The Hogwarts Express

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     I was really nervous to run through the wall. I have seen Ron and all of my other brothers do it, but I am nervous that it won't work for me.
     "Ok, Ginny. It's your turn!" Mum exclaims as Ron goes through the wall.
     "Mum, I am scared. What if I don't go through?" I question.
     "Don't worry, sweetie. You will be fine, just don't slow down!" She tells me.
     "Ok, bye I love you!" I exclaim as I get my cart ready.
      "Bye, Ginny!" Mum replies. I straighten out my cart and I am ready to run. I run straight for the barrier and wait for a Big Bang and a crash. But, nothing happens. I end up still running and before I know it I am on the other side of the wall. I look in front of me and I see a gigantic red train and it read: The Hogwarts Express. I squealed remembering where I was going. After quite a few minutes I realized someone was babbling at me. He had brown hair and a toad placed in his hands.
     "Hello! You must be Ginny Weasley! I am Neville LongBottom. Nice to meet you!" Neville exclaims.
     "Hello! Nice to meet you too!" I exclaim.
     "It is your first year, I haven't seen you around." He questions.
     "Yes it is and I am really excited!" I exclaim.
     "Ron talks about you so much! I think you are his favorite sibling." He tells me.
     "Well it is nice to know he cares." We both laugh.
     "It is my second year." He explains. "Would you like to sit by me on the train?" He questions.
     "Yes!" I reply and all of us line up single file and go onto the train. It is hard picking a compartment as everybody shoves past us. I don't get that mad with all the pushing until this blonde boy pushes me. His hair is slicked back and he has watery blue eyes. I now know who he is: Draco Malfoy, the Weasley's enemy. He pushes me and starts to speak in a snide little voice.
     "Oh, you must be a Weasley." He tells me. I start to smile but then he says something really rude. "Filthy blood traitor." He starts to laugh with his two ugly fat friends. I finally get sick of all of their stupid laughs and I slap him.
     "Wow, what a bitch." He tells his friends, meaning for me to hear.
     "Well at least I don't have a father who works with he dark lord." I reply back. He pushes past the last few people that still aren't in their compartments and starts to speak again.
     "What did you just say about my father?" He questions in a snide voice, pulling out his wand. I soon see a boy with brown hair and glasses jump in front of me. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." He smirks one of his Malfoy smirks and Harry punches him in the face. "How dare you defend a filthy blood traitor like her!" Malfoy yells. "Why didn't you just use a spell? Were you scared?" Malfoy asks again.
     "No magic outside of Hogwarts dumbass." Harry yells back at him.
     "Come on Ginny, lets get out of here." Neville says and he pulls my arm and we go into the first compartment we see. Neville opens the compartment door and we see a blonde haired girl reading a magazine named the quibbler.
     "Hey Luna. Do you mind if we sit with you?" Neville asks the girl.
     "No of course not!" She pats the seat next to here and motions for us to sit down. I sit across from Neville and apparently this Luna girl. Within five minutes we see a candy trolley pull up to our compartment.
     "Would you like anything?" The trolley lady asks. We all stand up and are ready to get all of the candy that our little hearts desire. Neville speaks first.
     "Could I have 2 chocolate frogs and 1 package of Bertie botts please?" He questions. The last hands him the candy and he hands her some galleons.
     "You can go next." Luna tells me. I go up to the lady and I start telling her what I want.
     "Could I have 1 acid pop please?" I ask her. She hands me the candy I ordered and I give her 2 galleons. Now last but not least, Luna.
     "Could I just have 2 chocolate frogs please?" She asks. She hands the lady 3 galleons and Luna gets her 2 chocolate frogs.
     "So what is your name?" Luna questions me.
     "I am Ginny, I heard that you are Luna!" I exclaim.
     "Yes I am! We are going to be great friends! You seem like a really cool girl!" She says.
    "Thank you! I am looking forward to this year!" I explain.
     "Yes! I am too! I can't wait to go on midnight trips to the forbidden forest and search for Nargels!" She explains.
     "What might Nargels be?" I question her with a puzzled look on my face.
     "They are little creatures that hide in your ears and make your brain fuzzy." She explains.
     "I have never heard of them but cool!" I say. We see a bushy brown headed girl standing in front of our compartment. I only recognize this as Hermione Granger. Ron has always Been talking about her since the beginning of summer.
     "We are getting to the castle soon you guys should go and change." She tells us. "I know you! You must be Ginny Weasley! Ron talks about you all the time. We are going to be the best of friends!" She exclaims.
     "It is so nice to meet you! I have heard so much about you too! See you at the school!" I reply back to her.
     "See you!" She replies. I had already gotten into my robes so I sat and waited for Luna and Neville to come back. Before I knew it we were at the school. I am really nervous to see Harry. I wonder if he is ok?

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! Remember to comment and vote! Love you guys!~Sunny❤️




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