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Arthur stands from his lying position, finding himself surrounded by a field of white clovers. As he looked around, he sees a curly red-haired naked boy looking back, sitting on the ground. Arthur taps the shoulder of the boy and he turns around. Arthur takes a deep breath, taking in the sight of the boy in front of him. The boy had brilliant blue eyes with freckles more than he can think of, no doubt one of his children. But he can't quite place which one of his children is this one, for this one looks like he's eight when Charlie has entered Hogwarts and the twins are six. Besides, they have brown eyes.

"Hello there," Arthur greeted the child, kneeling to his height. He takes in a sharp breath, noticing the dark and large bruise on his back, and the burn marks within his body. Arthur looks away, trying not to sound too obvious as he tried to contain the tears threatening to come. "What's your name? My name is Arthur Weasley."

"I'm Percy Rosier." Arthur can feel his heart breaking, staring at his biological son's condition. Didn't the Rosiers swear to always treat Percy like their own, to always treat him with kindness? What happened? "Arthur, you must help me."

"How?" Arthur asked, desperation in his voice as he stared at the little boy's brilliant blue eyes that mirror his own. "Tell me, how can I find you?"

"Help me, Arthur," Percy hugged Arthur's chubby body tight as if he'd not have a hug from a parent for so long. Arthur rested his head on his biological son's shoulders, hugging as tight as he could as he fears if he even slightly let go, he'll disappear. "Help me, Arthur."

"I will help you."

Arthur wakes on his bed, finding his wife still fully asleep next to him. He doesn't go back to bed, no. The dream still shakes him terribly. He needs to find Percy, the son he's never got to touch ever since he was a baby. Arthur stood up from his bed and navigated himself to the bathroom, washing his face and brushed his teeth before grabbing his coat, wearing his shoes. He's going to write Molly a note explaining his disappearance.

The only ones other than him and Molly who knew about his existence were Bill and Charlie, each told when they were nearing Hogwarts time. Three years from now, Percy should also be there, and if everything goes to plan, Bill and Charlie will get him to agree to visit them. Bill had taken the news pretty well, all things considered, whilst Charlie had taken it worse and almost stormed out of the Burrow to find Percy himself. It took Molly and him a long time to coax him back to normalcy.

Dear Molly,

Don't worry about me, I'm going to look for Percy. I dreamed I saw Percy and I'm going to look for him, no matter what it takes. Take care of the others, I love you.


Arthur had to purposely leave out the bruises and burn marks on Percy's body, he knew what his wife is like and she'll freak out if he writes that down. Besides, it's still a dream and unconfirmed yet. Arthur still shudders if he remembers how his biological son looks like in his dream. He can only hope by Merlin's power that he doesn't look anywhere like that in real life.

Arthur slowly opened the drawer to reveal a piece of parchment scroll and a battered stuffed elephant. Arthur ran a thumb across the stuffed elephant, sighing as he remembered what the stuffed elephant reminds him of. He closed his eyes in an attempt to contain his tears, please let it be that Percy is not as battered as this stuffed elephant. Please let it be that the dream was false and Percy is in great condition. Arthur uncovered the scroll to reveal a filled adoption scroll, the one he read so many times already. This can be used as proof.

Slowly as to not wake his wife up, Arthur tiptoed to leave the Burrow, disapparating to the Ministry. Screw that it's five AM in the morning and the Ministry only opens its walls at eight, he can wait somewhere nearby. He can't ignore his son's cries of help, legal obligations be damned. If he has to, he'll take the boy himself and keep him in the Burrow. Eight years is enough, Arthur can't imagine nine more. And if his son is tortured such? It's better this way, even if the family will get poorer. He'll notify the Aurors if his dream was somewhere true and his son was being mishandled.

"Good morning Arthur, what'd you need?" The front desk person, Lisa, asked as Arthur approached her.

"Hey, Lisa," Arthur greeted her. "Can I talk to Shafiq?"

"Zaid Shafiq, one of the adoption social workers?" Arthur nodded. Lisa raised a brow but nodded as she sent a quick note. "Why do you need him, if I may ask?"

"Family thing."

"Shafiq's ready to see you, sixth floor." Arthur muttered a quick 'thanks' before he left for the lift, pressing the button for the eighth floor before closing the lift door. However, Lucius immediately stepped into the same lift, pressing the button for the ninth floor before closing the door.

"Sixth floor?" Lucius laughed. "Selling your children again?"

"That's none of your business, Malfoy."

"I remember Percy. Narcissa, Draco, and I visit him often, such a pity you're so selfish you sold your son just for some money-" Lucius smirked, seeing how Arthur puckered his lips. "My wife's grandmother is your son's real mother, I guess we're a family, in that aspect. He grew up into such an adorable, proper pureblood, if you must know."

"Camilla Rosier is not his real mother," Arthur growled, images of Percy's burn marks along with the bruises flashing in his mind.

"Camilla never sold Percival!" Arthur started punching the living shit out of Lucius à la Muggle, no wands or magic used. He won't tolerate mockery of his past, he won't tolerate any of it. But Lucius didn't punch him back, instead he only smirked as he stood back up.

"He's just like us, if you'd like to know," Lucius continues. Arthur furrowed his brows as he cocked his head, and Lucius takes this as an opportunity to continue. "Not a blood traitor like you. He also hates mudbloods and would love to kill them all like his real family."

"You're lying-" Arthur shook his head. "My Percy would never be a Death Eater."

"Your Percy? You lost the right to call him that the minute you sold him," Lucius scoffed. Arthur said nothing as he bit the insides of his mouth. "Why don't you ask him yourself nine years from now? Assuming he'd want to see a blood traitor like you. He'd be disgusted to see you, your six bunnies, and your Burrow," Lucius chuckled as the lift comes to a halt, opening the door. Arthur said nothing more as he stepped out of the lift, directing himself to Zaid's office, knocking before he enters.

"Hello, Mr Shafiq."

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