Diagon alley

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      I don't see Harry around yet but I do see Ron. He decides that Harry will catch cup either us and we start to get all of our stuff. Ron is really excited for me to start my first year at hogwarts and he is really excited to start helping me get all of my things for the year. He guides me through the weird detours and crowded roads of diagon alley and we finally can get to the first place we want to go, the robe shop. He grabs my hand an pulls me in.
     Alright I am going to get my robes for this year and you get yours. Ron commands and we separate through the store going to the places we need to. I go up to the lady and start to tell her what I need.
     What do you need dear? She questions.
     I need a robe with the Hogwarts crest on it. I state.
     Alright, come to the back and I will measure you. She commands and I start to follow her to the back of the room. She picks up the measuring tape and puts it around my waist. Then after she puts it up the long way and measures how tall I am. Ok, that is about 4/11 in height and 90 pounds. I have the perfect robe for you! She exclaims. She goes into a closet looking thing and pulls out the robe and tries it on me. It fits perfect and she gives me an extra pair just in case I need it. She also gives me a black skirt and a white button down so I can match everyone else. I walk out of the back either her wearing my new robe and I go to see Ron when- you need to pay for that miss, it is 5 galleons. She explains.
     What? Can I go get my brother and ask him if he has my extra galleons on him? I ask nervously.
     Yes of course. She replies and I run to go find my brother Ron.
     Ron! I yell and I see him turn facing me.
     Ginny, what's wrong? He questions.
     Can I borrow some galleons to play for my robes? I ask.
     Yeah sure, you can pay me back when we open up your vault. He hands me the galleons and I run back to the desk.
     Here you go! I plop all 5 galleons on the desk and I go in the fitting room and I decide to get changed before I go on the train.
     Thank you very much! She exclaims and I grab Rons hand and we run out of the store. The next place we go is Gringotts so we can open up my vault. When we get there we see a ton of goblins waiting inside working at their desks. Ron Went up to one of the goblins and asked for a new vault for me. He gives me my vault key and I open it. There are at least a million galleons in there and I get so excited! After that I lock my vault and we go to the next store. We go to Ollivanders next and I can't wait to get my wand.
     Hello dear! He exclaims as I walk in the door with Ron.
     Hello! We exclaim.
     So let's start then. For Ginny right? He questions.
     Yes for me! I exclaim. The first thing I do is pick out a wand from a shelf I wave it a little. Sadly, it doesn't do anything and I have to end up getting another one.
     It's ok, for some wizards it takes a while. He explains. He gets another wand and passes it to me. I wave this one and a flash of light comes out of it.
     Is this the one? I ask.
     Yes! He passed me the wand and asks for 7 galleons. I pass him the galleons and he waves a good bye and wipes a smile on his face. We walk out of the door and next we need to go to the bookstore. We get all of the books I need including fantastic beasts, quidditch through the ages, potions, divination, and many more. Those costed a galleon each. We soon head down to platform 9 and three quarters and we finally had caught up with Harry when we got down there. It was finally time for me to run through the wall, I have been waiting to do this for my whole life!

Hey guys! I hope you liked it. I didn't put Ginny's wand stuff because I didn't know it so sorry. But I hope you guys enjoyed and love you! ~Sunny❤️


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