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Percy was walking from his school to his home, thinking about the task Ms Songchuya gave him for Mother's Day. A poem about his mother. It doesn't have to be a poem, but anything about his mother. Can he do this? His mother is... well... not exactly the kindest. She doesn't let him eat human food or read him to sleep or kiss him goodnight or take him to beaches, what will he read? All of that goes to his father, can he do that? Can he lie about what his father has done to what his mother has done?

That'll be disrespectful to his memory. He did all that, not her. He was the great man, not her. Percy doesn't know what to write, what to say to the crowd later on. On the first mother's day, he can still write something. On the second mother's day, he almost cried on stage and cried backstage. Who knows what will happen on the third mother's day? Can he keep his body calm? Can he keep his tears at bay?

Opening the gate to his mansion, Percy started to walk in. He needed to quickly finish his chores before he can work on his homework and daydream about being with his father or maybe brainstorming for ideas about the poem when he was stopped by Livvy, the house-elf.

"Master Percy!" The house-elf greeted, grabbing Percy's unusually thin, pale hand. "Come with Livvy!"

"Livvy, I can't-" but Percy's words were unheard of as Livvy snapped away already, bringing Percy with her. Percy blinked, taken aback as he realised he's suddenly in the basement, a plate of rice and anchovies and a glass of water in front of him.

"Livvy prepared this for Master Percy," Livvy whispered, preparing a spoon. "Hurry, finish it before Mistress Camilla sees!"

Percy puts his book bag down the ground, sitting on the floor as he wasted no time in eating the rice and anchovies. Percy doesn't realise how hungry he was being when he was practically inhaling the rice, Livvy keeps telling him to slow down and be quiet, looking back at the door to the basement to make sure it was still closed. Percy's luck didn't last long, for footsteps can already be heard.

"Grab Livvy's hand, Master Percy!" Livvy exclaimed frantically. Percy widened his eyes as he drank water from his glass. But too late for either of them, the door was swung open already.

"What is that on your hand?" Percy heard his mother's furious voice as he turned his head to see his mother with her arms crossed, fury in her eyes as she glared at the plate of rice and anchovies in Percy's hands. Both Percy and Livvy were at a loss of words as Percy seemed to freeze at sight, neither daring to say anything.

"Mistress Camilla-"

"Wingardium leviosa!" With her wand pointed on Percy's plate, Percy's plate floats and navigates to a nearby bin, where it dumps its content before flying back. "Livvy, clean the plate. Come inside, Percy."

Percy felt his heart sunk at his mother's order to enter, but he knew he'll receive even harder punishment if he refuses. With a quick nod, he doesn't cast anymore looks at Livvy as he left the basement, Camilla pushing Percy to go upstairs. Percy didn't comment how much it hurt him, but if he's allowed to, he'd say it really hurt him. Percy reached the top of the stairs with Camilla and she closed the door, pushing him to face her.

"Who gave you permission to eat that rice?!" Camilla growled. "Am I not your mother?! Don't you follow my orders?! Whose orders are you following now- mine or Livvy's?! Who's your mother- me or that disgusting house-elf?! Whose house have you been living in?! Who's been feeding you and giving you clothes and educating you, huh?!"

"I'm sorry, Mummy!" Percy yelled. "I was so hungry!"

"Excuses!" Camilla forced Percy to bow as she pulled his hair up, causing him to cry in pain. She had her wand out to Percy, Percy feeling his breath got caught in his throat as he froze in the sight of the wand. "Flipendo!"

Percy immediately closed his eyes as he felt his guts literally churning at the feeling of being thrown to the air before hitting the hard cold marble floor face-up, turning his body to allow himself to throw up what he had eaten as he forced himself to get up. Not giving him a lot of time to compose himself, he hears another spell being cast, "oppugno!"

Several ceramic plates flew from who-knows-where and start to drop themselves on Percy, letting themselves break on his body. It's not a matter for Camilla, for she immediately fixed the plate and returned them to where they came from, but it is a problem for Percy as he cried in pain, cowering to protect his head, getting barf from the floor on his shirt. Percy coughed as he sat up to recover, but Camilla grabbed him by his neck and starts choking him to the wall.

"Are you still hungry?" Camilla asked, her voice panting. When Percy didn't answer, Camilla slapped his face so hard it leaves a red mark. "Huh?! Answer me! Are you still hungry?!"


"Come!" Camilla pulled Percy's carrot curly hair as she pulled him outside the mansion, dragging him across the marble floor, ignoring his cries of pain. She dropped him in the white peacock slot of the stable, preparing the peacock pellet package. "Open your hands!"

Percy did without question, letting Camilla pour them in his hands before closing the package, putting it down. "Eat them!"

Percy pressed his lips to a thin line but did so with his hands shaking, though Camilla can see tear stains decorating his cheeks and more tears coming to wet them. Camilla rolled her eyes as she kicked Percy's shin, causing him to fall. "I don't have forever, finish your food!"

"It hurts!" Percy cried. Camilla pushed him down, once again pointing her wand at Percy. 

"I can hurt you more!" Camilla glared as she shouted, causing Percy to cower in fear as he continued to eat the pellets, keeping the volume of his sobs low. He hurriedly eats the pellets until the last bit is done. Once his mother nods, he runs to the hose of the garden and spray the water to his cupped hands so he can drink, also washing his face and clean the barf on his shirt the best he can. "Clean your barf."

Percy complied without question, entering the mansion to grab the mop from the very same basement he was in with Livvy a few moments ago. He wondered when he can shower before entering his room and be reunited with Scabbers- or better yet, be reunited with his father. His father wouldn't stand by this, adopted son or not. He never cared. He always loved Percy and he misses him, so much it hurts him. He loves his mother- of course he loves her- but why can't he be the alive one instead?

Why must he be gone?

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