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"I don't know where Percy went-" Camilla looked down as she sighed, her fingers fidgeting. "Please help me, he's my only son left."

"Can you recall the nature of his disappearance?"

Camilla is currently on the porch of her mansion, two Aurors in front of her. Camilla takes a deep breath as she recalled the fabricated story of the day before. "Umm, Percy sneaked out to a beach with Haslet Wood and his family and came home pretty late. I got mad at him and told him to go into his room, but when I sent the house-elf to wake him up for breakfast, she said he's not in his room."

"Can you recall which beach, Mrs Rosier?" One Auror with the tag Burke asked.

"Bournemouth Pier-" Camilla sniffed. "Percy mentioned before I grounded him that he and the Woods went to Bournemouth Pier."

"May I come inside, Mrs Rosier?" Burke asked. "Maybe we can check from the magical signature, where's his room located and any other clue."

"Are you treating me like a suspect?" Camilla asked, her voice broken. "I just reported that my son is missing and you want to search through my house like I'm a suspect?"

"That's not what we meant, Ma'am-" the other Auror with the tag Mason shook his head. "We want to look into any lead into the case, so we can find him sooner. You'd want that to happen too, don't you?"

"I'm not the suspect here-" Camilla shook her head. "Why don't you question Haslet Wood? As far as I recall, Oliver Wood and Percy had been best friends. He had been the one to convince Percy to sneak out to the beach, he probably convinced Percy to sneak out to his house."

"Have you contacted Haslet Wood before?"

"Not like he'd answer-" Camilla shook her head. Camilla pressed her lips, she can place the blame on Haslet. "He was so off. When he returned Percy home, he looked so unwilling and untrustful of me, he'd wanted to enter my home before I kick him out."

"Who is Haslet Wood to you?" Burke asked after noting it down.

"A colleague," Camilla answered. Burke nodded as she notes it down. "He works under me in my real estate. But I mocked him and his wife, and their son is kind of emotionally troubled."

"Are you suggesting work rivalry or revenge?" Burke asked. Camilla nodded. "Are you sure we can't check your property for any leads?"

"Positive-" Camilla nodded. Burke and Mason nodded as they bid her goodbye, disapparating away.

"Why did you refuse the Aurors to investigate the mansion?" Druella asked, walking to her mother, her hand on her mother's shoulder. "They can help find Percy faster."

"I'm not the suspect-" Camilla coldly brushed away her daughter's hand. "And I refuse to be treated like one."

"I've sent the notice-" Druella handed her mother today's Daily Prophet, the front page displaying the words Find Percival Rosier - England's Missing Child with two pictures of Percy smiling at the camera, both hugging Scabbers with one hugging Hermes too.

WHEN: 16TH MAY, 1984

"How could you lose him, Mother?" Druella asked, bitterness in her words as she ran a thumb across her copy of the poster. "He's only eight."

"You went missing with Evan all the time-"

"We started to rebel at thirteen, Mother," Druella interrupted. "And even then, there were the two of us, and it was for an hour or so. He was eight and he was alone."

"He wasn't alone-" Camilla shook her head. "There was Haslet's boy, Oliver. And Haslet seemed to be on my back."

"You're saying an eight-year-old boy did this?" Druella scoffed. Camilla rolled her eyes. "A boy? A boy can barely steal food without getting busted!"

"Don't underestimate the ability of a boy, Druella-" Camilla shook her head. "There are cases where boys kill."

"What proof do you have that Haslet's boy did this, Mother?" Druella asked. Camilla closed her mouth. "An eight-year-old can't even do magic yet!"

"I don't know, I'm desperate!" Camilla shrieked. "Maybe for all we know, he convinced Percy to run away with him!"

"Your story is so inconsistent!" Druella said. Camilla sighed. "So is Percy kidnapped or did he run away? Do you think Haslet's boy convinced him to run away or kidnapped him?"

"I don't know-" Camilla grit her teeth. "Don't give your mother more headaches, Druella."

As soon as she receives a copy of the Daily Prophet, Molly felt her heart plummet as she feels her knees weaken, reading the front page. A few times she read the name to get all the information correctly to make sure it was her biological son that is missing, staring at the two pictures attached and how he seemed to love his stuffed animals so much, more so than her. She felt like screaming, she felt like she couldn't breathe. She weakly staggered out of the Burrow to the hollow grass fields, dropping to her knees as sobs can be heard from her.

"Percy!" Molly screamed, unknowingly emitting a blinding bright light from her heart to swirl around. The swirling stronger part of the bright light she emits waves around, causing wind to be blown and grass to be barren. Fred and George appeared at the open door, trying to see what the commotion is all about. Fred blocked George from running into the light.

"Stupefy!" Fred saw a red light appearing to hit his mother in the chest, causing her to drop unconscious on the grass fields, no more bright light emitting from her. He ran to his mother's direction, ignoring his twin brother's cries to wait for him, gasping. In his mother's place lays an unhealthily skinny, very wrinkly, grey-skinned redheaded woman with her cheeks and eyes sunken, could it be his mother? No, it couldn't be. His mother had been plump and chubby, full of life and not yet wrinkly.

"Mum?" Fred kneeling to his unmoving mother, trying to shake her awake. "Wake up!"

"What happened to our mum?" George asked the neighbour who stunned her, Pandora Lovegood. Pandora closed her mouth. "Why is she like this?"

"This is magical core depletion, boys," Pandora explained quickly. "If any of you gets too sad or mad, this can happen."

"Can she get better?"

"Yeah-" Pandora nodded. "Boys, why don't you watch over Ron and Ginny at home? I have some potions to help your mother."

"Ok." As Pandora watches Fred and George go back to the Burrow, she cast a 'wingardium leviosa' on Molly before bringing the floating body to Lovegood House to her husband who is feeding their only daughter.

"Molly's magically depleted," Pandora announced as Xenophilius immediately stood up, allowing Pandora to lay the body on the sofa. Pandora worked to rush to her potion stock as she gave them to the mother of six. Pandora held her bony hand, running a thumb against the very wrinkly skin as she watches her cheeks very slowly getting more fat underneath.

"Notify Arthur about this."

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