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"Mrs Camilla Rosier, you are under arrest for mishandling Percival Rosier and being responsible for the disappearance of Percival Rosier!"

Marjorie, Edward, and two other Aurors knocked on the door of the Rosier Mansion. Anxiously, Livvy was about to answer the door when she was pushed aside by Camilla.

"Why would I be responsible for the disappearance of my own son?" Camilla asked only to have Edward step forward. "Why are you stepping in my property?!"

"We have a search warrant on your property-" an Auror tagged Barnes showed a parchment scroll to Camilla. Her face pales at the sight of the scroll. "We are placing you under arrest, Mrs Rosier. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law."

"This is preposterous!" Camilla exclaimed as an Auror places her in handcuffs. "I reported my son missing!"

Marjorie and Edward held Camilla as they apparated to Southampton Precinct, placing her in the questioning room. Camilla took a sharp breath as she can feel cold sweat emitting from her hands, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Why are you arresting me?" Camilla growled, watching as Edward leaves the questioning room, Marjorie sitting across her. "I'm the mother of my son, why would I cause him any harm? I was the one who reported him missing!"

Edward returned to the questioning room, in his hand the file Katherine Wood gave him, along with some others, giving the file to Marjorie.

"Percival's Muggle teacher, Ms Rose Songchuya, reported to Muggle Superintendent Katherine Wood that you abused Percival Rosier," Marjorie started, going straight to the point. She noticed that Camilla's skin paled. Marjorie takes out the note written by Katherine. "This is all the notes written by Muggle Superintendent Wood regarding the possibility of Percival's mishandling, with witnesses from Percival's teacher, Ms Rose Songchuya, and Percival's school nurse, Mrs Rachel Clyde. She ran through a piece of evidence with a Muggle graphologist, Mr Adam Philips, and we ran through that piece of evidence with a wizarding graphologist, Ms Lisa Wilson."

"What are your pieces of evidence?"

"Percival is reported to often come to school shabby and tired with chicken poop- or we suspect peacock poop as we checked your house- in his hair, and Ms Songchuya was the one who often washes it," Marjorie explained. "Mrs Clyde mentioned that she witnessed bruises from when she tried to revive him from the state of unconsciousness, and she suspected that they were bruises from a violent act as she mentions bruises caused by accidents and bruises caused by violence look different."

"How can she even tell?" Camilla huffed.

"It's not fully accurate yet as there's no visum et repertum from Percival, but to acquire that, we need your consent as Percival is a minor and you are his guardian-" Marjorie shook her head. "But from mere observation, she guesses that the bruise was caused by violence."

"Well, she's wrong," Camilla denied. "Those bruises were caused by horseriding. We have a horse and Percy fell from riding it."

"Do you have anyone to testify this?"

"Our house-elf, Livvy," Camilla spluttered out. "She- she accompanied him on the horse, she watched him when he fell."

"Livvy is the house-elf of the Rosier family, yes?" Camilla nodded. "We'll question her- and we don't need your consent for it. Surely, you are aware of how house-elf loyalty works?"

"Uhh, sure-" Camilla nodded weakly- she hoped that Livvy won't sell her out.

"Ms Songchuya and Mrs Clyde both confirmed that Percival recently passed out," Edward said. "You told them that he refused proper breakfast and he refused preparation of school lunch, so the helper- or in this case the house-elf- made some milk for him. But when he was offered two plates of oatmeal after he passed out, he ate ravenously."

"He stayed up late doing the Maths homework and slept in," Camilla spluttered an excuse. "He thought he'd run late if he had breakfast, even though I kept insisting. So I had the house-elf to make him milk." Marjorie takes out two papers from the file.

"This is his handwriting in his homework-" Marjorie circled the homework. "And this is his handwriting in his schoolwork-" Marjorie circled the schoolwork. "Notice how they look quite different yet the same? Muggle graphologist Mr Philips concluded that they are written by the same person. I've also run this with a wizarding graphologist Ms Wilson and she reached the same conclusion as well. Muggle Superintendent Wood has asked Ms Songchuya to show her more and concluded that things like this are consistent and not a one-time thing."

"He must've forced the house-elf to do his homework for him, what does this insinuate at all?" Camilla huffed.

"Funny that Ms Wilson has checked for that possibility because as written in Muggle Superintendent Wood's paper, this was your exact reason," Marjorie said. Camilla curled her fingers. "She found that the author was Percival and it was not copied as similar in any way."

"What does this mean, anyway?" Camilla asked. "Percy has a different handwriting- so what?"

"While we are here discussing the possibility of you mishandling him, there are two other Aurors stationed to search through your property- that is your house and your unoccupied real estate houses." Camilla clasps her fingers, looking around to notice Edward had left. "Now, we'll discuss Percival's disappearance."

"Alright." Camilla can feel her heart rate quicken as she feels butterflies in her stomach.

"You reported Percival missing on the morning of 17th, is that correct?" Marjorie asked. Camilla nodded. "And according to your report as well as Mr Haslet Wood's and Mrs Katherine Wood's, he was last seen on the night of 16th."


"According to Mr Wood and Mrs Wood, he was spending time on the Bournemouth Pier with them and Oliver, their son," Marjorie continued. "Mrs Wood admitted that her motive in asking Percival to come with them is that she wants to convince him to charge you for abuse, but he doesn't want to and instead wishes to go back. After dropping him in the Rosier Mansion, that is the last time they've seen Percival."


"It's very suspicious that the last time they've seen him was the night of 16th, yet you reported him missing on the morning of the 17th," Marjorie elaborated. "We asked to investigate on your property for any clues yet you refused to cooperate. You did point the blame at Mr Wood, which from the encounter we managed to interrogate him and find out that Mrs Wood had been on your case way before we have. Now, all we need is Livvy's testimony."

Marjorie pulled Camilla to stand, directing her out the questioning room. Once they're out, Camilla had a glance at the lobby, but knowing that she's surrounded by Aurors, she complied with Marjorie's directions and let her take her to the holding cell. Camilla sees Marjorie talking to another Auror, handing her to that Auror. The Auror opened a nearby steel door and opened the nearest cell, pushing Camilla in before locking the door.

Camilla sits on her bed, hoping that Livvy won't sell her out.

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