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A/N to my Indonesian wattpad readers, I post my original story @suhaa_alhasnah it's all in Indonesian. Please read and follow me.

The door swung open to reveal a devastated redheaded man in his mid-20s, holding a bill in his hands. In the room revealing his wife sitting on the bed, staring at the window with nervousness written all over her face.

"Molly," the man called. Molly turned her head to face her husband. Her husband shows the bill he was holding to his wife. "Look at this bill. How will we pay for any of it?"

"I don't know," Molly shook her head. "Arthur, I'm so-"

"Maybe if you watched for your health better and didn't give in to your cravings whilst I was gone, we could've just gotten a midwife and this wouldn't be a problem!" Arthur interrupted. "We still have two kids at home, Molly. How will we feed them when we can't even pay for your hospital bills?"

"I don't know-" Arthur left Molly alone in the hospital room, running a hand through his hair stressfully as he sat down on a bench.

How will he pay the bills? His Ministry pay won't cover them, he needs more money. He needs help. Arthur turned his head just to see a little boy with his toy and imagined it to be his son and him, playing around with the other two boys, Bill and Charlie. But that can never happen, if only his damn wife had never sneaked to eat her heart out whilst he was gone. His son or his wife, he swore to always be there for his wife, didn't he? He couldn't lose his wife, he needs to somehow pay these. He needs a miracle.

Arthur left and bought a copy of the Daily Prophet, immediately heading for FLASH AD section. His eyes kept strolling behind all the ads until he finds what he's looking for.


Child wanted for adoption. Parents are economically well, child will be loved & taken care of. Contact for more info RHYS ROSIER IN ROSIER MANSION.

Rhys Rosier. Arthur has heard of him a couple of times, wasn't he a Death Eater loyal to You-Know-Who along with his son? Arthur can't believe he's going to lose the one son he's been looking forward to seeing months before, but what can he do? He must help his wife. With no doubt, he went for London's floo, clearly enunciating 'Rosier Mansion!'

"Hello! What can Livvy do for Sir?" Once appearing in the manor, Arthur was immediately greeted by a house-elf that he presumed to be this mansion's house-elf.

"I'm Arthur Weasley and I wish to speak to Rhys Rosier regarding the advertisement," Arthur answered, holding up the Daily Prophet. Nodding excitedly, Livvy pulled Arthur's hand to direct him to the sofa.

"Please wait here, Livvy will get Master Rhys to speak to you," Livvy instructed as she snapped away. Arthur's legs kicked the floor quite repeatedly, his palms emitting cold sweat, his thoughts crawling back to his son he's never even seen. Will he look like him? Will he behave like him? What will his childhood like? What will his first friendship like? What will his first kiss like?

All the things he'll never know.

"Hello, Mr Weasley. I hear you have a baby that we may adopt?" Arthur looked up to see a couple, both so formally dressed in dark green and black colours. Arthur notes the man to have such thick eyelashes, his wife would be jealous of him.

"Hello, I'd like to speak to you regarding the adoption advertisement here," Arthur showed the Daily Prophet ad, and Rhys nodded satisfactorily. "I have some questions about you, if you don't mind me asking."

"Ask away-" Rhys shrugged, sitting on the sofa across Arthur along with his wife. "Anywhom, this is my wife, Camilla."

"Pleasure to meet you," Camilla smiled, and Arthur politely reciprocate it.

"So, regarding your questions-" Rhys changed his seating. "Whatever it is you may ask, I can assure you that you will find us the best parents for your baby."

"What do you do for a living?" Arthur asked. "If you can buy a mansion and you can still put 'economically well' in your ad, I'd like to know if it's long-term."

"It is-" Rhys nodded. "Both my wife and I are real estate agents in Living World Real Estate, and we inherit lots and lots of money from the Rosier name."

"Do you have children before?" Arthur asked, even though he knows the answer. "I want to know if you have an experience with children and how will you treat my son."

"I had two, Evan and Druella," Rhys answered. "Druella had gotten married, but Evan had passed away. My wife here-" Rhys held Camilla's hand and Camilla smiled sweetly. "Had her uterus removed. You can understand why we want to adopt a child."

When Arthur didn't answer, he elaborated. "I assure you, we will take care of your son as our own. The child will be properly clothed, fed, sheltered, treated very well, the child will never know any struggle. You don't need to worry about anything."

"Can I ask for something?" Arthur asked. "This is a big sacrifice for me."

"Anything-" Camilla nodded. "Anything."

"My wife is in the hospital. During the birth of our son, there was a complication and my wife had to go through an emergency c-section," Arthur revealed. "We couldn't pay for all the money, we still have two other children at home. We don't know how to pay the bill."

"Can we have the bill?" Rhys asked, and Arthur complied. Rhys and Camilla looked at each other before nodding.

"That can be arranged, we'll pay for the hospital bill and a compensation payment for your son," Rhys decided.

"And how much will that be?"

"2488 galleons, 13 sickles, and 19 knuts," Rhys revealed. Arthur bit his bottom lip as he looked away, all thoughts still to his one son he so desperately wants to see for all this time.

"Very well."

"Livvy!" Rhys called, and a snap can be heard.


"Get me the adoption scroll," Rhys commanded, and Livvy snapped away. Soon she returns with a scroll and a quill in her hand. Rhys opened it and turned it for Arthur to read.

"We have read this paper back-to-back and we will sign it after you and your wife after this," Rhys said. Arthur took a deep breath in as he stared at the scroll, reading it thoroughly. "We want to make sure you are still in so that there are no regrets."

"I won't see my son?" Arthur asked, sitting up straight as he held the scroll tightly.

"You may, but after he's turned seventeen," Camilla answered. "This is a closed adoption, see. But don't worry, we won't treat him like an outsider. He'll be a proper Rosier, just like us."

But he wants him to stay a Weasley.

But there's nothing he can do.

Taking a deep breath, Arthur started to grab the quill from the table and navigate his hands toward the designated area where he's supposed to sign his name, signing shakily.

And just like that, he's no longer his newborn son's father.

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