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Perched on a sturdy branch of a local maple tree, Link gazed absentmindedly at the sky as the sun descended behind the horizon. His legs dangled in the air below as he daydreamed. The pastel shades of pink and purple from the sunset reflected in his bright blue eyes. Link inhaled the fresh air that came to him in a light breeze, while his silky blond hair blew back with the gentle force of the wind. The air carried a hint of the saltiness of great open ocean which caused Link to involuntarily beam. The moment felt like a dream that Link didn't want to wake up from.

The fanciful moment didn't last long before he heard a familiar voice call out his name.

"Link! Dinner's ready!"

It was his mother. He turned his attention to the small window, where his mother's comforting figure stood. The sudden smell of steaming pie spilled out of the open window to fill Link's senses and swiftly replaced the oceans essence.

Link licked his lips hungrily and climbed down the tree with ease. He jogged over to the back door and headed inside. Mr Willus- his father- sat at the head of the table in the adjacent dining room. His dad was squinting down at the daily newspaper in his hands. He had his reading glasses perched on his nose, but in all honesty, it didn't look like they were helping him too much. It took him two moments too long for him to flip to the second page. Link's mother seemed to have the same problem with print so small, but Link didn't catch her reading as often as hee other half. Link had never really thought about asking them about it.

Link's dad lifted his head from the paper and smiled in greeting when he saw his son.

"Look who's eager for dinner." His father laughed with hearty amusement. Link sat down beside him and peeked at the newspaper. The bold italic headline caught Link's attention.
'Mysterious Statues Being Placed All Around The County!'
Below it showed a photo of a stone statue shaped like a lady. Her hands were clasped together in prayer. 'Weird' Link thought to himself. Mr Willus must have noticed his odd expression and tapped under a particular phrase with his finger.

"Odd, isn'tit? It says here that the authorities think it might be an aspiring artist trying to get attention." He told Link who hummed in consideration.  Link didn't reply with words, instead, lifting his hand up to his forehead and dipping his fingers down along with his hand.

'Why?' He signed quizzically. Ever since Link was a child he never spoke to his fellow peers at school. It had concerned his parents at first, but quickly realised that Link prefered to keep his words to himself. He was a selective mute and Mrs, and Mr Willus decided to homeschool him instead. They learned sign language in order to both teach Link and allow them to communicate together. They wholeheartedly supported Link's choice to keep silent and didn't push him to tell them why he did.

"It does seem a bit much." His father sighed before he shrugged. "They sure are getting a lot of attention if that's what they were aiming for."

Mrs. Willus stepped into the room, forcing father and son to take notice. In her hands was a plate of freshly baked pie. She smiled at her husband and son, proud of her baked creation.

"Dinner, boys." Mrs Willus placed the pie in the center of the table. Link retreated back to the kitchen with her to gather the plates and utensils. They set up the table with practiced ease  and Mr Willus folded the newspaper to make room for the food.

'It looks delicious.' Link signed gratefully at his mother.

"It sure does. Your pies are the best! Even if it's the fruit pies or the meat pies, you bake them like a pro- as the youth say these days." Mr Willus said and winked at his son. Link rolled his eyes, unimpressed with his father's attempt of being youthful.

"Why thank you, honey." Mrs Willus giggled at her husband. "Now dig in you two." She urged them and they didn't need to be told twice before grabbing a slice of the delicious fruit pie.

The family of three chatted merrily at the table while they ate. Link's mother reminded him again of his upcoming fifteenth birthday, and asked what he wanted to do on his special day. Link took a moment to think as he chewed on his food.

'Something warm to wear for winter?' Link signed in answer. His parents shared a mutual look. Link wondered if they were having a mental conversation about what they could get him. Link smiled at them before purposely clearing his throat to regain their attention. 'I really don't mind anything, as long as mum bakes a meat pie instead of a cake.' Link signed. Mr Willus stiffled a laugh.

"No matter how old you get son, you haven't changed one bit." He stated and his wife nodded in agreement.

"You'll forever be our little boy." She said with a warm smile. Link's gaze fell on his plate in sorrow and motioned with his hands.

'Even though I'm adopted?' He let his hands rest on his lap in defeat. He lifted his gaze to meet his parent's faces and felt a pang of regret sit in his stomach. His mother's eyes were sad and pained, while his father's eyes were focused on his empty plate.

"Oh, sweetheart. We'll always see as our son and we believe that your parents left you in our care for a better future. I'm sure they loved you dearly and were sad to leave you." Link's mother tried to assure him and grasped his hand firmly. "If they could see how much you've grown, they would be so happy." Her voice cracked with emotion and seiftly wiped away some stray tears that trickled down her cheek. Link's heart ached to see his mother cry.

"You're mother's right, Link. You're a wonderful, son and we love you dearly." Link turned to his father and his eyes swelled with tears at the pure emotion that swirled in his eyes. He held up his free hand and signed his love to his parents. They rose from their seats and embraced their son. Mrs Willus combed through Link's golden locks to soothe him while he cried.

"We love you Link, never forget that." His mother whispered and he sniffled in thanks.


Link helped his mother with the dishes while his dad wiped down the table. After the family finished cleaning they prepared for bed. Link was the first to use the bathroom to brush his teeth before he went to his room to change into his pajama's. A pair of navy-blue trackpants and a green shirt laid on his bed. He walked over and dressed before laying on the red sheeted mattress. As if on cue with his movements, his parents entered the room to wish him a goodnight. His mother kissed him on the forehead while his father teased him with his need for his mother's affections to be able to sleep.

'Goodnight' Link signed to them and stuck his tongue out at his father.

"Goodnight, Link." His parents said in unison before closing the door behind them as they left.

Link smiled in content as he let his eyelids close. He soon fell asleep to the sounds of nature from his open window. His dreams were met with peaceful darkness- or so he thought.


Link stood within a small patch of grass surrounded by an endless white void. The sound of running water caught his attention and he turned towards the source. There, standing in front of a small pond, was a blurry silhouette of a person.

"Who are you?" Link automatically asked and he immediately covered his mouth. He just spoke. He would never slip up so easily like that. But then, if that happened, and with his current surroundings, this had to be a dream. The figure lifted their hands and clapsed them together in a prayer-like motion. It looked just like the odd statues mentioned in the newspaper Link had read at the dinner table. Suddenly the figure spoke wih a feminine soft voice, laced with a gentle, but sad tone. It was somehow familiar to Link- as to why, or where from, he had no idea.

"Link, please forgive me. Forgive us. We're sorry for leaving you behind, but for one last time- Hyrule, and the world you call home, now need you." The figure said. Link felt as though he had heard something along these lines before, and something inside him wanted to scream.

"Why-" Link cut himself of from finishing his question when the figure flinched violently. He was about to ask what was wrong, but the figure spoke again.

"You have to wake up Link. We'll see each other again soon, and it will all be over. In the mean time, please stay safe." She urged him before everything lit up in a blaze of fire.


Link woke up with a jarring jolt. The colour of a ferocious fire met his eyes and the intense scent of smoke filled his nostrils. Link whipped his head around and his eyes widened in absolute horror to find his room up in flames. His heart raced in fear when he thoughts turned to his parents. His skin was beaded with sweat and he coughed into his sleeve while he scrambled out of bed. Mum...dad...

His legs wobbled as he tretched his way through the kicking blaze of his room. He kicked at a stray piece of fire-lit wood that fell from the ceiling, getting it out of his way as he stumbled through the rest of falling debris. He made it to the door and turned the handle to open it, only to find the door stuck in its hinges. No... He slammed into the door with his whole weight, hoping it would budge.

Suddenly the sound of metal clashing against each other could be heard on the other side of the door, and the voice of Mr Willus called out to him.

"Link! If you're at the door move back!" He yelled to him, and the boy swiftly shuffled back, attempting to avoid the enclosing flames. "Merissa! Take over this pig for me."

"Got it!" His mother's voice replied further off  and more sounds of metal hitting metal could be heard.

Suddenly a bang came from the door and a second one came soon after. The door flung open, splintering on its brackets. Link's dad was smothered in soot and sweatwand was holding a- sword?- what?

'Dad, what's happening?' Link signed in anguish but didn't receive a reply. He was roughly taken by the arm and pulled out the room.

"Not now, Link!" Mr Willus stated as they ran down the hall, a human-like creature with a pig snout and ears, wearing only a loincloth with a club held in his grasp was standing aggressively at the top of the stairs. Link noticed the one currently fighting the creature was his mother with a shield and sword similar to his father's.

Mrs Willus countered the creature's attack when it raised its club for a killing strike. She returned the parry with a blow of her own. The large pig let out a pained screech, and dissolved into a thick purple ash. Link's mother was panting in exhaustion and her shoulders slumped at the weight of her shield, and sword started to weigh her down. She lifted her head to see her two loved ones and gave Link a tired smile.

"Let's go." She tried for a cheery tone. Link gaped at her in pure shock. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. But unfortunately there wasn't time to process the events that had transpired, as his father pulled him along towards his mother. The three of them rushed down the stairs, where they faced more of the same creatures his mother had killed upstairs.

"Do you know what they are, Merissa?" Mr Willus asked his wife as he pushed Link behind them. They readied their weapons and knocked the sword out of their opponents hands. With a loud 'shing' of Mr Willus's sword the pig-monster's head was sliced clean off. Meanwhile, Mrs Willus was blocking an incoming arrow, protecting Link and herself in the process.

"I thought you would know, considering you're a son of Athena and all." She teased, and her husband rolled his eyes.

"Well, unfortunately not this time." He replied back in slight frustration.

Link looked between his parents in confusion. Son of Athena? His mother must have noticed his confused expression and gave him an assuring smile.

"A friend of ours will explain to you later, Link." She told him and cupped his cheek. "Right now, we need to get out of the house and get you to a camp. It's safe there."She explained before charging over to another monster and impaled her blade in its chest. 

Link didn't know what she was talking about. This situation and his parents actions only created more questions than answers. He kept behind his parents as they handled the monsters with relative ease. But when he saw his mother's movements become more sluggish with each slain enemy he wanted to do something to help. Mrs Willus took out the last of the beasts that were in their way to the front door. When they burst out onto the veranda of the house, they stopped in their tracks.

A giant wolf stood before them, its body steamed with heat before being engulfed in flames. Its hungry glare set itself on Link. It howled loudly and his parents prepared themselves to fight once more.

"A hellhound on fire? First for everything." Link's father stated with a light chuckle.

"No time for jokes now, Tim." His wife stated and sighed at her husband's antics. "We'll have to call Epona to bring Link to the camp at this rate." She said.

Link's first though was, who's Epona? Then he realised that they weren't going with him to this so-called 'camp'. He gripped onto his father's sleeve desperately. Mr Willus looked over at Link and smiled casually- as if the monsters weren't really there and ready to kill them in moments. No, this wasn't happening. This stabbing pain in his heart felt so familiar to him. It was as if these moments have happened over and over again, like a never-ending cycle. The feeling tugged harder and his eyes swelled with tears.

"Don't worry, Link. Your mother and I will distact this mutt while you escape on Epona, she'll fly-" He was interrupted when Link tightened his grip on his sleeve and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"NO!" He protested.

Mr and Mrs Willus's eyes were wide in shock at their son's exclamation.

"Oh, Link." His mother's voice sounded far more broken than it had been during dinner. "Please, we only want you to be safe." She said him. The pain inside him turn into an agonising wound in his chest. I don't want you to leave me again...

Link's father gazed at him in guilt and sighed in apology.

"Forgive me, Link." He said before he whacked the back of Link's head with the hilt of his sword. Mr Willus swiftly caught his now unconscious as he fell. He heard the unexpected  gasp from his wife before he whistled loud into the air. A gallanyt whinny came from above them and a vermillion-coloured pegasus, with a single white stripe on its snout flew down towards them. It landed elegantly and stood beside Link's father.

"Good girl." Mr Willus praised her and patted her mane.

Mrs Willus approached and slapped her husband across the cheek. He yelped at the stinging pain and turned to her in surprise. Her eyes were filled with heart-wrenching tears. She didn't say a word towards her other half and turned to Epona, petting her snout in greeting.

"Take good care of my son." She ordered her. Mr Willus carefully lifted Link up omto the saddle and wrapped his son's arms around the pegasus's neck, in hopes that he wouldn't fall during the journey. Merissa and Tim nodded to each other before Mrs Willus looked back up at Epona with a stern look. "Head for Camp Half-Blood."

The winged horse whined in understanding and took off to the sky. They watched the pegasus fly off before they focused on the hellhound that was ready to devour them.

"Thanks for waiting patiently mutt. Maybe you'd like a treat for being a good boy." Tim teased and Merissa nudged him with her elbow and received a laugh from the son of Athena in return.

"Why did I marry you?" She asked.

"Because you love me."

"Oh, of course."

They shared a pained smile and a loving kiss before they raised their swords.

"Let's do this. For one last time."  Mr Willus said before the two of them cried out and charged.



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