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Hearing his name called, Percy puts his book bag down the meeting point between the swirling black wallpaper-covered wall to the floor, answering his mother's call. "Yes, Mummy?"

"Oh, so now you think of me as your mummy?" Percy furrowed his brows as he cocked his head, watching as his mother kept reading the Daily Prophet. "Your teacher said something rather interesting today." Camilla folds the newspaper to reveal a horsewhip and a pair of horse riding gloves underneath. Percy felt his feet gone ice-cold frozen as his eyes can't leave sight of the whip. "She said you didn't think of me as your mother."


"Mother's Day, hmm?" Camilla wore the gloves before she twisted the leather whip, letting the screeching noise of two leather being in contact fill the room. "You don't think of me as your mother? That hurts my feelings. Deeply, I cared for you."

"Mummy, that's not what I mean."

"Then please, by all means, explain what you mean." The tip of Camilla's whip touched Percy's cheeks, letting Percy shiver in ice-cold fear as he keeps staring at the whip so close to him.

"I miss Daddy," Percy started. "I wanted to tell a story about Scabbers and how I don't know where he came from."

"That's a nice story-" Camilla nodded. "Why did you tell them I'm not your mother, then?"

"You are-"

"Don't lie to me!" Camilla slapped Percy with force, causing him to roll far over. "Come here!" Camilla grabbed Percy by his red locks as she dragged him near the stairs to the basement, then kicked him to fall over to the basement, where Livvy was seen eating raw meat and immediately backed away. Camilla unlocked the chain and chained his hands.


"Now you know to call me your mother!" Camilla huffed as she whipped him more. "You're such a clumsy, ditzy, lazy arse! I got called today to your school because of you!"

"Mummy, stop!"

"Mistress Camilla, please." Livvy tried to interrupt by holding Camilla's hand that's holding the whip, only causing Camilla to be angrier as she easily pushed Livvy away.

"Why did you have to say all that, huh?!" Camilla barked. Percy can only sob as he flinched, hiding closer to the wall, only to receive another lash from her. "Why?! You embarrassed me!"

"I don't know!" Percy sobbed. "I probably missed Daddy too much I told about him instead, I don't remember!"

"I'm your Daddy's wife, you little weakling!" Camilla lashed on Percy again before she placed the tip of her whip on his shoulder. "Or did you forget?!"

"No, Mummy!" Percy took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he hiccuped more and more.

"Mistress Camilla, that's enough," Livvy interrupted, getting in between the sobbing boy and the livid mother. "Please. Master Percy has learned his lesson and needs help, let Livvy help him."

"Shut up!" Camilla kicked Livvy until she falls. Huffing, Camilla returns to where Percy is.

"I could've taken you from that school altogether and isolate you from all of your foolish friends, you filthy blood traitor!" Camilla threatened Percy more as she tapped him with her whip. "Is that what you want?"


"Huh?! Is that what you want?!"

"No!" Percy cried in pain as Camilla whipped him more. "It hurts!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Camilla drives him to the wall, choking him. Camilla's hand was pulled away as Percy's pale hands were held, suddenly feeling sucked into a very tiny hole he's not felt since his father's funeral.

When he opened his eyes, he realises that he's on his bed that he wasn't on a moment ago. Turning his head, he sees his house-elf barricading the door the best she can with anything she finds around his room- not that his mother can apparate into his room, since the mansion has Anti-Apparition Charm cast.

"Livvy, what are you doing?" Percy rasps, having no more energy as he rests his head against a nearby pole.

"Lay on your back, Master Percy," Livvy advised him as she opened a bottle of Murtlap essence. Percy did as he was told and Livvy covered his body with a bedsheet, pouring Murtlap essence on the bedsheet on top of his body, causing him to hiss in pain.

"It hurts," Percy cried.

"Livvy knows," Livvy said in a calming manner. "Please, don't move too much. It needs to dry before the next one."

"Why are you doing this?" Percy asked. Livvy takes Scabbers and Hermes, the stuffed owl from his biological father from the table beside the bed and placed it beside Percy, who he snuggled with immediately. Percy and Livvy jumped as they hear screams from Camilla trying to break into the door, but somehow, the 'bombarda' Percy heard casted can't break through the pull-door. "She's going to hurt you."

"She's not really Livvy's master," Livvy denied. "Livvy works for the Rosier family and though Mistress Camilla is married to Master Rhys, she is still a Flint in house-elf's eyes and Livvy does not have to serve her, but Livvy does out of respect to Master Rhys."

"Why do you help me?" Percy asked. "I'm not really Daddy's son."

"Master Percy is Master Rhys' son," Livvy insisted. "House-elves identify masters through the né of their last name. Livvy is still loyal to Mistress Druella even though she is already married to Master Cygnus Black III, as Mistress Druella is born a Rosier. Master Evan and Master Percy too."

"But I'm adopted," Percy fought. "Shouldn't it be Weasley, since they are my birth parents? But I've only seen Arthur Weasley once."

"No-" Livvy shook her head. "Currently, Master Percy's last name follow whatever Master Percy's parents' name is. The adoption scroll the Rosiers and the Weasleys signed declared that Master Percy's parents are the Rosiers, not the Weasleys. But that's not the case with marriage scrolls that Mistresses Camilla and Druella signed. Their parents stay who they are," Livvy explained. "Livvy is not obligated to be loyal to Mistress Camilla, but Livvy is obligated to be loyal to Mistress Druella and Masters Evan and Percy, as Rosiers."

"How was Evan like?" Percy asked, shifting his head.

"Master Evan was brave-" Livvy nodded. "Master Evan never feared to stand up for what was right. He was a loyal and fierce Death Eater, through and through. He aspired to be in the Dark Lorď's inner circle, doing what was commanded to him without a doubt."

"Not that!" Percy giggled. "What was he like to you?"

"Master Evan was very kind," Livvy explained. "He really loved Scabbers and wouldn't go anywhere without him. Livvy was the one who gave him to Master Percy the day Master Percy arrived here. While Mistress Druella was rebellious in her youth, Master Evan was the exact opposite and always told Mistress Druella to never break Master Rhys' and Mistress Camilla's rules. Livvy had to occasionally come and decide which rule can they break."

"Wow," Percy adored, rubbing his eyes. "That sounds so fun."

"It was, his death was a huge loss-" Livvy nodded. "And Livvy hopes that Master Percy will meet Master Evan."

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