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"Percy, come with me."

On the porch, Camilla extended her arms for Percy to hold, smiling sweetly at her son. Percy nods as he held Camilla's hand, his other hand holding Scabbers.

"Why didn't you come with Dru last night, hmm?" Camilla asked so kindly. "Dru and her kids wanted you to stay with them so bad, it makes them so sad when you rejected their offer."

"I didn't mean to make Dru sad," Percy answered, playing with one of Scabbers' ear. "I just-"


"I didn't want Daddy or you to be sad," Percy finished. "And I don't want to be far from Daddy."

"Oh honey, neither Daddy nor I will be sad-" Camilla shook her head. "We'll love it if you go with Dru."

"Really?" Percy cocked his head. Camilla took a deep breath in, she must be careful with her words. She can't be too truthful, five-year-olds tend to have no filter with their mouth. She already angered Rhys as it is last night.

"Really-" Camilla nods. "It would be a great bonding time with Dru, Bella, and Cissy. You've never stayed with them before and they adore you. Cissy said she has a lot of toys for you."

"But Daddy-"

"Daddy wanted to go with me, do you know that?" Camilla grabbed both Percy's upper arms as she growled, forcing Percy to face her straight. Percy had a panicked look on his face, dropping Scabbers. "We were supposed to go today, but because of you, he wouldn't go and I can't go without him!"

"Mummy, it hurts!" Percy shook his head as he tried to wriggle his arms away from his mother's tight grip. "Geroff me!"

"Is that the way to speak to your mother, you filthy blood traitor?!" Camilla spat. Percy finally wriggled himself away from his mother's grip, teary-eyed as he grabbed Scabbers from the floor before he ran upstairs.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Percy's fearful voice can be heard from everywhere in the mansion as Percy pounded on his parents' room door. "Daddy! Daddy!"

"Yes, my knight?" Percy spent no more time as he immediately hugged his father's body tightly as soon as the door was opened. Rhys carried Percy's little body up to his arms, patting his back. "Shh, calm down, sweetheart. Why don't you tell Daddy what's wrong?"

When Percy doesn't answer, Rhys elaborates, "I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong, I'm not a legilimens. Now, what's wrong?"

"Mummy hurt me," Rhys' eyes widen at Percy's answer. He expected a papercut, or accidentally reading one of their horror-genre stories (as that has happened so many times before, Rhys should lock those books away from the library), but not this. Not from Camilla herself. He knew Camilla grew jealous of Percy, but he never expected her to hurt their own son.

"How did Mummy hurt you?" Rhys asked, crouching down to be at eye-level with his son as he snorted, wiping his eyes with the hem of his shirt. Rhys grabbed a nearby tissue box and gave it to Percy, which he took a tissue to wipe his face.

"Mummy-" Percy hiccups, "Mummy wanted me to go to Dru's house-" Percy wiped more tears from his eyes, "because she wants to go with you," Percy hiccups again, "but you don't because I-I don't want to go," Percy snorted, "to Dru's house a-and now Mummy hates me!"

"Oh honey," Rhys holds Percy tight in his embrace as Percy cried more, knowing what he meant. The argument last night was intense, but he didn't think his wife would blame their son for it. "It's ok, I don't want to go anyway."

"Mummy called me a filthy blood traitor!" Percy wails. Rhys held him even tighter, feeling his heart breaking. How can his wife call his little knight such a foul thing?

"That's not true," Rhys tried to console his son. "You're a Rosier and we are proper purebloods, aren't we?"

"But I'm adopted!" Percy fought. "I don't know if my birth parents are purebloods too! What if they're half-bloods- or worse! What if they're mudbloods? What if they're can't-spells?"

"I know they're purebloods," Rhys assured him, and Percy furrowed his brows. Rhys sighed, knowing he must elaborate. Curse his son for being so goddamn curious for a five-year-old. "Your birth parents' last names are Weasley and you know Weasleys are also an old family of purebloods."

"Ok, Daddy," Percy said. Rhys noticed that Percy's breathing was more stable, and he was no longer crying.

"Why don't you go to your room, my knight? I'll get Livvy to bring you lemon pie, they're your favourite!" Rhys kissed his son's cheeks lovingly and he nodded, leaving the room. As soon as the door was closed, Rhys yelled for Livvy.

"Yes, Master Rhys?"

"Tell Camilla to come here and bring some lemon pie for Percy," Rhys ordered bitterly. Livvy nodded as she snapped away. Rhys pulled out a chair, letting himself sit in it, waiting for his wife as he rubbed his face.

Not long later, Rhys heard a knock on their door to reveal his wife who walked in and closed their door, sitting on the edge of their silk black bed. There was a pregnant silence, neither of them was speaking to each other nor looking at each other. Camilla swallowed her saliva, bracing herself to start a conversation with her husband.

"I assume you heard about-"

"What the fuck, Camilla?!" Rhys cuts Camilla, turning back so fast. "Yelling at our son?! Blaming him as the reason we don't go?! Telling him you hate him?! Calling him a blood traitor of all things?! I had to fucking disclose who his birth parents are!"

"We should've returned him to them anyway!" Camilla shrieked. "You know what- this is a mistake."

"Percy is not a mistake!"

"He is!" Camilla insisted. "We never go out on dates anymore! You don't love me like you used to! You're always away- either at work, buying gifts for Percy, or playing with Percy! You never cared for me anymore! I'm your wife, he's just adopted!"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Rhys pushed Camilla to the wall. "Don't you fucking dare!"

"Get off!" Camilla pushed Rhys away from her, causing him to trip and fall. Rhys was gasping for air as he held his chest, his chest arched.

"Rhys!" Camilla called, rushing to their potion cabinet. Rhys' breathing grew raspier as Camilla searched through the different vials of potions on his cabinet. "Rhys, wait! Please, wait!"

"Daddy!" Percy entered their room, rushing next to Rhys. Percy tried to shake Rhys' shoulders frantically. "Daddy!"

"Perce," Rhys rasped out before silence reigned upon the room, the arc in Rhys' back flattened as his hand falls weak.

"Daddy?" Percy called, trying to shake his father awake. After a while of waiting, though, he doesn't wake again. "Daddy, wake up! Wake up!"

"Percy!" Camilla carried Percy to her arms as both of them cried to each other's shoulders. "Shh, calm down, dear."

"Daddy!" Percy cried, still with his arms around her. "I want Daddy!"

"I know," Camilla pats Percy's back, sobbing herself. "Me too."

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