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"Before you put forth your pieces of evidence of Mrs Camilla Rosier's mishandling of Percival Rosier, we'd like to ask some questions with you."

Katherine nodded as she sits down in the very same seat her husband was at, her husband waiting in a holding cell. She was looking nervous- and she was feeling nervous- not because of the possibility of being a suspect, but because of the thought of her husband and her son scared shitless- her husband in the holding cell, her son with her sister-in-law. Her son never fared well with being alone. "Ask away."

"Have you had any affiliation with the Rosier family before?"

"I've never met Camilla Rosier before the night of the disappearance, but sometimes Oliver does bring Percy home for schoolwork," Katherine answered honestly. "They go to the same school."

"At the beach before the disappearance, your husband mentioned that you were the one encouraging him to take Percy with you and you kept talking to him when he and your son were surfing," Marjorie said. "Why the sudden interest in the boy?"

"It's about the topic of Mrs Rosier's mishandling of Percy-" Katherine bit her bottom lip, pointing at the file. "I can show all the evidence, everything is there."

"Show us." Katherine opened the file, taking out the homework and the schoolwork before flipping it for the Aurors to see.

"This is his handwriting in his homework-" Katherine circled the homework. "And this is his handwriting in his schoolwork-" Katherine circled the schoolwork. "I've run this with a graphologist and they've confirmed that they are written by the same person. I've asked Percy's teacher, Ms Songchuya, to show me more. This is consistent and not a one-time thing."

"May you show us more, Mrs Wood?" Katherine nodded as she pulled up her notes from her files, showing them to the Aurors.

"You don't need to write anything, I've written them all. I managed to gather from Percy's teacher that Percy often comes to school shabby and tired with chicken poop in his hair, and she was the one who often washes his hair," Katherine elaborated. "She once also asked for a visum et repertum from him, as when he passed out in school, an action was done to get him back to consciousness. A part of his skin gets exposed to reveal bruises. The school healer suspected that they were bruises from a violent act. But as Percy is a minor, I can't do it without Camilla Rosier's consent."

"Is there any other evidence?" Edward asked.

"There is, as written in the note-" Katherine nodded. "There's a day where Percy passed out, as mentioned earlier. In the morning, his mother reported him to refuse proper feeding and he wasn't prepared a school lunch. But when he was offered two plates of oatmeal after he passed out, he ate ravenously. Turns out, his mother never prepared him lunch-" Katherine sighed, remembering how horrified she felt when she heard the testimonies from two of Percy's teachers. "His teacher and the school healer has confronted her about it, but she made excuses for them all."

"What are the excuses?"

"The plates of oatmeal- he stayed up too late doing Maths homework and would be late, so his helper made him milk," Katherine recalled all the excuses. "The bruising- he fell from horseriding, which is questionable because the school healer can differentiate between bruises caused by accidents and bruises caused by violence and her conclusion from the mere observation was that it's caused by violence. She hasn't made excuses for why Percy looks shabby every morning, but she has for the chicken poop- they own a lot of chickens in their house and sometimes Percy trips on the grass. And for the handwriting, Percy forces the helper to do his homework. But according to the graphologist, they are written by the same person."

"May I have these, Mrs Wood?" Katherine nodded as she fixed up the files before giving them to Edward. "And what relation does this have to do with the matter back in hand?"

"With all this I found, I suspect that Camilla Rosier is mishandling Percy," Katherine answered. "So during the trip to the beach, I tried to convince him to report to me, since I already know and I told him that his mother won't know anything about him selling her out. But he freaked out and ran to Haslet to go home."

"Thank you, Mrs Wood," Marjorie said as Katherine stands up. "My colleague will release your husband, he's free to go."

"Thank you-" Katherine shook hands with Marjorie as she opened the door for her, leaving the interrogation room to wait in the lobby, sighing. How will she fix this with Oliver, now? Oliver will see Haslet as a criminal, he's so quick to assume things. And he did just watch his father get arrested for the kidnapping of his best friend.

"Haslet-" Katherine ran forth as soon as she sees her husband with another Auror, who immediately hugged her. The couple stayed hugging each other like that, no other words exchanged.

"Let's go home," Haslet said the minute they pulled apart, hands holding each other. Katherine nodded, unable to smile, looking ten years older than her actual age of twenty-nine. Haslet will probably outlive her for decades, she heard that wizards can live for two hundred years. Who will accompany him until then?

Once stepping out of Southampton Precinct, Haslet and Katherine disapparated away to their home. Stepping in, Katherine sees her house looking tidy and untouched, with Hazel right outside of Oliver's room.

"Haslet, I've been trying to talk sense into Oliver," Hazel blurted out as soon as she sees them, exasperation in her voice. "He won't talk to anyone!"

"Thank you for tidying the house and watching over him, I'll handle him-" Haslet hugged his sister, smiling as Hazel leaves. Haslet takes a step forward as he knocked on the door.

"Oliver," Haslet said in a stern yet level voice. "Open the door, we need to talk."

"Why would I need to talk to the kidnapper of my best friend?" Katherine can hear the hoarse voice from inside the room. "Tell me where he is first!"

"Oliver, the Aurors arrested the wrong person-" Katherine shook her head. "Can we step inside? Can we talk?"

"Don't lie to me!" Katherine jumped as she heard a hard object hit the door.

"I'm a police, do you think I would lie if the evidence is in front of my eyes?" Katherine shot back, reminding herself not to snap at her emotionally fragile son. "If you want, I'll tell them all to prove to you that your father didn't do it. Just let me in."

The locked door opened just enough for Katherine to enter, but immediately snap shut again at Haslet's nose. Katherine's heart shattered looking at the condition Oliver's room is in, how everything is broken and ripped with feathers everywhere in the room. Katherine sighed, she'll have to ask Haslet to fix up Oliver's room after this. Oliver's emotional-management therapy would have to start over.

"Oliver, can you calm down for me?"

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