Heat Overload +

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Enter Player Name: Riley

My heart drummed frantically, pounding into my chest. Every inch of my body tingled with the after-effect of sex. Noah wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't be gentle; my body felt utterly spent. He made me cum first with his fingers, then his tongue, and finally as he drove fast and hard into me.

I could still feel every lingering touch and kiss permeate throughout my skin.

It was the worst between my legs. I was so damped there, and I still ached for him. I blushed, staring at the two remaining condoms that laid on the nightstand. I had chuckled when he pulled out three, and muttered, "Someone is optimistic."

He had responded with a devilishly handsome smile. He said, "And here I thought I was being conservative," before silencing me with a kiss.

And here we were, after one of the most mind-blowing orgasms I had in a long, long time, collapsed on his mattress. Our bodies intertwined messily in between the sheets; skin stuck on skin. Noah's calm breath brushed the back of my neck. It felt like laying on the beach with the cold ocean breeze soothing my heated skin.

I had not wanted to linger, but when I scooted towards the edge, Noah's heavy arms snaked around me. It wrapped tightly, pulling me against his bare chest. That's where I currently found myself. Awkwardly awake, with a presumably sleeping Noah behind me and counting the seconds between his breaths.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled to lift it over my waist – inch by agonizing inch, his fingernails tailed my skin. I needed to slip out without waking him. The implications of what had just happened finally slammed me in the face just like his dick last night, and I rather die than have the awkward after sex talk.

Just when his fingertips were about to relinquish me, Noah went rigid. His hand wrapped tighter, caging me. His leg, heavy with muscle, snaked over mine. My face flushed red when I felt his throbbing erection pressed against my back.

"Trying to escape?" Noah grunted out, his voice rough and dripping with after-sex glory.

His words drummed down my back, and my hair rose to his command. "Umm. I didn't want to wake you up."

Noah traced circles over my belly, orchestrating my desire to kindle like a rising fire. "Worry not, my dear. I was just resting." His hand disappeared underneath the bedsheets, trailing the curve of my navel, edging closer to my wet folds. I moaned, feeling his fingers slip into me. His long fingers.

Dear god.

"Um... Noah?" I choked out.

"Yes, love?"

"It's okay. I know we only agreed on one night." Fucking brain, I cursed at myself.

Noah's wandering hands ceased, and he withdrew his fingers from within me. I wailed in protest but forced myself to remain tight-lipped.

His hand returned to my waist. "Riley, turn around," Noah ordered. His tone was dead serious.

I faced him. Really, fucking stupid brain.

He looked like a god that had descended into this world. Into my bed. Well, his bed. His dark, soft curls scattered around his angular cheeks, framing his slightly parted tight lips. I wanted to bite into them like I did as he drove into me. It was impossible not to stare into his eyes – a bright forest came to life. Now, oh god now, I knew the wolf that lived there. How they could darken with wild passion.

My eyes trailed his chest, then biceps, following each line to his broad shoulders. I stared in horror at the sight of nail scratches.

His fingers halted my exploration of his body and held my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"Does it look like I want this to be only one night?" He asked. His pupils danced around my face, and I saw so much in them. I felt so much. Desired. Cared.

I gave in to what my heart wanted and kissed him. His lips moved against mine, matching their slow motion as he held my chin. Unlike before, when it was laced with urgency and hunger – fear of it being the last time. This time, it was slow and delicate, guided by a sense of unity.

I rose from my position and straddled his hips. I loved how he looked under me – eyes dazed with hunger and cock throbbing with need. But it was the curve of his lip that made my heart tremble in anticipation. Now I knew what the wicked smile promised.

Noah pulled on my hips, guiding me along his length. "Ready to ride your magnificent stallion?"

My face flushed at his question, and I slapped his shoulder. "Shut up, you goof before I change my mind."


I found myself in the same position as before, except this time, my head laid against Noah's chest. It was a bit hard from all the muscles. I gathered I would have to fatten him up a bit to make him the perfect sleeping pillow.

I busied myself with playing with his chest hair, twisting it around with my index finger. And counting the freckles that marked his fair skin. On the other hand, Noah laid one hand behind his head with the happiest smirk I have seen on his face since we met.

I bit my lip, and my palm became sweaty as I thought of what I wanted to say. "Noah?"

"Mhm?" he acknowledged my question.

"Can we keep this casual?" I asked, my finger stilled over his chest. I was concerned about how he would take my offer. The thought that he would be overjoyed or rejected it flat out rippled through my brain.

His eyebrows furrowed at my question, "Casual how?"

"Just no expectations." I met his gaze. "I don't feel ready to be in a relationship."

"You are going to have to elaborate." He lifted himself up so that his upper half was off the bed, causing me to rise as well. His green eyes bore into me, discerning the purpose behind my request.

"There are always expectations when you are in a relationship, in terms of time and availability. Those don't always align with my life." I took a deep breath and braced myself. "My brothers and my work are my priority right now."

His body relaxed at my words. "I can understand that. I'm fine with keeping it casual for now, just as long as we both understand that causal does not mean 'open.'"

I laughed at the way his eyebrows furrowed. "Is that what you are worried about?"

"You can't blame me." He pouted. "You did run off with a guy when you were upset with me."

"Fair enough." I laughed internally. It was cute to see the seriousness behind his words. It also helped to calm my nerves. It did not sound like he was looking for a quick hookup, but he did not mind taking it slow. Hand to my heart and nose pointed high, I declared, "I shall promise to be loyal to my noble steed."

Noah burst into laughter, a tear threatening to spill from his right eye. When he calmed, he said, "Good, because I don't share." He smirked. "Look at me. I am moving up in life."

"What do you mean?" I gave him a questioning look.

"Well, I went from a fake boyfriend to an exclusive booty call." He wagged his eyebrows proudly. "I can't wait for the next upgrade."

I rolled my eyes and began to get off the bed. "Anyways, I should probably get going."

"Why don't you stay the night?" He grumbled.

"I try not to make a habit of not sleeping at home." That was a standard I set for myself. As much as I loved them, there were times I needed to scold my brothers about responsibility. I did not need my credibility to crumble in front of Jay when I ordered him not to come home late and sleep around. I would never hear the end of it If he saw me make the walk of shame.

"We don't have to sleep," Noah smirked, dimples making their appearance.

My mouth dried at his alluring tone. "As enticing as that offer is, I think I am going to have to pass."

His face went tight, and he ran a finger along the length of my jaw. "It feels wrong to just let you go."

"What's the difference if I leave now or later?"

"Well, for a start, I can make breakfast in bed."

I wanted to ask if he meant to offer me breakfast or if I would be the meal. But, as if on command, my stomach growled.

"See," he tapped my lips, "even your stomach wants you to stay."

"I don't want my brothers to see me do the walk of shame."

"Humm." Noah glanced to the side in thought. "How about we compromise? I'll make you some breakfast now, and then if you are up for it, something more" – he winked – "then you can head over?"

The sight of him reclining in bed, with only a dark grey sheet to cover him, and begging me to feed me — what girl in her right mind dared to say no?

My shoulder slacked in joyous defeat. "Maybe just some quick food."

"You won't regret it." Noah jumped off the bed.

My face turned into a sun-dried tomato. His bare bottom tempted my hand as he walked away. It was so firm, I wanted to poke it. Then there was also THAT. It was one thing to see him in the heat of passion. Another for him to wag it around without a care. Not minding that I was eating every inch of him, and there were many, with my eyes the whole time. He put on some sweatpants, and I wasn't sure if I was glad the distraction was gone or mad I couldn't stare anymore. Probably a bit of both.

He swaggered out of the bedroom, and it wasn't long before I heard the clacking of dishes vibrating from the kitchen.

Deciding to explore rather than stay in bed, I followed suit. Once in the kitchen, I was greeted with the sight of Noah wearing a light blue apron decorated with large flaming peppers. Right on point, Noah.

"Doesn't someone look cute," I winked, rounding the kitchen island.

"I know, no one can resist my spicy paper?" He wagged his eyebrows proudly. "But, you, Miss Cream Puff, should be waiting in bed," he complained as he poured the egg mixture into the frying pan.

I leaned across the counter and swayed my hips sideways, content to watch him run around the kitchen.

"Do you need any help with that?" I asked. He was running back and forth, balancing slicing some fruit and not letting the eggs burn.

"Just calm your cute little ass and let me make you breakfast," he ordered, far too focused on the cooking at hand to even lookup. The whole thing was so endearing. He cut each piece of strawberry and apple with the precision of a surgeon, caring to make each slice a perfect replica of the other. He laid them out in a neatly decorated pattern, spiraling into a flower.

"Do you enjoy cooking?" I asked, marveled by the masterful movement of his fingers. I smirked, remembering just how skilled they were in other matters.

"A little bit. My parents would often work a lot. So, wherever they made food, it was a big family event." The corner of his lip twitched into a smile. He looked up. "How about you?"

I considered his words while I reached for one of the strawberries that he had cut. "Well, it's more of a chore for me. Cooking for three people can be a lot. But, it was fun making sancocho with my mom."

He turned to scramble the eggs, but his ear was perked with attention. "What's sancocho?"

"It's like a big stew, you put in chicken, fumed pork, and beef and about every type of mix of roots you can think of. It's the perfect thing to make in the winter. God! It would be nice to have some right now with a small side of white rice and avocado." I moaned the last part out.

"Sounds delicious," Noah's hazy green eyes focused on me. He bit his lip. "Maybe someday you can make it for me?"

I chuckled at the restrained excitement of his tone. "Maybe, let us see how good this breakfast that you are cooking up is?"

"It will be the best eggs you will ever have. That I promise you. Now, help me carry this to bed before I bend you over the counter and fuck you into the morning for moaning like that."

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