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Rhys Arwyn Rosier, head of Rosier family and Living World real estate co-finder, has been found dead since 1st October 1981. News of his death hits hard on his family, specifically his wife, Camilla Rosier née Flint, his eldest daughter Druella Black née Rosier, and his youngest son Percival Rosier. Rhys Rosier is rumoured to be buried next to his late oldest son, Evan Rosier.

"I can't believe my Rhys is gone," Camilla Rosier said, her eyes glistening with tears of grief. "He's my foundation, my strength, my power. Without him, I don't know what I'll do. His children really looked up to him. His death really hits us all."

*picture of Camilla carrying Percy, Druella next to her as they smiled sadly at the camera*

Rhys Rosier co-founded Living World real estate alongside his wife. Now that her husband has died, Camilla Rosier is most likely to temporarily be the sole Living World real estate agent, until she has found replacements for her husband.

Molly ignores the rest of the article as she kept staring at the picture of Percy, oh how she misses him. This is her first time 'seeing' him again after five years, she feels her heart is going to explode from being so full of grief and longing. She hugged the copy of the Daily Prophet, imagining the paper to be her five-year-old biological son she never got to see or touch or hear.

She wonders his first word, was it 'mama'? When did he walk for the first time? What is his favourite food? Is he a cheerful toddler or a quiet toddler? Is he extroverted or introverted? Does he know he's adopted? Is he a blood supremacist, as he is raised a Rosier? Molly hoped not, because if he is, he'll most likely join the Death Eaters like Rhys and Evan did and they'll have to fight him, and that's something Molly can't imagine. Molly can't imagine what Camilla felt hearing news of her son's death, and now her husband.

"Mum?" Bill appears in front of her, being quite tall for his age he stands half a body taller than the dining table next to him. "What's wrong?"

"You'll be attending Hogwarts soon, right?" Molly asked, and Bill nodded. Molly carried him up to her lap, taking a nearby tissue to blow her nose. "It's time I tell you about something."

"What is it?" Molly unfolds the papers, letting Bill see the article.

"You see this little boy right here?" Molly asked, pointing at a picture of Percy. Bill nodded. "His name is Percival Ignatius Rosier."

"He looks like Dad," Bill notes and Molly kissed his head.

"He does," Molly chuckled. "Do you know why he looks like Dad?"

Bill shook his head and Molly sighed, knowing that she must finish her explanation. She knew there'll be questions but she did promise that she'll let each of her kids know near Hogwarts time.

"Percy should've been one of us as I gave birth to him," Molly explained. "But we gave him to the Rosiers who agreed to take care of him like their own son."

"Why would you do that?" Bill asked, widening his eyes. "I know we can be a handful, but I'd love to have another brother."

"Honey, we had no other choice-" Molly shook her head. "I became unhealthy when I was pregnant with him and I needed St Mungo's help, but your dad can't help me pay for the hospital bills. It was very expensive, you see." Bill lifts the paper, observing the image closer. "And there was this couple, Rhys and Camilla Rosier who'd love to adopt him by all means necessary. We made an agreement- they pay the hospital bills and they can have Percy as their own."

"Was he the reason why you became so obsessed with keeping us healthy and unharmed at all times?" Bill asked. "And immediately tried all you could to get us healthy again if any of us got sick?"

"Yes," Molly admitted solemnly. "I had to lose part of my heart because I didn't watch my health well, and I couldn't let the same thing happen to any of you. I couldn't lose any more of my children-" Molly kissed Bill's cheeks. "Without any of you, I don't know what I'll do. I miss him so much that I feel like my heart is going to explode. But what can I do but wait until the time comes? What can I do but wait?"

"Can we see him?"

"You can," Molly nods, holding her tears. "Part of the agreement was that neither your father nor I can see him until he's seventeen- but not you. I hope he knows he's adopted- that'll make it so much easier." Molly blew her nose again. "He should go to Hogwarts six years from now, I've been keeping track of his age since forever. All I ask from you is that when you do see him, try to reach him. Let him know about us. Take pictures with him and send them to us, so we can see him again."

"Of course, Mum," Bill held her hand to make her happy, still staring at the picture of his biological brother. "So I'm supposed to have one more brother?"

"Correct-" Molly sniffed. "His legal name is Percival Ignatius Rosier, son of Rhys and Camilla Rosier. But biologically, he should've been Percival Ignatius Weasley, your father and my third son after Charlie and before Fred and George."

"No wonder there's a huge gap between Charlie and the twins-" Bill nodded. "Don't worry, Mum-" Bill hugged his mother. "I promise Percival will be a part of us again."

"Don't tell your siblings yet, ok?" Molly requested. Bill furrowed his brows as he cocked his head. "I'll tell every one of them myself when the time comes. Now, you need to keep the secret to yourself."

"Ok, Mum."

"Thanks, Bill-" Molly kissed Bill's cheeks, letting him run along to wherever he wants to run along to. But he didn't, his eyes lingering at the paper.

"Can I bring it to my room?" Bill asked, referring to the copy of the Daily Prophet. Molly nodded as Bill carried the papers away, going up the stairs.

Molly leans her seat, feeling guilty and relieved as ever. That's one less Weasley children to tell, five more to go. Molly checks the clock, how she wished Percy's hand is up there with her other children, pointing 'home' too. This should be his home, too.

Molly walked up the stairs to her room, to her drawer exactly. She takes out a battered stuffed elephant, a gift Rhys Rosier gave her once five years ago. She lets her thumb run along with the stuffed elephant's fur as she hugged it tightly, not caring about the stream of tears coming as a dumb part of her wants to believe that if she prays, hugs, and cries hard enough, the stuffed elephant will turn to her third born. Can she live in a universe where all her children are safe and healthy and with her, including Percy?

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