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Bill sits next to Charlie on one of the sofas in Gryffindor Common Room with their father's letter at hand, noticing that Charlie is holding a copy of the Daily Prophet for two weeks ago. Bill hands the note to Charlie so they can read it together.

Dear Bill and Charlie,

Your mother is already healthy enough that she can go home. No news yet on Percy, the Aurors are trying their best. Please keep praying for your brother. I love you.

Your Dad

Charlie stares at the two pictures of supposedly his little brother he never got to know. It's already been two weeks since the announcement of his disappearance and no advancements have been made. If the Aurors even made any advancements at all, how hard is it to find an eight-year-old boy? Are they just sitting on their arse and not doing anything? That's enough, he's had enough of waiting. If he must find him himself- he will!

"Charlie?" Bill asked, noticing that Charlie was standing. "Where are you going?"

"Sneak out," Charlie declared, fire in his eyes. "I'll find him myself if I have to."

"Are you out of your mind, Charlie?" Bill pulled his shoulders behind with such power, making Charlie stumble as he falls back to the sofa. "If the Aurors can't even find him yet- what makes you think you will?"

"I'm not saying I will, but it's better than sitting on my arse and doing nothing!" Charlie exclaimed. "It's obvious that's what the Aurors are doing, isn't it?"

"And how do you know?" Bill asked. Charlie closed his mouth. "How do you know the Aurors are just sitting on their arse and doing nothing?"

"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Charlie groaned, running a hand through his carrot hair. "How hard it is to find a fucking child? It's been two weeks, Bill. Two weeks!"

"You didn't care about him before-"

"Because I didn't know he exists until a few months ago, and I cared the moment I knew about him!" Charlie interrupted his brother, standing up to his height. "Don't you change the subject, Bill."

"Just calm down, Charlie-" Bill shook his head. "Let the Aurors handle this, they're way more experienced than we are."

"Why are you so fucking calm with this?"

"Because I can't lose another brother, shithead!" Bill shouted. Charlie closed his mouth, still glaring at him. "You think you're the only one who cares about Percy- just because you show it more than I do? Do you think I'm not mentally torn when Mum says I'm supposed to have another brother? You don't think I cry myself to sleep so often, wanting to meet him so fucking bad? Do you think reading this-" Bill waves the note around, "that Mum was magically depleted and at risk of dying because of his disappearance doesn't destroy me? Hell- do you think the news of his disappearance doesn't destroy me?"

"It doesn't seem like it, you're just one emotionless bitch." Bill closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Charles, there's not a day goes by where I don't regret our parents' decision of losing him-" Bill shook his head, his voice breaking down. "Every day I keep having conflicts with myself whether to look for him myself or not, I know our parents had to do what they did but every day I was so tempted to go and find him myself. The day where we can meet him when he's eleven and goes to Hogwarts is the day I look forward to so badly for years. Mum told me about him the day Mr Rosier was announced to be dead, so I had a picture of him when he was five years old. I've been holding onto that picture for so many years, the earliest picture I have of him."

"Can I see it?" Bill nodded, standing up. He entered his dorm room, crouching down to his trunk, opening it. Taking out the copy of the Daily Prophet for three years ago, Bill stared at the earliest picture of his baby brother, being carried by who he knows as Mrs Rosier, his adoptive mother. Bill ran back to his brother's direction on the sofa, noticing him still staring at the note.

"You there?" Bill called, causing Charlie to turn his head towards the voice. Bill sat next to him, handing over the papers.

"There's our little brother-" Bill pointed to the picture of a five-year-old Percy smiling sadly at the camera. "Isn't he so cute?"

"Who's carrying him?" Charlie asked, taking a deep shaky breath as Bill notices his eyes like newly cut glass.

"Camilla Rosier, his adoptive mother-" Bill nodded.

"The woman our parents sold our brother to," Charlie said, bitterness hinted in his words. "And the very woman who lost our brother."


"How could she lose an eight-year-old?" Charlie growled. "Mum had so many more in her hands yet she never lost any of us!"

"Look, can you just calm down?" Bill asked, anger seeping through his words, though he forced himself to stay calm. "Neither of us are her! We don't know what was in her brain when he was missing, if she was occupied. Let the Aurors, Mrs Rosier, and our parents do their jobs, just sit here and be a normal teenager."

"We're not normal, Bill!" Charlie exclaimed. Bill pressed his lips together. "What normal family becomes so poor they need to sell one of their own? What normal parents had to use connections to know the condition of their son? What normal brother never met another brother in his life? What normal brother only knows about another brother's existence eleven years later? What normal mother almost kills herself when that brother goes missing? What normal brother lets their brother stay missing? He could be dead for all we know!"

"But this is our reality, Charles!" Bill shouted as he slapped Charlie's face so hard, causing Charlie to fall from his standing position. Bill immediately stopped himself, feeling horrified of what he's done. "I'm sorry."

"I don't want to talk to you," Charlie mumbled lowly, stretching his body as to reach the two copies of the Daily Prophet- one from three years ago and one from two weeks ago- and the note from their father before ascending the dorm stairs of first years.

Sighing, Bill rose from the sofa to his dorm of third years. Once he reached his trunk, he takes out a stuffed penguin his mother gave him when he was five- he still keeps it. It helped him calm down when he needed an outlet for all his anger and emotional torment, a moment such as this would call for it. He'd named it 'Mambo'. He knew Percy loves his stuffed animals so much, so maybe they both share that in each other.

He can't help but wonder what his brother said. What if Percy was dead? What if this whole search was useless? It would explain why the Aurors haven't found him yet. But who'd kill him? Who'd kill such a cute, innocent, young boy? Why?

What had Percy done?

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