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"Percy, I have news and a task for you," Camilla called. "Come down here!"

Percy ran down, having just brushed his hair, grimacing as Livvy told him that his mother wants him to dress up in muggle clothes. He furrowed his brows, don't they have Livvy to do all the tasks? Why would his mother still want him to do tasks?

"What is it, Mummy?"

"Well, after some considerations, I decided to enrol you in a muggle school that would start around now!" Camilla decided. "How's that sound? You get to have so many friends in addition to Hogwarts friends later!"

"But you know I'm magic, magic people don't go to muggle schools," Percy said with a grimace at the sheer mention of the word 'muggle'.

"Well, I've already enrolled you in a nearby muggle school and you should be going today. Livvy has prepared you the bag already," Camilla said, her head nudging at a nearby backpack. Percy widened his eyes. "A friend of your dad and mine, Haslet Wood, also enrols his son Oliver Wood in that school, and they'll be taking you with them! How's that sound?"

"Alright, Mummy-" Percy nodded, grimacing at the thought of sharing space with can't-spells he learnt to hate so much.

"Oliver Wood is a half-blood," Camilla tried to cheer her son up. "So you won't be completely surrounded by filthy can't-spells."

Percy nodded unenthusiastically. Camilla held his hand as she directed him to the backyard, where resides the green grass Percy plays with his father so often. Camilla directed him to the side where resides a square caged plot filled with three white peacocks. She takes out the nearby pellets and hands them to Percy.

"You know how these beautiful  white peacocks need to eat like we do, right?" Percy nods. "So, your task is to feed them. Once you're done feeding them, you can have these pellets for breakfast!" Percy contorted his face. "These pellets are very expensive, so eat them happily and don't waste any bit, ok?"

"But Mummy, these pellets are peacock food, not human food-" Percy shook his head. "I can't eat peacock food."

"I said-" Camilla twists Percy's ear. "Eat them!"

"Mummy let go!" Percy begged. With force, Camilla lets Percy go, causing his body to fall into the land plot. Percy immediately recovered as he sat back up, tears leaking his eyes as he feeds the peacocks. One by one of three white peacocks he had to feed, Camilla watching him from behind like a hawk. Percy shivered as he kept feeding every single one of them.

"Hurry up, it's almost time," Camilla hissed, just in time as Percy finished feeding the last white peacock. Percy grabbed a pellet and start eating it- like Camilla ordered him to- and gagged at how horrible the taste was. Percy looked up at Camilla with a pout on his face.

"I don't have time for this," Camilla hissed as she folds her arms. "Finish it!"

Percy's body quakes at his mother's shout as he quickly nodded, finishing the pellets whilst gagging. In the end, he only managed to finish three before Camilla pulls his hand up so he stands, pushing him for the open gates, knowing that Haslet and Oliver Wood will be here soon. She can't have them see her Percy eating peacock pellet.

Two figures came nearer, revealing themselves to be a man with his son- both of who Percy notes have dark brown hair and broad shoulders. The little boy looks somewhat confident and excited.

"Good morning, Camilla," the older man said. This must be Haslet Wood, Percy figures. "Is Percival ready to go?"

"Of course he is-" Camilla placed a hand on Percy's shoulders and pressed it as she smiled at Haslet. "Go on."

"Bye, Mummy-" Percy walked to Haslet's and Oliver's direction, getting off his mother. Oliver offered a hand to shake Percy's.

"Hi, I'm Oliver." Oliver introduced himself.

"Percival, but you can call me Percy," Percy introduced himself, shaking Oliver's hand briefly before pulling back. He wanted to ask if his father is a can't-spell (since his mother says that Oliver is a half-blood, there must be someone of his parents who is a mudblood or a can't-spell) so he can stay as far away from him as possible, but he figured if he is wrong and Haslet is magic, he fears he will harm him.

Soon, there is a building full of other children playing around and Oliver looks even more excited as he grabbed Percy's hand, jumping up and down at the sight of the school. Percy thinks he might be more closely related to filthy can't-spells than wizards. "Come on! Come on!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Alright!" Percy follows, but his stomach churned with every step he takes. He'll have to blend in with all of these can't-spells, it's disgusting! How can they even live with themselves?

"Have fun!" Percy hears a yell from behind and he follows Oliver's lead in turning his back and waving at Haslet goodbye. Percy soon hears a bell ringing and Oliver pulls him closer to the school.

"Come on, we should get in," Oliver nudges Percy as they both entered their class, Percy notes that there's a block with the writing 1A on it. Oliver picks a seat in the middle; and not wanting to be far from him, Percy chose the seat next to him.

"Hi Audrey, hi Penny!" Oliver turned to greet two girls behind him. One girl that's right behind Oliver had blonde wavy hair with grey eyes whilst the other girl that's behind Percy had black textured hair with chestnut skin.

"Hi!" The blonde girl greeted before waving at Percy. "Hi! What's your name? My name is Penelope- but you can call me Penny, and she-" she gestures to the other girl, "is Audrey!"

"I'm Percival, or Percy," Percy answered shortly, not bothering to look up. Why should he even spare a glance at all these filthy can't-spells, anyway? They don't deserve his attention at all.

"He just moved here," Oliver said, explaining about Percy's whereabouts to these can't-spells. Why should he- he doesn't need to. They should've known their place and keep their mouths shut.

"Where did you move from?" Percy hears another girl- he assumes Audrey- asks. "You don't look familiar yet you sound like you're from here."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean British," Audrey finishes.

"Oh-" Percy looked around, trying to fabricate a lie believable enough. "I was self-taught."

"Why dress so stiffly?" Penelope asked, looking up and down to his clothes- which is a checkered black-and-red button-up shirt. Percy glanced at Penelope, who is wearing a light blue t-shirt.

"Just like it."

"He's so shy," Audrey giggled with Penelope, looking at Percy, then Oliver. Oliver shrugged.

"Maybe he hasn't adjusted to the whole going to school thing-" Oliver shrugged, trying to answer. "Let him be."

"You'll love going to school, trust me!" It took all of Percy's will to not roll his eyes and sneer at this stupid can't-spell. Instead, Percy smiled shyly at Audrey.

"I'll be sure of it."

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