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I reached the battle field, the corpses still laying where they fell. I dismounted gently, tying my horse to the tree. I walked cautiously, I walked to the first solider and began to drag him out of the battlefield and to our shredded banner that still stood proud. I did this for many of the bodies, I was beginning to grow weary, sweat dripped off my being. Just as I dragged the final body to the pyre I heard a snort from behind me. I gripped the handle of my sword and turned.
It was an orcish child, I released my hand on my sword, but that was a mistake the child was not innocent. It produced a knife from its side, it charged at me so I had no choice but to defend myself. I swung at the child but missed; it was too quick and nimble. It managed to stab me in the side, I cried out and pressed one hand to my side while continuing to swing with the other. It stabbed me in the back and cut my sword hand causing me to drop it and fall to my knees, I looked at the orc child it giggled and then stabbed me in the shoulder.
I now lay on the floor blood escaping my being. I saw it pick up the torch from the ground light it with the burning fire I had lit, it then threw it onto the pyre. It gave me on last kick in the stomach and then ran off. I cry in pain but I look over and realise I'm near the pyre, I try crawling away but fire begins to eat at my left foot, I use the last of my strength and manage to put the fire out. I turn myself onto my back and look over towards the forest where I hear footsteps. I couldn't quite configure the shadow walking towards me, it looked like a cloaked man.
Before they can get any closer my eyes flutter shut and my body still.
A few hours later. . .
I wake up feeling somewhat weak. The sound around me is unfamiliar it sounded like running water, and soft singing voices around me, I open my eyes and find I'm still on my back. I look up and see a whitish transparent owl flying around what looks a statue holding something in its hands. The place is like a temple, with foliage growing everywhere. The first voice I hear is Genn. "I told her not to go alone, but the child is headstrong." He said.
I try to sit up whining as I did, two Night Elves and Genn rush over to me. "Take it easy Josephine!" Genn exclaimed gently pushing me down.
"Where am I?" I ask.
"The temple of the moon, our goddess Elune is channeling through me to heal your wounds." She spoke up.
"This is Tyrande Whisperwind, priestess of Elune." Genn introduced me. "The other is Malfurion Stormrage." He finished.
"Jo." I nodded.
"Malfurion was lucky when he found you, you have lost a lot of blood." She said.
"Where's Anduin?" I asked.
"At home with his father, he was a little distraught after you left." Genn said.
"I must apologise." I replied.
"Indeed you must." Genn nodded.
"When can I go home?" I asked.
"When I feel you're strong enough." The priestess spoke up.
I lay there helplessly and bored. I wanted to be riding my charger in the driest racing Anduin like we used to but no I was stuck here. I looked around noticing many Night Elves facing me. It seemed like they were healing me, I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked around. I was laying in he middle of a circle. I noticed one Night Elf with long purple hair, her white eyes seeming to glow and her leafy armour cloaked her body. She seemed to be chanting the most quietest of everyone. After a few days of rest and being guarded by bears and lions I was allowed to return. I limped back to Stormwind and straight to the keep where I saw a pacing Varian.
"You're a foolish child!" He yelled and punched me splitting my lip, but using so much force he knocked me to the ground. I dabbed my lip with my chainmail glove, I looked up at him with shock. Tears glittered in my eyes, he stood above me ready for another strike. Anduin ran in grabbing his hand.
"Father please!" He squeaked. Varian huffed and then walked out leaving both Anduin and I glancing at one another. I hauled myself up off the ground, I swatted Anduins hand away.
"I can stand on my own!" I exclaimed. A little humiliated I walked to my chambers and threw off my armour wincing, they healed me enough but not enough for it not to hurt any less. I stood staring into my mirror, my lip beginning to bruise a little. I slammed my fist against the table making my chalice dance. I was a captain and should be treated as one! I heard my door creak open and I turned ever so slightly it was Anduin
"I heard you were in Darnassus for a while, are you fully healed now?" He asked.
"Yes." I nodded.
He sat down in my arm chair near the fire.
"What happened?" He inquired.
"An orc child attacked me, thought it was funny." I spat, venom coating my words
"You know you made both my father and I worry about you.  But more importantly did you get your peace?" He asked looking at me.
"Would I be acting this way if I didn't?" I snarled.
"Well it's good to see you're no longer a shell of yourself." He replied.
"There were so many bodies, their rotting features will haunt me for eternity." I said looking down at the table and the knocked over chalice.
"I thought the Night Elves helped you to forget? He quizzed me.
"No, they only healed me." I replied not finding the confidence to look at him.
He walked over resting a hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. "I did what I had to in order to protect my sanity, and morals." I replied.
"I know and I understand." He said resting a hand on my waist.
"Don't!" I said pulling his hand off, he seemed a little hurt but I was in no mood for affection. 
"My father needs to see you." He said with a little aggression.
"I shall not see him, not after what he did to me!" I snarled and walked to my balcony, I leant against the stone lion balcony and looked out at the Mage Quarter. Perhaps I should enlist the help of a mage instead of a Druid.  The sky crackled with lightning and a loud of drum of thunder sounded loudly. I decided to retreat inside, I took up my shield and sword and walked them to the armoury. The guards saluting their captain as I walked.
My sword clanging against my shield, I noticed I had chipped the gold and paint off a little but the mood I was in i really didn't care. I put my weapons away on my peg. I caught my reflection in the blade of my sword before it was put into its scabbard, my split lip looked worse, I pressed my hand to it and I hissed in pain. I walked to the stables through the armoury and saw my black charger standing in his stall, his eyes closed. He had straw in his feathers and his long black mane. "Hey Evangelist." I smile.
His eyes open and he walks over allowing me to pat his neck.
I take a carrot out from the feed basket next to me and hand it to him, he snatches it hungrily even though he was fed a few hours ago. I unlock the stable door and go in to the stall with him. I rub his nose, his neck and scratch him behind the ears. He neighs lowly and snorts. I hear someone else outside, so I lean over his door and see two guards walking towards us.
"We need you to come with us." One guard spoke up.
"Why?" I asked.
"Varian needs to see you now!" One said sternly.
"I do not wish to see him." I growled.
"It's important." One other spoke up.
I just whined and kissed my horse on his nose and followed the guards to the hall. As soon as I entered Varian looked away from me.
"What is it?" I snarled, folding my arms over my chest.
"We have been informed about the Legion attacking the Broken Shore. I want you captain, to gather your men and leave with me at dawn." He explained.

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