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5 years later


Percy ran away from Rhys, giggling as Rhys occasionally lets out fake animalistic growls, holding a hose spraying a weak stream of water. Not so far from them sits Camilla, watching them both with Livvy delivering sliced lemon pie for the three of them.

"Daddy!" Percy kept giggling as he stayed away from Rhys and his hose, but the water hits him. "No!"

"Gotcha!" Rhys lifts little Percy and showered him with kisses as Percy laughs, carrying him to the balcony where his wife is.


"Eat your lemon pie, my little knight," Rhys said and Percy nodded gleefully, eating his favourite snack without a second thought.

"Daddy?" Percy called once he swallowed his pie.

"Yes, my knight?"

"Can we go to the beach?" Percy asked.

"I don't know, honey-"

"Of course, sweetheart!" Rhys cuts Camilla, petting Percy's head. "Luckily it's not too late, I'll just order Livvy to prepare the things to go to the beach and we can go today."


"Really?" Percy's excited voice covers his mother's dismayed one. Camilla had never been fond of beaches, so the idea of going to one doesn't sit right with her.

"Yeah!" Rhys nodded. "So why don't you go to your room and get Scabbers, Percy? I'm sure he'll love playing on the beach with you. Bring spare clothes also, won't you?"

Percy nodded excitedly, immediately running to his room inside and upstairs to get Scabbers the stuffed toy rat.


"Yes, Master Rhys?" Livvy suddenly appeared behind Rhys.

"Get the outdoor mat and some snacks, we're going to the beach," Rhys commanded. Livvy nodded as she snapped away. A sigh was heard, loud enough to catch Rhys' attention. He turned around, seeing his wife looking down.

"You know I don't like beaches," Camilla said, crossing her hands to her torso to display her dismay. Livvy appeared again with a basket filled with an outdoor mat and some snacks, giving the basket to Rhys before snapping away. Camilla looked at her husband, raising an eyebrow.

"Come on, Camilla-" Rhys rolled his eyes. "We have no children left to dote on. Druella is already married and Evan is gone, you know we need this."

"I wanted to go to Evan's grave, you know," Camilla added. "Evan deserves to see his father. Percy is just an adopted boy."

"I was always there for both Evan and Druella, and I'll be here for Percy too," Rhys stated. "I don't care if he's adopted, he's my son as much as Evan and Druella are my children."

"Don't you want to visit Evan's grave?"

"I do!" Rhys nodded. "And I will bring Percy to his older brother's grave. But right now, he wants to go to the beach-" Rhys went forth to get closer to Camilla, tapping her shoulders hard. Camilla backed away with every tap. "And we're going with him!"

"You care more about your adopted son than your real son!"

"Daddy! Mummy!" Percy ran out with Scabbers and spare clothes in his hands, panting loudly. Rhys and Camilla distanced themselves from each other, both immediately faking smiles. "I'm ready."

"Are you, now?" Rhys asked, kneeling to Percy's height just to bop his nose, causing the redhead to giggle. Rhys lifts the basket with his right hand, his left hand holding Percy's right hand, Percy's left hand holding Camilla's. Camilla tightened her grip on Percy, quite tight that Percy yelped.

"Hold on!" Rhys said as he disapparated, bringing his son and wife with him. Percy opened his eyes to see the very beach he's been wanting to go to forever, pulling his hands off his parents and taking his shoes off to play in the sand.

"Percy, c'mere!" Rhys called, and Percy groaned as he returned. Rhys chuckled, taking his son's shoes. Rhys puts down the basket, taking out some sunscreen. "I'll be putting on some sunscreen on you, you need it."

"But I want to play with sand!"

"And the sand will still be there when you're finished!" Rhys persuaded a pouting Percy. "Come on, it won't take long."

"Fine-" Percy pouted, extending his arm. Rhys squeezed some sunscreen out of the bottle and applied it to Percy's arms, face, and legs, so long that Percy thought he wouldn't get his chance to play with the sand.


"Scabbers, let's go!" Percy gleefully said after he ran from his parents, sitting on the sand. "Let's make a sandcastle with you as the king!"

With his wand, Rhys spread out the outdoor mat and hired an umbrella, where he and Camilla shield themselves from the sun, applying some sunscreen to themselves.

"Don't you miss Evan?" Camilla sighed.

"Well, of course I do-" Rhys answered matter-of-factly. "He's one of my sons and I regret the day I let him die."

"But you chose to go to the beach over visiting him," Camilla said. "And you haven't visited Druella in quite a while."

"You know what happened with Andromeda, right?" Rhys asked hypothetically. "Let her have a break from the grief."

"And you're not so attentive to me anymore since we adopt him," Camilla added. "You're only either off work, looking for gifts for Percy, or playing with Percy."

"You're an adult, Camilla-" Rhys sighed. "I don't need to baby you all the time. And I do spend my attention to you, don't I?"

"It's almost like you love Percy more than Evan or Druella," Camilla speculated. "Or me."

"That's not true-"

"That is true!" Camilla hissed. "I'm your wife, Rhys. We haven't had a date in so many years! Are you going to miss our anniversary next two weeks because of Percy?"

"We have a toddler son, Camilla!" Rhys fought. "Neither your parents nor mine likes him-"

"Because he's not even ours-" Camilla rolled her eyes.

"This conversation is over!" Rhys declared, standing up. "I don't want to hear another word about our adopted son!"

Rhys chased Percy, sitting down next to him, seeing a sandcastle with the brown stuffed rat on top of the sandcastle. "What have we got here?" Rhys asked as he sat next to Percy. Percy looked at him and smiled before he turned his focus again on the sandcastle.

"This is a sandcastle," Percy answered in a matter-of-factly. Rhys nodded, acting as if he doesn't know what is a sandcastle. "And Scabbers is the king!"

"That's a really nice sandcastle," Rhys complimented and Percy beamed. "But a castle will be attacked, so-" Rhys got up and ran to the coast, getting his hands wet, before 'attacking' Percy's sandcastle.

"Daddy!" Percy giggled. "King Scabbers send a giant to attack big giant!" Percy stood up and ran to his father, 'attacking' him in defence of Scabbers' kingdom.

"Imma tickle you!" Rhys tickled Percy, causing the latter to laugh even louder. Percy ran to the coast, having his hands shaped like a container to spray the salty water in his father's direction.

"Argh!" Rhys ran towards Percy, spraying him with more ocean water. Percy lets out protesting noises as he threw even more ocean water. Percy ran towards his father, hugging him. Rhys returned the hug, kissing Percy's now wet hair.

"I love you, son."

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