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"Hello, I'm Rose Songchuya."

"Hello, I'm Superintendent Katherine Wood."

Rose shook Katherine's hand as Rose takes her seat across Katherine's. Rose looks around as she sits up straight in her seat, feeling uneasy as she remembers how she was in this same building ten years ago. But this time is to help her student, instead of being handcuffed for shoplifting a watch with her then-boyfriend. She purposely chose to speak with Katherine Wood, Percy and Oliver had been best friends and Katherine could've known something more from Oliver.

"For formality's sake, we'll be using last names-" Katherine chuckled, having her notebook and a pen out, ready to write what Rose says. "What can I help you with, Ms Songchuya?"

"I believe that one of my students, Percival Rosier, is being abused," Rose answered, going straight to the point. Katherine raised her brow but said no words as she wrote what she heard.

"And what evidence do you have to back up this belief?" Katherine asked. Rose takes out one of Percy's homework and one of Percy's schoolwork.

"I've been his teacher for three years with your son and I notice that the handwriting of his homework-" Rose points to the handwriting of his homework. "And the handwriting of his schoolwork-" Rose points to the handwriting of his schoolwork. "Are somewhat different. I can tell that they are written by the same person but the neatness is different. I brought it up to his mother and she said their helper wrote the homework, yet I can tell from the handwriting that it's written by the same person."

"I'll ask a graphologist to look into it," Katherine said, taking the homework and the schoolwork and putting them in a different plastic bag. "What else do you have?"

"He very often comes to school shabby and with chicken poop in his hair," Rose proceeds. "I'd know because he's often got complaints and I'd be the one who washes his hair often." Rose pressed her lips together. "When I brought this up to his mother, she says it's because they own about thirty-ish chickens and he often trips on the grass due to his clumsiness. But this story seems preposterous to me, because why would he repeat the same mistake so many times when he's already busted and humiliated by his schoolmates for it?"

Katherine nodded as she notes down Rose's story. "Is there anyone else who hears this with you?"

"I confronted Camilla Rosier, Percival Rosier's mother with one of my colleague, Rachel Clyde," Rose answered. Katherine nodded as she notes the new information down.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

"I'd like a visum et repertum from him," Rose answered. When Katherine only raised a brow, Rose elaborated. "A few days ago when he passed out, a procedure of passing out recovery is to bend the legs upwards along with taking off socks. When we do that, part of his skin gets exposed to reveal bruises. Rachel Clyde is a nurse, so she's able to differentiate between 'playground bruise' and 'violence bruise', in her own words, and those bruises resemble bruises from a violent act."

"Noted-" Katherine nodded as she notes down Rose's story. "And what did his mother say about that?"

"Horseriding," Rose answered simply. "That Percy fell during horseriding."

"Anymore you'd add?" Katherine asked, staring at her note.

"Yes, regarding the passing out-" Rose nodded. "Before he passed out, his friends offered him food which he only ate a little bit. After he regained consciousness, I bought him two plates of oatmeal, which he ate ravenously. However, when I asked his mother, his mother said he didn't want to eat and that he only wants to drink milk."

"Can I have the contact number for Rachel Clyde?" Katherine asked, turning the paper for Rose to fill. Rose clicked the pen and wrote her colleague's phone number, returning the paper to Katherine.

"Help Percy," Rose begged as she stands up. "He's just a boy."

"Ms Songchuya, I'll do my best in helping Percy," Katherine said.

"Imagine if it happened to Oliver instead," Rose said as she walked away.

Katherine took a deep breath in as she shook her head, no way in hell will she ever let Oliver experience whatever Percy experiences. She'd rather die first than let that happen. But Percy is from a family of wizards, she'll have to notify Haslet about this. Or she'll interrogate Rachel Clyde, get a visum et repertum from Percy, and then notify Haslet. Or maybe notify Haslet on the surface level, get a visum et repertum from Percy, and then let Haslet process this even further.

Hold on, doesn't Oliver always go to school with Percy? Which means if there was chicken poop in his hair, he'd be the first to notice. Wouldn't he be there also when Percy passed out, since he's one of Percy's friends? Katherine made a mental note to ask Oliver about this later. Of course Katherine wouldn't make her son's words her primary evidence as he's only eight, but it could back up Rose's words. Maybe Rachel Clyde can back her words, if she was being truthful. Katherine grabbed her telephone, calling the number.

"Mrs Rachel Clyde, who's speaking?"

"Greetings Mrs Clyde, I'm Superintendent Katherine Wood," Katherine introduced herself. "I would like to speak to you regarding several matters, is it possible for you to go to Southampton Precinct?"

"What have I done, Superintendent?"

"I just have several questions regarding Percival Rosier," Katherine answered. "When would be a convenient time for you?"

"Is it possible to wait for another hour?" Katherine heard Rachel asked. "I'm still on my babysitting shift."

"Sure, thank you." Katherine waited until Rachel hung up the call before she puts down the telephone, then reaches for her phone.

"Hey, Mum!"

"Hey, Liv-Liv!" Katherine greeted. "What're you doing home, Darling?"

"Mum, I'm not five anymore!" Katherine heard her son grunted. "And I was just riding a broom with Aunt Hazel."

"You'll always be my Liv-Liv-" Katherine chuckled. She can hear a sigh from the other side of the phone. "Anyway, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead, Mum." Katherine flipped the third page of her note, clicking her pen. She hopes he doesn't hear this.

"You go to school with Percy Rosier, right?" She heard an 'uhuh' and nodded. "How would you describe his appearance, most of the time?"

"Tired, like he's been forced to do so much labour and he's already tired." Katherine nodded as she notes his words down. "Sometimes he'd come very stinky, not that I'd say anything about it. Others have, though, and Ms Songchuya have given him showers to get rid of the smell to find chicken poop on his hair."

So Rose's words are confirmed, so far. "And what about before he faints? Ms Songchuya says you offered him food but he only ate a small bit."

"I did, but it wasn't mine he ate, it was Audrey's," Oliver recalled. Katherine nodded as she notes it down.

"Thanks, Liv-Liv." The call was ended and Katherine puts away her phone, pinching the bridge of her nose.

This is even worse than she'd thought.

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