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Now. . .
Ash fell from the sky, the battlefield plagued with fel. Making our forces weak, even if we had the horde behind us we weren't going to win! Too many demons rushing towards us at once. I had been sliced in the leg, a bandage keeping the wound closed. "Varian I can't keep going!" I exclaimed.
"You're not sacrificing yourself for me!" He yelled back running towards me.
"Go Anduin needs you!" I said as he reached me, I pushed him away. "Stormwind needs you, I'm nothing but a soldier performing her duties." I replied.
"You're more than that. . ." He began but was cut off as a felguard ran at him. I limped away and ran into the thick of battle, being swallowed up by the sea of fel creatures. "Jo no!" He cried.
Then. . .
I didn't quarrel as much as I wanted to, I had to respect the kings orders. I walked straight to my chambers where I slammed the door and found my back sliding down the wall, my head falling into my hands. "Josephine?" A familiar voice asked peaking his head around the door.
"Anduin. I can't! Not again." I said. He walked closer and wrapped his arms around me.
"Yes you can." He said gently lifting my head to meet his eyes. "I believe in you, the army believes in you. Even my father believes in you!" He exclaimed attempting to comfort me. 
"No pressure." I giggled.
"You're strong enough to battle the fel infested creatures!" He exclaimed resting a hand on my shoulder.
"They're stronger than orcs and humans." I began as my eyes glittered and tears poured from my eyes. "Anduin I'm not sure I have the mental stability to face another war." I reminded him.
He gripped my shoulder a little tighter. "Now you listen to me!" His voice sterner. "My father wouldn't have asked you to accompany him if he didn't think you were good enough!" He said. "Now get ready Khadghar teleports you in the morning." He told me.
"Wait," I said reaching for his hand before he could walk away. He looked down at me his blue eyes looking into mine. "Do I not get to spend one night with my prince?" I asked.
"Indeed." He nodded, he gently took me by the hand, we both disrobed and lay under the sheets together, entangled in one and another's embrace. I soon found myself falling asleep. Morning came too soon, Anduin woke me up softly, and with gentle encouragement I reluctantly got ready. He walked me to the courtyard, he gave me a kiss before we were teleported.
"We'll return son." Varian said resting his hand on his sons shoulder. We were soon teleported, some of my men a little discombobulated. But Varian, Genn and I stood strong we were used to this.
We looked around and noticed the carnage already inflicted, the earth was dead, everything bare and black.
Now. . .
I could hear Genn and Varian calling for me, but I had no clear path. "Sylvanas save Jo!" Varian yelled, but his prayers were not answered. Instead we heard the horn blow and the horde retreated. I looked up to the hill, which earnt a sword through my back, I cried out and fell to my knees. I saw the gunship taking off, I saw Varian hanging off the side, I saw him pass something to Genn but wasn't sure what it was. All of a sudden I watched as Varian dropped but killed a great demon.
Another sword pushed through my back and out the front, I cried out and my head dropped with blood flooding out of my mouth. This would be my resting place. I soon looked up as I heard wheezing and it was Varian he had been impaled by fel guards like me.
They slid their swords out, my body dropped. I looked to Varian with watery eyes. "You fought well." He told me, I only managed a nod and nothing more. I couldn't quite hear the conversation as my hearing became muffled, but the last thing I hear is Varian yell, "FOR THE ALLIANCE!" I scrambled off the ground bleeding out, I wanted to protect Varian, the Orcs hand brushed against my flesh as I threw myself in the way, it burnt the whole of my stomach as it infected me with fel, but the Orc pushed me out of the way, and I helplessly watched as the Orc pressed his hand into Varians chest and filled him with fel before he exploded into ash.
"Varian!" I croaked.
The Orc hobbled over to me, it looked down at me. "She's too weak! Kill her!" It exclaimed. No one around to save me just as the sword was thrust into my chest one final time, arrows were shot into the remaining fel guards, the Orc retreated and the battlefield was still, I looked up at my saviour and saw it was Sylvanas herself.
"I can't leave you here!" She exclaimed, she lifted me by my arms and dragged me towards the gunship, I looked up and noticed it was Genn.
"Thank you." He nodded. I soon passed out and remembered nothing further. I wake up slowly to incense it wafts around the room. I wince and cry out, I feel stiff but most of all I can feel pain. My eyes open fully as I spring up and feel the stitches on my chest tear, blood begins to flood out and I cry in agony. I see Genn and Tyrande run in. Genn holds me down while Tyrande cleans the wound and blood away, then begins to stitch the wound again.
"Jo lay still you've been through a lot and sustained some serious injuries." He told me.
"Varian is dead!" I exclaimed.
"I know." Genn said dropping his head.
"If only I fought harder to save him!" I sobbed.
"Josephine you did everything you have, you're lucky Gul'Dan allowed you to live!" He exclaimed. 
"Most of the fel has left your system, but you have a few strange glowing marks that worry me!" Tyrande exclaimed.
"W. . . Where's Anduin?" I asked.
"At his fathers final resting place in lions rest." Genn answered.
"He's buried?" I asked.
"His memory yes." Genn nodded.
"Jo you've been out for a week." Tyrande told me softly.
"A week?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes." She nodded.
"We didn't think you were going to make it!" Genn stated. "But you are a strong soldier, you made it through with multiple stab wounds and also for the fact you were willing to sacrifice yourself for him." He finished.

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