not have any native animals from the Human Realm but there are resemblances in hybrid-like species. Creatures unique to the Fae Realm all have magical abilities like breathing fire and manipulating water; they also have magical properties in parts of their bodies that can be used in spells and potions, like feathers, wings, claws, and teeth. There are rules in place in the Fae Realm to assure such properties are not abused. Most magical creatures found in the Human Realm originated from the Fae Realm. Animals found in the Fae Realm can be identified in the fictional stories and fairytales of the Human Realm. More details regarding specific animals will be explored in court pages.

The Heart of the Fae Realm
The Heart of the Fae Realm is the Fae Realm's life force. It's in the centre of the Fae Realm, surrounded by the main palace, and is heavily guarded. It's a difficult process to catch even a glimpse of it. The Heart is described as a large flower-like plant with crystals and sequins; and would be almost impossible to destroy. Not only because of the security systems in place, but once a single hit lands on the Heart everyone and everything across the entirety of the Fae Realm would feel it in their bones. Most people and creatures, even if they are not guards, would come running in its defence. After all, if the Heart were to be destroyed all of the Fae Realm and its creatures would be destroyed along with it.

Population and Politics

The Fae Realm is full of not only magical plants and animals but is also home to magical people. The people of the Fae Realm include faeries, elves, nymphs, orcs, dwarves, dragonborns, satyrs, demons, and more. The population is made up of common creatures found in fictional worlds and fairytales.

The High Court

The High Court sits at the top of the hierarchy. Each court selects five people of any status at the start of the year and sends them to the Heart of the Fae Realm. A ceremony is held where one person from each court is chosen by the Heart of the Fae Realm and they form the High Court. The High Court's job is to oversee the Fae Realm, assure civility between their courts and people, watch over the portals, host events for all, and protect the Heart of the Fae Realm. The High Court is in the Capital City.

Members of the High Court

There are six members of the High Court. One person from each court is chosen by the Heart of the Fae Realm at the beginning of the year. This year's High Court includes:

Beast Court Representative:
Fawn (they/them) - Ari Fitz

Dark Court Representative:
Caliban (he/him) - Rege-Jean Page

Fire Court Representative:
Hestia (she/her) - Vicky Papadopoulou

Gem Court Representative:
Rubin (they/them) - Brigette Lundy-Paine

Water Court Representative:
Indra (she/her) - Deepika Padukone

Wood Court Representative:
Morio (he/him) - Sota Fukushi

The Fae Realm Spirit

Aine - Ruth Negga
Aine is a beautiful yet mysterious spirit. She keeps herself distant from the others due to the history of the Fae Realm and the Human Realm. Yet, she hopes for a day where the realms can coexist in peace again. 

History and Conflicts
The most well known piece of history among the fae is the one involving the Human Realm. Centuries ago, the two realms lived together in peace. People would travel through portals with ease and engage in the new worlds and cultures. But when a faery killed a human they were quick to turn on the magical beings. The Fae retreated to the Fae Realm and closed the portals behind them. Others went into hiding in the Human Realm, leading to some humans having fae ancestry. Many who stayed in the Human Realm were hunted down but few managed to master the art of blending in.

During that time, the Fae Realm created the Forest Kingdom to protect the last portals left behind. This was to allow those who stayed behind the chance to return. Or, if times changed, for the Fae to return to the Human Realm. They sent a group of warriors to the Forest Kingdom to keep watch and protect the Fae Realm.

After the Fae retreated, humans began writing the stories of the Fae people and their trickster and villainous nature. They warned those in the Human Realm they were dangerous creatures and began hunting them down. Such aggressive hunts have died down over the centuries but people are still cautious and wary when they come across a Fae.

Within the Fae Realm conflict grew among the Fae themselves. Originally, there was only the High Court, but with the portals closed off the population began to grow. They decided to split the lands into six courts and let the Heart of the Fae Realm choose the High Court. But divided into six, with few chosen for the High Court, it became easy for distaste to grow among one another. Though people have no say in how the High Court is chosen, others tend to look at them in disdain, believing they should have been chosen themselves. But one cannot harm those of the High Court as they are protected by the Heart of the Fae Realm. However, most conflict within the Fae Realm is more petty than harmful.

Economics and Resources
The Fae Realm is self-sufficient with its diverse range of biomes and environments. Each court is in charge of providing and trading certain resources. Those resources will be further explained in court pages. The courts trade among one another despite differences and distaste. Some courts may withhold certain resources from other courts until an agreement or truce can be made. However, this is an offence if done to the High Court.

The Fae Realm consists of six courts. These include the Beast Court, the Dark Court, the Fire Court, the Gem Court, the Water Court, and the Wood Court. Status is similar across all courts and comprises of royalty, nobility, guards and hunters, and commoners. Court specificities will be explored in further detail in court pages. One can change courts with permission from both royal families but it is a taboo practice and those who change tend to sit at the bottom of a court's hierarchy.

The Wanderers

The Wanderers are at the bottom of the hierarchy; some say they have no place at all. Wanderers are a group of Fae who are not affiliated with any court. Most live peaceful yet lonely lives. Others vengeful and violent ones. They're looked down upon by the courts and tend to be exiled court members. Some sneak out through the portals to the Human Realm but most travel the lands of the Fae Realm and stay out of people's way. To be seen or associated with a Wanderer could result in becoming a Wanderer as punishment. Wanderers may find one another and start small families in secluded areas. It's not a common practice and can be dangerous depending on the High Court's opinions and rules. Though Wanderers are known for their reclusive nature they are identifiable through markings on their faces.

Notable Characters
The Beast Court

The Dark Court

The Fire Court

The Gem Court

The Water Court

The Wood Court


Forest Kingdom

Human Realm


The general culture within each court will be explored in detail in court pages.

Travelling to the Human Realm is strictly forbidden. The only exceptions include those chosen to reside in the Forest Kingdom and those going to collect reports from the Forest Kingdom. For any other reason there is a long process of requesting to leave and waiting for the High Court to approve. People can sneak out, but getting caught will result in dire consequences.

It is forbidden to engage in relationships with people outside one's court, especially Wanderers, unless to discuss politics or trade. Platonic relationships are watched carefully and most tend to fall apart because of it. Anything more could result in exile or execution. The members of the High Court will face execution if caught with another member of the High Court.

Depending on the crime and the court's opinion exile can mean either becoming a Wanderer or being sent to the Human Realm.

Art and Entertainment
The main forms of entertainment throughout the year are influenced by the High Court. Most large events will be hosted by the High Court in the Capital. They are also in charge of quarterly markets and festivals that engage in blending all six courts. 

The other courts hold their own events but they are typically smaller and occur within the court's palace and/or city. They are not required and do not make any effort to include other courts. Details on specific court events, art, and entertainment will be explored in court pages.

The Choosing Ceremony
The Choosing Ceremony happens at the beginning of each year. Each court sends five members selected at random, with no regards to status, to the Capital where one will be chosen as a representative in the High Court. There are circumstances where people rig the selection to assure someone is chosen but it increases the chances of the Heart of the Fae Realm rejecting them. The city is open to all as those selected are presented to crowds and paraded through markets before the selection. Each group is taken to the Heart of the Fae Realm. There, one group at a time, they watch and wait to see who is chosen. At the end of the day the previous High Court members pass down their titles and crowns to the new members before a large feast and ball are held. Those who were not chosen are sent back to their homes with money and a gift from the previous High Court members. 

Magic varies between each of the courts and all falls under Fae Magic. The magic of the Fae Realm is powered by the Heart of the Fae Realm. Those selected for the High Court will have enhanced powers for that year. If the Heart of the Fae Realm is dying the Fae Magic will die along with it. Fae Magic can be sensed like other kinds of magic. However, to humans it will feel unnatural; this is how one can identify a fae even if they are hidden. Specific magic will be further explained in court pages.

The fashion of the Fae Realm varies from court to court. One can be easily identifiable through their clothes. Each court's fashion will be explained in court pages.

The High Court tends to wear golds, silvers and bronzes. Each member will wear clothes akin to the style of the court they represent. At large and formal events they wear similar styles with subtle nods to their home courts. In their personal space and time they are free to wear clothes the style and colour of their own court. 

Wanderers have no set style or colours. They tend to wear what they can find. Scraps and cheap clothing left behind at empty markets, clothes they've made themselves, and stolen goods if the Wanderer is brave enough.

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