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The entire camp was awoken when a piercing howl echoed throughout the sleeping camp. A fierce wind that rustled through the forest borders.

Within the training camp of heroes, hooves tapped the plank floor of the porch at the well-known building among the campers, called the Big House. A figure stood by the wooden railings, the top half of their torso was a bearded man in their mid-thirties, while the lower half was the body of a white stallion. He was what is called a centaur, a Greek Mythological creature, and his name was Chiron. He was the head advisor of the activities for camp and was known as a trainer of heroes in the myths.

The half horse-half man furrowed their brows towards the forest, his pyjama shirt was still on as he hadn't expected to be woken up by the sudden cry that just occurred seconds ago. He had a terrible feeling.

His attention was brought to his right when a loud pair of footsteps approached him. It was the two famous demigod campers, Annabeth Chase and Perseus Jackson. The two had gone to many dangerous quests, involved in two major prophecies and even faced Death itself. They faced all their obstacles together and have surely made their mark in demigod history.

The two heroes stopped in front of Chiron, panting lightly as they had run over to him from their cabins. The centaur clopped away from the railings and moved into a better position to face the two senior campers, giving them a moment to catch their breaths before he spoke to them.

"Percy, Annabeth. You must have heard the cries as well." Chiron guessed and Annabeth nodded to confirm. Percy jabbed his thumb over his shoulder towards the circle of cabins where all the campers had gathered outside, alerted after the noise.

"Make that all of camp," Percy stated before letting out a big yawn. "Do we know what that howl was?" The son of Poseidon asked the two smarter people in the group. Chiron brushed his fingers through his bushy-brown beard in thought, while Annabeth's grey, stormy eyes shifted as she flipped through the mental files of all the monsters she memorised from textbooks and experience.

"Surely it's not a hellhound, could it?" Annabeth asked Chiron for his opinion.

"Its howl did sound off to the usual hellhound, I've never heard one like this before." The centaur confessed to them, but before the three could continue on with their conversation an Apollo camper, Will Solace had rushed over to them with panic clear on his features.

"Will, what's going on?" Percy asked the blond, teen.

"A pegasus just landed at the stables and had a kid unconscious on it's back." He told them frantically. The three was taken by surprise and their eyes widened.

"Is the kid hurt?" Percy asked Will and the Apollo child shook his head.

"No, but we took him to the infirmary just in  case." He assured them. "I'll show you, follow me," Will said and the three followed the head camper of the Apollo kids.

They pushed through the crowd that gathered around the entrance to the infirmary. In front of them, they saw another Apollo camper hovering beside a bed.

"Charlie, how's he doing?" Will called out to the dark-skinned girl and she turned her head to see the four approach her.

"Doing fine, but his breathing is a bit uneven." She told her half brother who came to her side and help inspect the boy on the bed his breathing. Chiron clopped his way to the other side of the bed and analysed the child in front of him.

"His clothes and face are covered in soot." Percy stated and gazed at the blond kid with worry.

"He must have previously been in a burning area, but hellhounds can't produce fire." Annabeth frowned in confusion.

"There's always more to the story than it first seems, we must wait until he wakes." Chiron said the last part loud enough for them and the campers at the entrance to hear. The campers outside got the message and they left in masses, murmuring to themselves as they walked away to return back to their cabins.

Chiron let out a tired sigh and looked back down at the blond boy. Charlie had left them to retrieve a wet cloth from a pale filled with water on the table before rushing back to wipe away the soot and grime on the boy's face and body. They all watched as Charlie uncovered some cuts on the kid's fair skin after a few wipes with the wet cloth in Charlie's hand.

"I think you two should head back to bed," Chiron told the daughter of Athena and the son of Poseidon. Chiron's features sagged and paler than usual, most likely from lack of sleep due to events that took place only days ago and now this. The two demigods were hesitant to leave the centaur but learned that it was best to listen to Chiron during these types of situations, walking away and out the entrance.

Chiron watched them leave before he focused his attention to the wounded child.

"Will, Charlie."

The two Apollo campers stopped what they were doing and turned to the instructor.

"I think I will stay here with you two for the night." His brown hues glisten lightly by the candle on the bedside table.


Sunlight poured into the infirmary and covered Link's sleeping form on the bed. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned, shifting on his spot as he attempted to stretch while laying in bed. He thought about last night and guessed that everything that happed was just a dream, but his hopes were soon to be crushed when he realised he no longer in his room or anywhere in his house.

Link shot up with a gasp in panic, until a voice spoke towards him.

"Woah now." A low but gentle voice said to his right and he gazed towards the source to see a bearded man in a wheelchair. "You're finally awake." He smiled warmly at Link. He wheeled himself closer to the bed. 

"You must be wondering why you're here." The brown-haired man questioned for Link. Link nodded to confirm him, he was confused and terrified by what happened last night as his house was burning. His memories were fogged since he wasn't fully awake. 

"You're in camp half-blood." The man told him and he tilted his head confused before the older man continued. "Some campers found you on the back of a pegasus." He revealed and Link's eyes shot wide open. His memories suddenly flashed through his mind, the pig monsters with spears and swords, his parents holding their own weapons and the maroon-coloured horse that glided down toward him and his parents from the sky. But one thing hovered his thoughts the most. His parents. He put up his hands in front of him and signed,

'Is my parents here?'

As Link suspected the man just blinked at him. The man hummed at Link's lack of vocal communication. Chiron then remembered that Elliot Kane from the Athena cabin knew sign language.

"I do not know sign language and if you would excuse me I need to get someone to translate for me." The man said and Link nodded, watching him wheel away. When Link turned away from the entrance he gazed down at his hands to find them covered in a few bandages. Link wanted to cry, he was worried about his parents and wondered if they were hurt or even dead. His eyes swelled with tears. Droplets ran down his reddened cheeks, but then a finger wiped them away and he quickly lifted his head to meet a pair of spring-green peepers. 

Link gasped in surprise and moved away from the person who smiled softly at him. It was a girl with short hair that was dyed green. She was wearing a green shirt and shorts and she looked at the age of twelve. 

"Hello, Link." She giggled at his reaction. "I'm sorry for scaring you." She apologised.

'Who are you?' Link signed. 'And how do you know my name?'

"It's a long story." Her smile wavered for a second before it returned. "But don't worry, I'll tell you later." She said, "When Chiron comes back with Elliot and explains everything to you, meet me at the hearth during the campfire songs." She told him with a beaming smile. Link wasn't sure what she was talking about but his attention turned towards the sound of footsteps and wheels creaking on the floorboards. 

"Hi!" A blond boy beside Chiron waved at Link and Link waved back.

"So you're the kid everyone's talking about." The Athena camper smiled at Link as he placed a hand on his hip when he came to stand beside Link's bed.

'Yes.' Link replied with a sign.

"It's like what you said Chiron." The blond boy looked at the advisor who nodded. "I can translate while you talk to him." He told him before turning back to Link. "Hi, I'm Elliot, what's your name kid?" Elliot introduced himself.

'Link.' He spelled out.

"Link, huh?" Elliot beamed. "Well, I'm glad you're looking well." Elliot said with a bright smile and Link returned a smile.

Link looked to where the girl was but only to see her gone and he blinked in surprise. He analysed the room in search for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Link." The boy turned back to the two men. Chiron spoke, "I am Chiron the activities advisor of the camp." he finally introduced himself.

'What is this camp? Why am I here? Where are my parents?' He signed and Chiron turned to Elliot for a translation.

"He wants to know about the camp and where his parents are." The camper told Chiron.

"His parents..." Chiron hummed in thought. "I do not know where your parents are,  but I have a good guess that if they knew to take you to this camp and on a pegasus, they are most likely ex-campers," Chiron said to the two boys. "As for this camp, it is a sanctuary for demigods." Chiron said and Link furrowed his brow.


Chiron didn't need a translation to know what Link had asked, as he had gone through this type of conversation for many decades throughout his career. He didn't wait to for Elliot to speak and answered Link's question.

"Yes, demigods. Children who have one mortal parent and the one godly parent, to be more specific the Greek Gods." Chiron said.

Link just gave him an unconvinced look and Elliot snorted at the expression.

"Believe me, when I first arrived I gave Chiron the same face." The son of Athena said to Link.

'You believe him?' Link asked the camper who nodded.

"Eventually after being claimed by my godly mother." Elliot said.

'Claimed? Godly mother?' Link interrogated him.

"All right I think any questions asked will be answered as I give you a tour around the camp." Chiron chided into the two boy's half conversation.

Link looked up at them then down at the covers over his body and removed them, and to his surprise, he was in a new change of clothes. His face flushed red at the thought that someone had seen him undressed but shook his head and got out of bed. His shoes were there on the floor and he put them on.

The two others waited patiently for him before leading him outside and Link gaped.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood." Elliot smiled at the breathless look on Link's face.

They walked down a dirt path and passed a climbing wall with lava spewing out from the top, people ranging from kids to teens were climbing up the structure. Link pointed at the kids climbing as he furrowed his brows at Chiron and Elliot.

"Oh, that's just their daily activities." Elliot said with no worry in his voice. Link gazed at the older teen with terror. "Don't worry we have...safety measures." Elliot's confidences wavered at the end but replaced it with a smile of assurance. "It's perfectly safe! In fact, you'll do that soon too." Link's eyes widened and Chiron sighed at the son of Athena.

"Do not threat my young boy, once you get used to the other activities you'll be assigned to the wall climb." Chiron said to try and reassure Link, but it didn't really work.

'This is crazy.' Link signed and Elliot stifled in a laugh.

"You haven't seen crazy yet, and let's hope we don't." Elliot's tone went serious. "But I doubt this calm atmosphere will last, right, Chiron?" Elliot looked over at the man in his wheelchair. Chiron didn't respond. 

They continued down the path and Chiron showed Link the strawberry fields and how they sell their yield to get money to support the camp for their quests. While they walked Chiron explained about the Greek Gods and how Olympus travels west, where the global seat of power travels and that New York is the current 'Greatest Nation'. Link listened closely to Chiron's explanation but couldn't wrap his mind around the idea of gods, goddesses and them having children with mortals. After last night though, he's starting to consider that all of what Chiron was saying was true. 

"Hey, Chiron! Elliot!" A voice called over from behind them and the three turned around to see a boy with black hair and sea-green eyes, he was quite muscular but didn't have a body-builder sort of build, instead, it was more of a surfer's. Beside him was a blond girl with stormy-grey eyes. The two walked over, the boy having more spring in his step than the girl who seemed to eye Link and Link gulped.

"Ah, Percy, Annabeth." Chiron smiled at the sight of them both.

Percy and Annabeth caught up to them and greeted Elliot and Chiron before their attentions were on Link. Percy offered Link his hand. 

"Hi, I'm Percy. I'm the head of the Poseidon cabin." The beach tanned boy introduced himself. Link shook his hand and the teen gave a toothy grin before gesturing to the girl beside him. "And that's my girlfriend, Annabeth. She's from the same cabin as Elliot." Percy glanced at the boy being mentioned and the son of Athena sent his older sister a grin and Annabeth returned a small smile. Link looked up at Annabeth who focused back on him.

"You've stirred up quite the commotion around camp when you arrived," Annabeth told Link and he grew nervous. "What's your name?" She asked with her tone of voice softer towards Link this time. Before Link could reply with his signs, Elliot spoke.

"His name's Link. He's actually mute." Elliot informed the two senior campers who blinked. Chiron nodded at Elliot's words. 

"Well Link, we just came to check if you're doing okay." Percy said while grasping Annabeth's hand. "We'll see you at the pavilion for lunch!" He called out as he left with Annabeth, hand in hand. 

The three of them continued what they left off.


"Finally the Big House!" Elliot motioned to the blue-coloured barn house. This was nearing the end of the tour and by this point, it was only Elliot and Link since there was trouble at the stables, one of the Hermes campers had aggravated the pegasus they were riding on during their lesson.   

They took a step onto the porch of the Big House and through the window beside the front door, Link's could've sworn he saw a pair of goat legs just went out of view. Link pushed the thought away and assumed it was his imagination. Elliot opened the door and they were met with a man sitting on a couch wearing a leopard print shirt and was holding a diet coke can in his hand. He looked towards them with uninterest.

"Link, this is Mr D." Elliot introduced. "He's the head advisor of the camp."

Mr D grunted in greeting at Link, but when he glanced at the young boy's way his eyes narrowed and he placed down his diet coke on the coffee table in front of him. Link stood on his spot, fiddling with his fingers unsure why the large man was looking at him that way. It reminded him about earlier and how Annabeth gave him a similar expression. 

"Boy." Mr D stood, which Elliot rarely saw during his time at camp and was taken by surprise, looking between Link and Mr D.

"Mr D? What's-" 

"Quiet! I'm talking to Lonk here." Mr D snapped at Elliot.

'It's Link.' Link signed but the adult didn't seem to notice and continued.

"You're not a demigod." Mr D stated bluntly. "Not human or monster either." He came closer to Link, pushing past the son of Athena who tried to stand between Link and the advisor. Mr D prodded his finger at Link's chest. "What are you?" His purple eyes pierced through Link and the boy's legged trembled, ready to buckle under the intense glare from Mr D. But then the sound of something crashing onto the floor caused them to turn their attention towards a person that was human on the top half of their body and the bottom half are goat. Link remembered Chiron mentioning about some of the people in the camp being half goat half human and even encountered one of them named Grover Underwood. They were called satyrs, and this one was holding a closed can of diet coke and stood beside a clump of books on the floor. He was visibly shaking from head to toe.

"S-Sorry!" They stuttered and swiftly crouched down to clean up the mess.

Mr D frowned at the goat boy. He moved away from Link and spoke without glancing towards him.

"I'm warning you boy if you don't leave camp by this week I'll personally turn you into a dolphin." Mr D warned him. Link gulped, he stepped back and went out the door. Stray tears trailed down his cheeks.

Elliot went to the door and was about to open it when Mr D called out to him.

"Don't trust him, you're Athena's kid you would be wise to avoid getting close." Elliot turned around and frowned at the advisor. 

"Why?" He questioned him. He knew Mr D was a jerk but this was serious, he was a god so Elliot knew to choose his words carefully to try and not get turned into one of Mr D's grapevines. 

"I sense something from him, a power nearly equalling to a god's." Mr D revealled to the wide-eyed teen.

"I mean some demigods can be as powerful as minor gods, take Percy and Nico for instance." Elliot tried to convince the god who only shook his head.

"Whatever's inside of him is far more powerful than them." Mr D said.


《Due to be edited soon》

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