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Enter Player Name: Noah

The morning light that warmed my face never felt so calming. I fought the urge to close my eyes and elected to stare at the now empty spot. I smirked at the imprint of Riley's body on my bedsheets. I rather woken to her there, bare for me to devour again, but baby steps.

Longing pricked at my fingers, making me want to reach out to feel the remnants of her body heat. It was supposed to have been a quick breakfast in bed. Yet, it spilled into one, then two, hours of talking and fooling around. It was hard to let Riley go when she yawned. Every part of me wanted to keep her in my bed. But, I told myself to behave. Not to be overeager. As thrilled as I was to have Riley in my arms, something told me she would spook easily if I became a burden.

I reached for my phone and began typing.


Morning beautiful

Morning beau-


No, that sounds too cheesy. I can do much better. Come on, Noah, pull out the big guns here.

Had a good sleep? I sure did.



I grunted, burying my head into my pillow. Was I becoming a fucking teenager all over again? I had done this on autopilot before, so why did texting Riley make my palms sweat and fingers tense? I cowered from the truth. That I was on thin ice with Riley, and I feared that after sleeping it over, she might regret it.

My phone vibrated in my hand.

Cream Puff

Morning handsome

I smiled at her words. I knew I should have gone with my gut feeling.


Do you have any plans for the day?

The computers arrived today, I was hoping to get your help with putting them together?

Cream Puff

Sorry can't do it

Have to take Mikey to a tball game

Then I think Jay is hanging with some friends

So don't think I'll have the day pree



Ahh no worries, I get it.

I stared into the white. More than receiving help with the computer, I wanted to spend more time with her. To have her once again in my arms. I guess there was one obvious option. I hatched a plan in my hand and typed.


Can I come with?

Cream Puff

You want to come to Mikey's tball game?


That is why I asked?

Cream Puff

Ophff so sassy

I mean sure, just be prepared for a lot of walks XD

Game is at 10am, so we leave in 1hr


Kay, i'll meet you outside your door.

Cream Puff



Kay ;}.

Cream Puff





"GO, MIKEY!!! KICK SOME ASSSS!" Riley screamed as loud as an air horn, earning herself a plethora of squinted eyes and stares from all the parents sitting on the off-white bleachers. She leaned against the black dugout fence, cheering from the top of her lungs as Mikey walked to the batting mat. I feared for her lungs.

It was unbelievable how even in just simple shorts and a white tank top, she looked so irresistibly sexy. The light danced around her exposed sun-kissed skin, highlighting her curves. I wanted to walk over and hug her from behind. But the text she sent me before I met up with her kept me nailed to the bench. As she put it, she didn't want to tell Mikey and Jay about us. It was a little off-putting, but I guess I understood why.

"SHOW THEM WHOS BOSS MIKEY," Jay shouted in a volume that slammed into my ear. I might need to visit an ear doctor if I continue to come to these things.

Riley and Jay fell silent when the ball was being pitched in a high arc. Swinging with all his might, Mikey bumped it down the first-base line.

"GO GO, GO!" Riley's voice overpowered the couches', guiding Mikey down the line. Once on first base, Riley and Mikey gave each other a thumbs up. It was pretty adorable, the pure enjoyment in their smiles.

Content with having cheered him to first base, Riley returned to the bleachers and took a seat between Jay and me. I did not miss the light eyebags and the tired yawn that drew from her lips. A pang of guilt hit my chest at not letting her go home when she first tried to. But then again, how would I have learned that her favorite color is green, game is Breath Of The Wild, or that she loves taking bubble baths. I would have to make sure to seduce her into one.

"I think the moms from the other teams are a little angry at your enthusiasm." I nodded my head at the other side, guiding Riley's gaze.

She snorted at them, dismissing all their disapproving stares. "Maybe they shouldn't have birthed such terrible tball players."

I snorted into my hand. "I didn't know you took tball this seriously."

"When Diazs do something, we make sure to do it correctly," she asserted, a deep sense of pride burning in her eyes. I had to stop myself from reaching down and placing a kiss on her cheek. The way her nose wrinkled was incredibly adorable.

I watched with joy as she cheered Mikey around the bases. Somehow, despite the tired yawns, she managed to scream with the energy of an opera singer. I chuckled internally at the occasional glances she gave the kid sitting in front of us. Her eyes ogled the hotdog in his hand with deep need. Her pink tongue occasionally sipped out to lick her lips.

"Are you hungry? Want a hot dog?" I asked.

I could have sworn I heard her stomach grumble with joy at the offer. Note to self, Riley likes being fed.

"Yeah, but I don't want to miss Mikey's run home," she answered. Her eyes remained glued on second base.

"I'll get some" — "I got it." Jay and I answered, standing at the same time.

Riley's surprised gaze bounced back from Jay and me, watching to see what would happen. "Do you want to get them together?" I offered Jay.

"Sure." Jay stuffed his hands in his pockets, and his head hung low as we made our way down the bleachers. We walked in silence, making our way through the loitering parents and towards the hotdog cart at the end of the shopping cart. The small chatter and still loud screams of Riley grew quieter and the silence louder between us.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. When I looked at it, my mother's name flashed on the screen.

"Are you trying to bag my sister?" Jay asked, causing me to choke on the dry air.

My vibrating phone was forgotten in my pocket. "What?" I asked, cleaning my ear to make sure I heard that correctly.

"You heard me." Jay's eyes cut to me, jaw tensed, and shoulders squared. "Are you trying to sleep with my sister?"

My throat went tight. What exactly was I supposed to say? 'Well, Jay, it turns out your sister and I already did the devil's tango.' Considering Riley wanted to keep this on the down-low for now, that was 100% not the correct answer.

"Umm, no," I said, but it rang more like a question than an answer.

His lip thinned, and he took a step closer. Jay asked, "Then, why are you here?"

"Because I enjoy spending time with your sister."

"So," he took another step, "you are trying to date her?"

"Umm." How did this become an interrogation? I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "I guess."

"You guess?" Clearly, my answer did not please him.

"No, not like that. I do. It's just very new. Umm... " I scrambled, trying to pull my thoughts together. "I like Riley, and I want to see where it goes." It felt weird admitting it out loud to someone else. In my head, I used to rationalize my attraction as physical. But, I could not deny that I was here not because I wanted to sleep with Riley again but because I enjoyed being near her. Her laugh was a melody to my ears.

Jay shifted on his feet. He looked uncomfortable, attempting to figure out how to play the role of a protective father. "Just drop it if you are not serious... I... I don't want to see Riley get hurt."

"Jay, I promise I would never do anything that would hurt Riley." I meant every single word.

He seemed to shrug at my worst, "If you say so... but I'm watching you. I'll kick your ass if anything happens."

I smirked at his attempt at an intimidating pose, and while it may have done well to scare off any teenager, I had had my fair share of angry fathers chasing me off. "Sounds like a deal."

Finally reaching the hotdog stan. We ordered eight hotdogs. I made a mental note that Riley liked ketchup and mayo on her. What a weirdo? I thought.

As we waited for our order to be ready, I tried to make small talk with Jay. "Are you playing any new games?"

"Nah, just a little counter strike. I have been working on college apps."

"Really, where are you thinking of going?"

"I think the dream would be USC or Drexel. Both have pretty nice game design programs, but I probably will just end up going to the city university." You could see the excitement in his eyes get extinguished.

"If you want to do game design, you should go to USC. That's where I went. I could get you in contact with some of the professors if you just want to have a chat about the program."

"Yeah, but I don't know if I should move that far away?" He looked down at the ground and shrugged his shoulders.

"Scared of being on your own?" I asked.

"No, not really. More scared of leaving Riley on her own. She gets so wrapped up in taking care of everything and everyone, she sometimes forgets to take care of herself. If I'm not here to watch out for her, who will?"

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