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"Come with me, Percy."

As soon as Haslet closed the fence door, Camilla clawed on Percy's arm and pulled him inside. Percy can feel his breath quicken, not that he can say anything about it. Maybe he should've taken Katherine's offer to stay with the Woods.

"Who told you that you can go to the beach today?!" Camilla barked as soon as she threw Percy inside the mansion, the door closed by Livvy. "Huh?! Who?!"

"I'm sorry, Mummy!" Percy cried, hugging his stuffed animals as if they can protect him. "I didn't mean-"

"Where'd you go?!" Camilla pushed away both Scabbers and Hermes before grasping his arms with her left hand, hitting his sides with her right. "Where did you go?!"

"Bournemouth Pier!" Percy cried, struggling to break free from his mother's hits. "I miss playing on the beach!"

"You miss getting wet, well what about the heat?" Camilla growled, pulling open Percy's shirt, forcing him to sit down. "Livvy! Get me my fags!"

Livvy soon appeared with cigarettes and a lighter in her hand, handing them to Camilla before disappearing. Camilla burned a cigarette before burning Percy with the burning ash, causing the boy to scream in pain as he writhed off.

"Stay still!" Camilla yelled, burning another, watching the new burn marks forming on his old ones with his old whipping marks. Percy cried as he grabbed on the marble stairs for support, screaming as the next burn comes.

"Livvy! Come here!" Camilla ordered. A snap can be heard, and even with closed eyes, he can know that the house-elf has appeared. "Keep burning him!"

"Yes, Mistress Camilla," Livvy said unenergetically as she did what she was told, burning a new cigarette. Percy tried to crawl up the stairs but Camilla kicked his head hard to the railing of the stairs, causing blood to drip from his nose.

"Stay still, you twat!" Camilla barked, just in time as Livvy burned him with the cigarette. Percy screamed more to stop, eventually coughing up blood. "Oh, I see what's happening! Incarcerous!" Camilla enchanted, causing a chord to appear from her wand and wrap itself around Percy's neck, getting tighter and tighter that Percy's face is going blue.

"Mistress Camilla, that's enough," Livvy interrupted as she tried to get Camilla's wand off him. "He's learnt his lesson, please."

"Stay out of this!" Camilla barked. Livvy flinched as she slowly backed away in submissiveness. "Wingardium leviosa!" Camilla chanted, causing the clothes attached to Percy to float to the sky. Percy gave out a cry at the same time as his body was dropped in an accelerated pace to the ground, letting a loud 'crack' be heard from all around the room.

"Check if he's dead," Camilla ordered. Livvy took a deep breath as she nodded, getting closer to the bundle in front of her. She pushed his hair upwards, holding her cry as she's met with wide, unblinking eyes under his thick glasses, mouth wide as to let out a voiceless scream, his nose dripping out wet blood. Livvy takes away his glasses and closed his eyes and mouth for him, moving him over to change his position from foetal to laying down, undoing the chords surrounding his neck.

"Master Percy is dead," Livvy answered, barely keeping the sorrow off her voice. Camilla nodded.

"I want this whole problem sorted," Camilla ordered. "Bury him deep in any spot in the field in my estate and clean the house. Get rid of everything. Make sure you bury him in a spot of one of my properties." At her mistress' orders, Livvy nodded, causing Camilla to leave Livvy to sort out the mess herself. She hugged Percy's tall yet too thin body as she cried, burying her face in his unmoving body.

"Livvy is sorry," Livvy sobbed, wishing to hear his tiny voice or something. "Livvy is so sorry. Livvy has failed Master Percy, Livvy has failed Master Rhys."

Livvy stands up and staggered towards the direction of Scabbers and Hermes, laying each on top of Percy's arms. She cleared the blood on Percy's nose with her magic before apparating out of the mansion- she knows a spot to bury him.


Come to the mansion, Percy is missing.


Camilla sighed as she massaged her forehead. Maybe she should wait until tomorrow, he did go to the beach with Haslet Wood today and he is a trustable witness. She can claim the plot of 'she gave Percy a timeout after going to the beach without her permission, he snuck out the night and hasn't returned the morning after'. That's believable. Oh well, she puts down the note on the table. Camilla lights up a cigarette and started to smoke it. Sighing, she lets a tear fall as she thinks about her son she just killed in her home with her own two hands.

Camilla swallowed the guilt forming within her, it's for the best. The adopted boy had been so kind, so cheery, so complying. He never thought to run away, despite all the violence that happened to him. Being a mother is so hard without her husband next to her. She needs an outlet for her anger and her grief as she misses Rhys and Evan. She misses back when Evan and Druella were children and all the attention goes to her. Rhys had suggested adopting to replace the grief of losing Evan, but it's not the same. It's not the same and she'd kill for a second chance with Rhys, Evan, and Druella.

She wonders what would Rhys say if he was here. He had loved Percy like he had loved Evan and Druella. Rhys would be furious, but would he forgive her? She is his wife, and Percy is just an outsider of the family. She loved him, young and old, and he loved her, young and old. That means he'll forgive her. Why did she agree to adopt the boy? Maybe this wouldn't have happened if she didn't, Rhys has always been the fatherly one. She should've refused, and a life wouldn't have been taken away by her hands.

Her mind wanders to Percy's birth parents, particularly his birth father who, not so long ago, barged into her house to gain a sight of her son. Perhaps if she had given his custody over, they'd love him better than she could and he'd be much happier with them. Would Rhys be happy with that decision? Would Rhys like it if she had taken the easy way out? Did Arthur Weasley have a feeling that Percy was being mistreated, in some way? How? Who had tipped him off? How can he know?

Camilla thought about her meeting with Rose and Rachel and laughed to herself. Everything seems to happen all at once, everyone seems to be suspecting her as a bad mother all at once. What will those can't-spells do, anyway? She's magic, they're Muggles. Camilla really worries about the wrong thing, they can't do shit to her. Maybe she'll Obliviate them? No, there's no need. No one knows what Muggle school Percy goes to, and even if they do, Muggles police and wizard Aurors rarely associate.


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